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This is a R implementation of the Unified Single-cell Data Model.

This branch, main, implements the updated specfication. Please also see the main-old branch which implements the original specification.


Using R-universe

This code is hosted at R-universe, so you can do

$ install.packages('tiledbsoma', repos = c('', ''))

From source


  • Source installation requires the tiledb R package (which in turn depends on the tiledb Core library).
  • In general, source installation of TileDB and its packages may require cmake and git to be installed; these are common tools each operating system provides readily.
  • Other R package dependencies are listed in the DESCRIPTION file and can be installed via e.g. remotes::install_deps(".", TRUE). In order to build vignettes, knitr and rmarkdown are required as is testthat for testing. If testthat is invoked directly then pkgbuild is also needed.
  • In addition, the R package also depends on the libtiledbsoma library -- which gets installed with the package as described in the next section.


  • Clone this repository: git clone
  • Change into the R API package directory: cd TileDB-SOMA/apis/r
  • Optionally, clean the files in the repo: ./cleanup (this is not needed the first time)
  • Access to more test data: install.packages("pbmc3k.tiledb", repos="") `
  • Optionally, update the libtiledbsoma sources: ./ (which updates the includes tarball of libtiledbsoma).
  • If you have edited any src/*.cpp with RcppExport then run Rscript -e 'Rcpp::compileAttributes()'
  • Build the R package source tarball from the repository sources: R CMD build . (which will also build libtiledbsoma from source; other dependencies are required as described in the previous section)
  • If you have changed any signatures, run Rscript -e 'roxygen2::roxygenise()'
  • Check and test the package from the tarball: R CMD check --no-vignettes --no-manual tiledbsoma_*.tar.gz
    • For quicker iteration, run Rscript -e 'testthat::test_local("tests/testthat")'
  • Install the package from the tarball: R CMD INSTALL tiledbsoma_*.tar.gz

Once installed successfully, the package sources can be edited and re-installed. The optional clean step ensures a full rebuild, and the optional copy of libtiledbsoma ensures it is updated too.


Please see

Information for developers

Please see the TileDB-SOMA wiki.


Temporary / skunk laboratory -- otherwise please see TileDB-SOMA







No releases published


No packages published