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eddieroger committed Dec 30, 2008
1 parent b0c4661 commit 9494552
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Showing 7 changed files with 452 additions and 792 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
RWikiBot ChangeLog

2.0 ** BREAKING RELEASE** - this will break pretty all 1.X bots.
- It's smart enough now to handle query-continues! As such, there's a new dependency - deep_merge. Get it - it's in gem.
- Made a Page class. now, instead of bot.delete_page(title...), you do page.delete
- Got rid of the stupid Result class. That was a terrible decision.
- edit_page is now save. Part of the Page/class concept
- Changed user-agent to bot/RWikiBot/2.0
- page_exists has been replaced with the page attribute "missing" - this aligns with MW's behavior
- Removed redirects since it doesn't matter anymore now that the API is solidified
- Removed image_embdedded_in since it's defunct
- Removed revisions due to limited functionality
- Removed pageid_to_title because the API is smart enough to not require conversion
- Made the utilities all private because utilities don't need to be public
- Shortened up the code considerably by retuning make_request when I can
- Moved make_request and it's new friend raw_call to utilities because they are.
- Removed normalize since I can get the "missing" attribute when creating a page, and that's good 'nuff

- Added edit functionality to complete the API
- Played catchup with a whole lot of methods
Expand Down
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions README
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
This is RWikiBot 2.0-rc1
This is RWikiBot 2.0

I am not a git project, because as they say, it's the new hotness.
For the most up-to-date information on RWikiBot, how to use it, and why it's amazing, please visit:

New in 2.0 (highlights)
- It's smart enough now to handle query-continues! As such, there's a new dependency - deep_merge. Get it - it's in gem.
- Made a Page class. now, instead of bot.delete_page(title...), you do page.delete
- Got rid of the stupid Result class. That was a terrible decision.
- edit_page is now save. Part of the Page/class concept
- Changed user-agent to bot/RWikiBot/2.0

For more, see the the CHANGELOG.

Author:: Eddie Roger (
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Eddie Roger
License:: GNU/GPL 2.0
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ RUBY_FORGE_USER = 'eddieroger'

spec = do |s|
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY = "rwikibot"
s.version = "2.0" = PKG_NAME
s.version = PKG_VERSION = "Eddie Roger" = "eddieroger @nospam@"
s.summary = "A library for creating MediaWiki bots."
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions lib/errors.rb
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
module Errors
module RWBErrors
class LoginError < StandardError


class RWikiBotError < StandardError


class VersionTooLowError < StandardError

class NotLoggedInError < StandardError

206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions lib/pages.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
## This class defines a MediaWiki page. Think of it like this: the bot handles site related stuff, but to take action on a page, you need a page object.
require 'rwikibot'
require 'errors'

module Pages
include RWBErrors

class Page
attr_reader :title, :namespace, :new, :length, :counter, :lastrevid

# Creates a new Page object.
def initialize(bot, title='')
@bot = bot

# Get page attributes
info = info(title)

@title = info['title']
@namespace = info['ns']
@new = info.has_key?('new')
@length = info['length']
@counter = info ['counter']
@lastrevid = info['lastrevid']
@missing = info.has_key?('missing')


# This will get only the content of the article. It is a modification of revisions to specifically pull the content. I thought it would be useful.
def content(options = nil)

post_me = {'prop' => 'revisions', 'titles' => @title, 'rvprop' => 'content'}

# Handle any additional options
if options != nil
options.each_pair do |key, value|
post_me[key] = value

# Make the request. Becuase we care.
revisions_result = @bot.make_request('query', post_me )
return revisions_result.fetch('pages').fetch('page').fetch('revisions').fetch('rev')

# If you have to ask what this method does, don't use it. Seriously, use with caution - this method does not have a confirmation step, and deleted (while restorable) are immediate.
def delete(reason="Deleted by RWikiBot")
raise RWBErrors::VersionTooLowError unless @bot.meets_version_requirement(1,12)
raise RWBErrors::NotLoggedInError unless @bot.logged_in?

post_me = {
'title' => @title ,
'token' => get_token('delete') ,
'reason' => reason

return delete_result = @bot.make_request('delete',post_me)

# This method fetches any article that links to the article given in 'title'. Returned in alphabetical order.
def backlinks (titles, options = nil)
raise VersionTooLowError unless meets_version_requirement(1,9)

# This will get all pages. Limits vary based on user rights of the Bot. Set to bot.
post_me = {'list' => 'backlinks', 'titles' => "#{title}" }

if options != nil
options.each_pair do |key, value|
post_me[key] = value

#make the request
backlinks_result = make_request('query', post_me)

if backlinks_result.success?
return backlinks_result.get_result.fetch('backlinks')
return backlinks_result.get_message

# This method pulls any page that includes the template requested. Please note - the template must be the full name, like "Template:Disputed" or "Template:Awesome".
def embedded_in (options = nil)
raise VersionTooLowError unless @bot.meets_version_requirement(1,9)

# This will get all pages. Limits vary based on user rights of the Bot. Set to bot.
post_me = {'list' => 'embeddedin', 'eititle' => @title }

if options != nil
options.each_pair do |key, value|
post_me[key] = value

#make the request
embeddedin_result = @bot.make_request('query', post_me)
return embeddedin_result.fetch('embeddedin').fetch('ei')

# I decided to split this up since I wanted to normalize the bot framework as much as possible, or in other words, make it as easy to use as possible. I think the sacrifice of more methods is worth having more English looking code. Its the Ruby way.
# Info will return information about the page, from namespace to normalized title, last touched, etc.
def info (titles)
# Basic quqery info
post_me = {"prop" => "info", 'titles' => titles}

# Make the request
info_result = @bot.make_request('query', post_me)

return info_result.fetch('pages').fetch('page')

# This method will let you move a page from one name to another. A move token is required for this to work. Keep that in mind. (get_token much?)
def move(to, reason, movetalk = true, noredirect = false)
raise RWBErrors::VersionTooLowError unless @bot.meets_version_requirement(1,12)
raise RWBErrors::NotLoggedInError unless @bot.logged_in?

post_me = {
'from' => @title ,
'to' => "#{to}" ,
'token' => get_token('move') ,
'reason' => "#{reason}" ,

# These ifs are necessary because they should only be part of post_me if the passed vars are true (which they are by default)
if movetalk
post_me['movetalk'] = ''
if noredirect
post_me['noredirect'] = ''

return @bot.make_request('move', post_me)

# Rollback does what it says - rolls back an article one version in the wiki. This is a function that requires not only a token, but a previous user.
def rollback (summary="", markbot=true)

temp_token = get_token("rollback") # special for rollback. Stupid rollback.
post_me = {
'title' => @title,
'token' => temp_token['token'],
'user' => temp_token['user'],
'summary' => summary

if markbot
post_me['markbot'] = ''

return @bot.make_request('rollback', post_me)

# This method is used to edit pages. Not much more to say about it. Be sure you're logged in and got a token (get_token). Options is an array (or hash) of extra values allowed by the API.
def save(content, summary = nil, options = nil)

post_me = {
'text' => "#{content}" ,
'token' => get_token("edit") ,
'title' => @title ,
# 'lgtoken' => @config['lgtoken'] ,
'summary' => "#{summary}" ,
'edittime' =>"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ,
# 'userid' => @config.fetch('lguserid') ,

if options.nil? == FALSE
options.each do |key, value|
post_me[key] = value
return @bot.make_request('edit', post_me).fetch('result')

# This method should universally return tokens, just give title and type. You will receive a token string (suitable for use in other methods), so plan accordingly.
# Use an edit token for both editing and creating articles (edit_article, create_article). For rollback, more than just a token is required. So, for token=rollback, you get a hash of token|user. Just the way it goes.
def get_token(intoken)
if intoken.downcase == 'rollback'
#specific to rollback
post_me = {
'prop' => 'revisions' ,
'rvtoken' => intoken ,
'titles' => @title
post_me = {
'prop' => 'info',
'intoken' => intoken,
'titles' => @title
raw_token = @bot.make_request('query', post_me)

if intoken.downcase == 'rollback'
# Damn this decision to make rollback special!. Wasn't mine, I just have to live by it.
token2 = raw_token.fetch('pages').fetch('page').fetch('revisions').fetch('rev')
return {'token' => token2.fetch('rollbacktoken') , 'user' => token2.fetch('user')}
return raw_token.fetch('pages').fetch('page').fetch("#{intoken}token")
end #class

end #module

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