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210 How Can you Compare State Management Solutions to Evaluate Them?

eddiesTime edited this page Jun 1, 2020 · 4 revisions
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To compare different state management solutions, I had to find a scenario in which they can be compared. For this purpose, I have decided to implement each pattern in the same example application.

But this led to another problem: You don’t want to write the application every time from scratch, or to be more precise, rewrite big chunks of the app only to fit in a different SMS.

That is where the principle of orthogonality [22] is useful.

Principle of Orthogonality

This principle emphasizes the benefits of independence or decoupling of components. One of the advantages is that changes in one component do not affect any of the other. So, in this case, if you change the state management solution, it does not affect the other parts of our application.

I have shown how the amount of refactoring can be reduced with the principle of orthogonality.

The next challenge is to find an architecture that follows this principle.

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