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Mono Repository App in Subdirectory

bharendt edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 1 revision

Mono-Repository / App in Subdirectory

If your project to build is in a subdirectory of the git directory, you can set the BUILD_AT config to that subdirectory and adjust it while the repository is pushed to the build host using a pre hook. It must be reset then to the path containing the subdirectory before building.

# .deliver/config
# set build directory to sub directory containing the app to build

pre_init_app_remotely() {
  # store current value to be able to restore it later
  # set the build directory to the parent directory of the
  # app (sub) directory for git operations
  DELIVER_TO="$(dirname $DELIVER_TO)"
  # repeat that for each subdir-level

pre_erlang_get_and_update_deps() {
 # restore build directory including subdir for building