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Advanced JavaScript CA2 || April 2019 📓 🌿

◆ Develop a full web application stack (front end and back end) using ~ MERN ◆

CA Requirements 🍩

  • Make use of the technologies MongoDB, Express, React, Node.
  • Follow best practice using JS ES6 features where appropriate.
  • Your React app should follow the best practices outlined in the CA1 assignment brief.
  • MongoDB database should be populated with appropriate sample data.
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete operations must be facilitated.
  • Hosted online, e.g. using Heroku and MongoDB Atlas.
  • Your code should be formatted appropriately. See the lecture notes for code style guidelines and examples. Consider using a code linter.
  • Some basic styling (CSS) applied. Should be responsive and work on desktop, mobile and tablet resolutions.

Local Setup

This React application uses MDC React and requires a bit of extra setup to get started. To be able to run this locally you will need to install Sass using npm install -g sass.

Then clone the repository and install the app regularly with npm install.

To get MDC React Components to work with create-react-app you need to set a SASS_PATH environment variable that points to your node_modules directory. To quickly do this on OS X enter the following in your command line:

export SASS_PATH=./node_modules

If you're on Windows use the following:

SET SASS_PATH=.\node_modules


Advanced JavaScript CA2






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