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EdgeDB Deno driver

⚠️ edgedb-deno support is currently experimental. See details ⚠️

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edgedb-deno is the official EdgeDB driver for Deno. 🦕

This repo is automatically generated from the source of the edgedb-js driver. For documentation, issues, or details about the development of edgedb-deno, please refer to the edgedb-js repo.


import * as edgedb from "";

Following Deno convention it is recommended to always import a specific tagged version of edgedb-deno, and to not import from the underscored /_src path (all of edgedb-deno's public API is exported from the /mod.ts file).

The main branch of this repo mirrors the latest commits to the master branch of edgedb-js, though it not recommended to import from this branch directly, as it may contain breaking changes.

Quick start

First install EdgeDB, then create and start an EdgeDB instance. The tutorial in the EdgeDB docs is a good place to get started:

Now you're ready to import edgedb-deno and start querying your database:

import * as edgedb from "";

const conn = await edgedb.connect("tutorial");

console.log(await conn.queryOne("SELECT 1 + <int64>$num", { num: 2 }));

await conn.close();

For the full documentation see the edgedb-js docs.


Deno doesn't currently support TLS ALPN for client connections. Because of this deno support is experimental. To use deno with the latest version of EdgeDB the server needs to be run using either the --allow-insecure-binary-clients flag or setting the EDGEDB_SERVER_ALLOW_INSECURE_BINARY_CLIENTS environment variable.


The permissions edgedb-deno may require are detailed below:

--allow-net (required)

This permission is required to connect to EdgeDB instances.

--allow-env (optional)

Needed if connecting with an instance name, to get your home directory (where the .edgedb directory is located).

--allow-read (optional)

Needed if connecting with an instance name, to read the instance credentials file from <home-dir>/.edgedb/credentials.

--unstable flag

edgedb-deno supports connecting to an EdgeDB instance via a unix socket file, however this currently requires using the --unstable flag, and the --allow-read and --allow-write permissions for the socket file.