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Client Libraries

EdgeDB implements libraries for popular languages that make it easier to work with EdgeDB. These libraries provide a common set of functionality.

  • Instantiating clients. Most libraries implement a Client class that internally manages a pool of physical connections to your EdgeDB instance.
  • Resolving connections. All client libraries implement a standard protocol for determining how to connect to your database. In most cases, this will involve checking for special environment variables like EDGEDB_DSN or, in the case of EdgeDB Cloud instances, EDGEDB_INSTANCE and EDGEDB_SECRET_KEY. (More on this in :ref:`the Connection section below <ref_intro_clients_connection>`.)
  • Executing queries. A Client will provide some methods for executing queries against your database. Under the hood, this query is executed using EdgeDB's efficient binary protocol.


For some use cases, you may not need a client library. EdgeDB allows you to execute :ref:`queries over HTTP <ref_edgeql_http>`. This is slower than the binary protocol and lacks support for transactions and rich data types, but may be suitable if a client library isn't available for your language of choice.

Available libraries

To execute queries from your application code, use one of EdgeDB's client libraries for the following languages.


To follow along with the guide below, first create a new directory and initialize a project.

$ mydir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ edgedb project init

Configure the environment as needed for your preferred language.

.. tabs::

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Node.js

    $ npm init -y
    $ tsc --init # (TypeScript only)
    $ touch index.ts

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Deno

    $ touch index.ts

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Python

    $ python -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ touch

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Rust

    $ cargo init

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Go

    $ go mod init example/quickstart
    $ touch hello.go

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: .NET

    $ dotnet new console -o . -f net6.0

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Maven (Java)

    $ touch

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Gradle (Java)

    $ touch

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Elixir

    $ mix new edgedb_quickstart

Install the EdgeDB client library.

.. tabs::

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Node.js

    $ npm install edgedb    # npm
    $ yarn add edgedb       # yarn

  .. code-tab:: txt
    :caption: Deno


  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Python

    $ pip install edgedb

  .. code-tab:: toml
    :caption: Rust

    # Cargo.toml

    edgedb-tokio = "0.5.0"
    # Additional dependency
    tokio = { version = "1.28.1", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Go

    $ go get

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: .NET

    $ dotnet add package EdgeDB.Net.Driver

  .. code-tab:: xml
    :caption: Maven (Java)

    // pom.xml

  .. code-tab::
    :caption: Gradle (Java)

    // build.gradle
    implementation 'com.edgedb:driver'

  .. code-tab:: elixir
    :caption: Elixir

    # mix.exs
    {:edgedb, "~> 0.6.0"}

Copy and paste the following simple script. This script initializes a Client instance. Clients manage an internal pool of connections to your database and provide a set of methods for executing queries.


Note that we aren't passing connection information (say, a connection URL) when creating a client. The client libraries can detect that they are inside a project directory and connect to the project-linked instance automatically. For details on configuring connections, refer to the :ref:`Connection <ref_intro_clients_connection>` section below.

.. tabs::

  .. code-tab:: typescript
    :caption: Node.js

    import {createClient} from 'edgedb';

    const client = createClient();

    client.querySingle(`select random()`).then((result) => {

  .. code-tab:: typescript
    :caption: Deno

    import {createClient} from '';

    const client = createClient();

    const result = await client.querySingle(`select random()`);

  .. code-tab:: python

    from edgedb import create_client

    client = create_client()

    result = client.query_single("select random()")

  .. code-tab:: rust

    // src/
    async fn main() {
        let conn = edgedb_tokio::create_client()
            .expect("Client initiation");
        let val = conn
            .query_required_single::<f64, _>("select random()", &())
            .expect("Returning value");
        println!("Result: {}", val);

  .. code-tab:: go

    // hello.go
    package main

    import (


    func main() {
      ctx := context.Background()
      client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, edgedb.Options{})
      if err != nil {
      defer client.Close()

      var result float64
      err = client.
        QuerySingle(ctx, "select random();", &result)
      if err != nil {


  .. code-tab:: csharp
    :caption: .NET

    using EdgeDB;

    var client = new EdgeDBClient();
    var result = await client.QuerySingleAsync<double>("select random();");

  .. code-tab:: java
    :caption: Futures (Java)

    import com.edgedb.driver.EdgeDBClient;
    import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            var client = new EdgeDBClient();

            client.querySingle(String.class, "select random();")

  .. code-tab:: java
    :caption: Reactor (Java)

    import com.edgedb.driver.EdgeDBClient;
    import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            var client = new EdgeDBClient();

            Mono.fromFuture(client.querySingle(String.class, "select random();"))

  .. code-tab:: elixir
    :caption: Elixir

    # lib/edgedb_quickstart.ex
    defmodule EdgeDBQuickstart do
      def run do
        {:ok, client} = EdgeDB.start_link()
        result = EdgeDB.query_single!(client, "select random()")

Finally, execute the file.

.. tabs::

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Node.js

    $ npx tsx index.ts

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Deno

    $ deno run --allow-all --unstable index.deno.ts

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Python

    $ python

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Rust

    $ cargo run

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Go

    $ go run .

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: .NET

    $ dotnet run

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Java

    $ javac
    $ java Main

  .. code-tab:: bash
    :caption: Elixir

    $ mix run -e

You should see a random number get printed to the console. This number was generated inside your EdgeDB instance using EdgeQL's built-in :eql:func:`random` function.


All client libraries implement a standard protocol for determining how to connect to your database.

Using projects

In development, we recommend :ref:`initializing a project <ref_intro_projects>` in the root of your codebase.

$ edgedb project init

Once the project is initialized, any code that uses an official client library will automatically connect to the project-linked instance—no need for environment variables or hard-coded credentials. Follow the :ref:`Using projects <ref_guide_using_projects>` guide to get started.

Using environment variables

For EdgeDB Cloud

In production, connection information can be securely passed to the client library via environment variables. For EdgeDB Cloud instances, the recommended variables to set are EDGEDB_INSTANCE and EDGEDB_SECRET_KEY.

Set EDGEDB_INSTANCE to <org-name>/<instance-name> where <instance-name> is the name you set when you created the EdgeDB Cloud instance.

If you have not yet created a secret key, you can do so in the EdgeDB Cloud UI or by running :ref:`ref_cli_edgedb_cloud_secretkey_create` via the CLI.

For self-hosted instances

Most commonly for self-hosted remote instances, you set a value for the EDGEDB_DSN environment variable.


If environment variables like EDGEDB_DSN are defined inside a project directory, the environment variables will take precedence.

A DSN is also known as a "connection string" and takes the following form.


Each element of the DSN is optional; in fact edgedb:// is a technically a valid DSN. Any unspecified element will default to the following values.

<host> localhost
<port> 5656
<user> edgedb
<password> null

A typical DSN may look like this:


DSNs can also contain the following query parameters.

branch The database branch to connect to within the given instance. Defaults to main.

The TLS security mode. Accepts the following values.

  • "strict" (default) — verify certificates and hostnames
  • "no_host_verification" — verify certificates only
  • "insecure" — trust self-signed certificates
tls_ca_file A filesystem path pointing to a CA root certificate. This is usually only necessary when attempting to connect via TLS to a remote instance with a self-signed certificate.

These parameters can be added to any DSN using web-standard query string notation.


For a more comprehensive guide to DSNs, see the :ref:`DSN Specification <ref_dsn>`.

Using multiple environment variables

If needed for your deployment pipeline, each element of the DSN can be specified independently.



If a value for EDGEDB_DSN is defined, it will override these variables!

Other mechanisms


A path to a .json file containing connection information. In some scenarios (including local Docker development) its useful to represent connection information with files.

  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 10700,
  "user": "testuser",
  "password": "testpassword",
  "branch": "main",
  "tls_cert_data": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nabcdef..."
EDGEDB_INSTANCE (local/EdgeDB Cloud only)

The name of an instance. Useful only for local or EdgeDB Cloud instances.


For more on EdgeDB Cloud instances, see the :ref:`EdgeDB Cloud instance connection section <ref_intro_clients_connection_cloud>` above.


These are the most common ways to connect to an instance, however EdgeDB supports several other options for advanced use cases. For a complete reference on connection configuration, see :ref:`Reference > Connection Parameters <ref_reference_connection>`.