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This page is intended as a rapid-fire overview of EdgeDB's schema definition language (SDL) so you can hit the ground running with EdgeDB. Refer to the linked pages for more in-depth documentation!

Scalar types

EdgeDB implements a rigorous type system containing the following primitive types.

Strings str
Booleans bool
Numbers int16 int32 int64 float32 float64 bigint decimal
UUID uuid
JSON json
Dates and times datetime cal::local_datetime cal::local_date cal::local_time
Durations duration cal::relative_duration cal::date_duration
Binary data bytes
Auto-incrementing counters sequence
Enums enum<x, y, z>

These primitives can be combined into arrays, tuples, and ranges.

Arrays array<str>
Tuples (unnamed) tuple<str, int64, bool>
Tuples (named) tuple<name: str, age: int64, is_awesome: bool>
Ranges range<float64>

Collectively, primitive and collection types comprise EdgeDB's scalar type system.

Object types

Object types are analogous to tables in SQL. They can contain properties, which can correspond to any scalar types, and links, which can correspond to any object types.


Declare a property by naming it and setting its type.

type Movie {
  property title -> str;
type Movie {
  title: str;

The property keyword can be omitted for non-computed properties since EdgeDB v3.

See :ref:`Schema > Object types <ref_std_object_types>`.

Required vs optional

Properties are optional by default. Use the required keyword to make them required.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;       # required
  property release_year -> int64;       # optional
type Movie {
  required title: str;       # required
  release_year: int64;       # optional

See :ref:`Schema > Properties <ref_datamodel_props>`.


Add a pair of curly braces after the property to define additional information, including constraints.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str {
    constraint exclusive;
    constraint min_len_value(8);
    constraint regexp(r'^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$');
type Movie {
  required title: str {
    constraint exclusive;
    constraint min_len_value(8);
    constraint regexp(r'^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$');

See :ref:`Schema > Constraints <ref_datamodel_constraints>`.

Computed properties

Object types can contain computed properties that correspond to EdgeQL expressions. This expression is dynamically computed whenever the property is queried.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  property uppercase_title := str_upper(.title);
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  property uppercase_title := str_upper(.title);
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  uppercase_title := str_upper(.title);

See :ref:`Schema > Computeds <ref_datamodel_computed>`.


Object types can have links to other object types.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  link director -> Person;

type Person {
  required property name -> str;
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  director: Person;

type Person {
  required name: str;

The link keyword can be omitted for non-computed links since EdgeDB v3.

Use the required and multi keywords to specify the cardinality of the relation.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;

  link cinematographer -> Person;             # zero or one
  required link director -> Person;           # exactly one
  multi link writers -> Person;               # zero or more
  required multi link actors -> Person;       # one or more

type Person {
  required property name -> str;
type Movie {
  required title: str;

  cinematographer: Person;             # zero or one
  required director: Person;           # exactly one
  multi writers: Person;               # zero or more
  required multi actors: Person;       # one or more

type Person {
  required name: str;

To define a one-to-one relation, use an exclusive constraint.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  required link stats -> MovieStats {
    constraint exclusive;

type MovieStats {
  required property budget -> int64;
  required property box_office -> int64;
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  required stats: MovieStats {
    constraint exclusive;

type MovieStats {
  required budget: int64;
  required box_office: int64;

See :ref:`Schema > Links <ref_datamodel_links>`.

Computed links

Objects can contain "computed links": stored expressions that return a set of objects. Computed links are dynamically computed when they are referenced in queries. The example below defines a backlink.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  multi link actors -> Person;

  # returns all movies with same title
  multi link same_title := (
    with t := .title
    select detached Movie filter .title = t
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  multi actors: Person;

  # returns all movies with same title
  multi link same_title := (
    with t := .title
    select detached Movie filter .title = t
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  multi actors: Person;

  # returns all movies with same title
  multi same_title := (
    with t := .title
    select detached Movie filter .title = t


A common use case for computed links is backlinks.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  multi link actors -> Person;

type Person {
  required property name -> str;
  multi link acted_in := .<actors[is Movie];
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  multi actors: Person;

type Person {
  required name: str;
  multi link acted_in := .<actors[is Movie];
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  multi actors: Person;

type Person {
  required name: str;
  multi acted_in := .<actors[is Movie];

The computed link acted_in returns all Movie objects with a link called actors that points to the current Person. The easiest way to understand backlink syntax is to split it into two parts:

This uses a special syntax .< to return all objects in the database with a link called actors that points to the current object. This set could conceivably contain other objects besides Movie; for instance, we could define a TVShow type that also included link actors -> Person.
[is Movie]
This is a type filter that filters out all objects that aren't Movie objects. A backlink still works without this filter, but could contain any other number of objects besides Movie objects.

See :ref:`Schema > Computeds > Backlinks <ref_datamodel_links_backlinks>`.


Constraints can also be defined at the object level.

type BlogPost {
  property title -> str;
  link author -> User;

  constraint exclusive on ((.title, .author));
type BlogPost {
  title: str;
  author: User;

  constraint exclusive on ((.title, .author));

Constraints can contain exceptions; these are called partial constraints.

type BlogPost {
  property title -> str;
  property published -> bool;

  constraint exclusive on (.title) except (not .published);
type BlogPost {
  title: str;
  published: bool;

  constraint exclusive on (.title) except (not .published);


Use index on to define indexes on an object type.

type Movie {
  required property title -> str;
  required property release_year -> int64;

  index on (.title);                        # simple index
  index on ((.title, .release_year));       # composite index
  index on (str_trim(str_lower(.title)));   # computed index
type Movie {
  required title: str;
  required release_year: int64;

  index on (.title);                        # simple index
  index on ((.title, .release_year));       # composite index
  index on (str_trim(str_lower(.title)));   # computed index

The id property, all links, and all properties with exclusive constraints are automatically indexed.

See :ref:`Schema > Indexes <ref_datamodel_indexes>`.

Schema mixins

Object types can be declared as abstract. Non-abstract types can extend abstract types.

abstract type Content {
  required property title -> str;

type Movie extending Content {
  required property release_year -> int64;

type TVShow extending Content {
  required property num_seasons -> int64;
abstract type Content {
  required title: str;

type Movie extending Content {
  required release_year: int64;

type TVShow extending Content {
  required num_seasons: int64;

Multiple inheritance is supported.

abstract type HasTitle {
  required property title -> str;

abstract type HasReleaseYear {
  required property release_year -> int64;

type Movie extending HasTitle, HasReleaseYear {
  link sequel_to -> Movie;
abstract type HasTitle {
  required title: str;

abstract type HasReleaseYear {
  required release_year: int64;

type Movie extending HasTitle, HasReleaseYear {
  sequel_to: Movie;

See :ref:`Schema > Object types > Inheritance <ref_datamodel_objects_inheritance>`.


Links can correspond to abstract types. These are known as polymorphic links.

abstract type Content {
  required property title -> str;

type Movie extending Content {
  required property release_year -> int64;

type TVShow extending Content {
  required property num_seasons -> int64;

type Franchise {
  required property name -> str;
  multi link entries -> Content;
abstract type Content {
  required title: str;

type Movie extending Content {
  required release_year: int64;

type TVShow extending Content {
  required num_seasons: int64;

type Franchise {
  required name: str;
  multi entries: Content;

See :ref:`Schema > Links > Polymorphism <ref_datamodel_link_polymorphic>` and :ref:`EdgeQL > Select > Polymorphic queries <ref_eql_select_polymorphic>`.