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eduardoejp edited this page May 24, 2012 · 3 revisions

(use 'clj-orient.graph)

Note: You cannot use any type of document as a vertex or an edge. The classes must be explicitly declared to be vertices or edges. You do this by using create-vertex-type! and create-edge-type!, or by using the schema definition functionality and deriving your classes from OGraphVertex and OGraphEdge.

You can set root nodes using add-root!, which takes a keyword naming the root and you access your roots with get-root.

link! allows you to connect your vertices with an edge, e.g.:

(link! john jane)
(link! john :knows jane)
(link! john :knows {:since (java.util.Date.)} jane)

Remember to save your edges after creating them.

If you read the Document DB wiki page, you'll know that accessing :out and :in properties of vertices and edges will return you results not wrapped by the CljODoc type. To solve it, use functions like get-edges and get-vertex, which will wrap the results for you.

get-ends differs from get-edges in that it will return you the vertices at the ends of the edges.

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