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Demo (Web Version)

See WEBROOT for a demo (chrome only - other browsers don't yet support the Web Components standard).

Installing and Running (Web Version)


Installing and Running (Android Version)

This is a Mobile Chrome App - the Mobile Chrome Apps site has more detailed deployment instructions.

First, install git, nodejs and python 3 and clone the repository:

git clone

Now run the following command to download the video files (from the edufeed directory):

node scripts/download_videos.js

Then, install the Android SDK (comes with Android Studio) on your desktop.

Then, install the Chrome App Developer Tool on your Android device.

Then install the Chrome Apps for Mobile toolchain to your desktop.

Now, install the USB drivers for your Android device (for either Nexus or other devices) on your desktop, enable USB Debugging on your Android device, open the Chrome App Developer Tool on the Android device, hook up your Android device to your desktop, and run the following command to deploy the app (from the edufeed directory):

cca run android --device

Setting up Accounts

Account Creation

Visit the signup page: http://localhost:8080/signup.html

If you are creating accounts for an entire new set of users in the classes file, you can run:

node scripts/create_users

Logging in

Visit the feed page, and open the admin console (it should be the first feed item). It will have a place for you to log in.

The password to get into the admin window is edu, which can be reset to any string in openItem in

Offline Caching and Customization

Customizing Feed Items

To customize the set of sample feed items (which you can insert from the admin activity, in the Add sample feed items section), edit the function getAllFeedItems in - it returns a dictionary mapping from activity type to a list of feed items.

To customize the set of all feed items (which are suggested by the task suggestion algorithm), edit the function getSampleFeedItems in - it returns a dictionary mapping from activity type to a list of feed items, listed in ascending order of difficulty.

Customzing Task Suggestions

To customize the item recommendation algorithm (which determines which items to insert into the feed after you complete one), you can choose from one of the existing, already-implemented algorithms in the admin console (see the selector box titled Task Suggestion Formula). They are:

  • one_more_of_the_sametype: Inserts one more task, with the same type as the task you just finished.
  • one_of_different_type: Inserts one more task, with a different type from the task you just finished.
  • three_same_then_one_different: Inserts one more task, with the same type as the task you just finished. If it has already inserted 3 tasks of the same type in a row, it will insert a different type.
  • one_same_and_one_different (default): Inserts two tasks: one with the same item type as the task you just finished, and one with a different item type.

To add a new one, add a function to the dictionary returned by getTaskSuggestionFormulas in

Customizing Classes

Users who are in the same class will be able to share activities with each other. The list of classes can be edited at classes.yaml

Customizing Profile Pictures

By default, the profile pic shown will be the first Bing images search result for the username. If you want a different profile pic, add an image in either png or jpg format, to the profilepics folder, and edit the profilepic_paths.yaml file to add an entry from the username to the profile pic (or use the script, instructions below).

Customizing Word-Task Images

By default, the image shown for a word-task will be the first Bing images search result for the word. If you want a different image shown, add an image in either png or jpg format, to the images folder, and edit the image_paths.yaml file to add an entry from the username to the profile pic (or use the script, instructions below).

The script automates the task of downloading images from bing and putting them in the www/images folder. To run it, provide a list of search queries to download as arguments:

node scripts/fetch_bing_image.js cat dog mouse

(If you get any errors about missing modules, run the command npm install and try again)

Caching Speech Synthesis Results

By default, the voice synthesis result for the word will be from Google's speech synthesis service. If you want to cache it, or have something else said for a word, add an audio file in mp3 format to the speechsynth_en folder, and edit the speechsynth_en_paths.yaml file to add an entry from the utterance to the file name (or use the script, instructions below).

The script automates the task of downloading speech synthesis audio recordings and putting them in the www/speechsynth_en folder. To run it, provide a list of words to download as arguments:

node scripts/fetch_speechsynth.js cat dog mouse

(Note that this script does not currently work, as Google has started blocking it and returns a CAPTCHA instead of the mp3 file)

The speech is also cached in base64-format strings in the file filecache.js, to allow for faster access. To update this file, run:

node scripts/make_filecache.js

Another way to cache speech by hand and to ensure it has an Indian accent is by going to, changing the language to Hindi, and submitting and downloading the appropriate English word to the folder, as explained above.

Generating the directory listing yaml files

The script automates the task of generating the image_paths.yaml, profilepic_paths.yaml, and speechsynth_en files based on the contents of the corresponding directories (images, profilepics, speechsynth_en). Run it using:

node scripts/make_directory_listings.js

Downloading Videos and Making Video Playlists

The videos are specified as youtube video IDs in the getFeedVideoLists function of

The videos are not in this repository to conserve space. Running the following scripts will download the videos to the directory www/videos/youtube and generate thumbnails in www/videos/youtube_thumbnails (if you are not satisfied with the thumbnail for a video, edit scripts/ to adjust the point the thumbnail is taken from)

node scripts/download_videos.js

An example of adding a new activity consisting of a video playlist is shown here


There is a global variable named audio_disabled in If you set this variable to true, then all audio will be turned off in the device. Because of this, there is a timeout in www/balance.js, www/addition.js, and www/subtraction.js so that it waits a second before moving onto the next screen.


If it is your first time saving log files, run npm install json2csv. Make sure you have a folder named 'logs' in the edufeed directory.

Viewing Log Analysis Results

You can view the log analysis results for the current user the following ways:

  • On the tablet, go to the admin console and click the Display Log Analysis button
  • On the server, run the command node scripts/view_log_analysis.js geza (substituting geza with the username you want to view log analysis results for)

Results will look like follows. The code that does the log analysis is in

  "number of activities started": 13,
  "number of activities finished": 3,
  "number of activities left": 7,
  "number of total share events": 2,
  "number of unique activities shared": 1,
  "number of shares to each person in the class": {
    "geza": 2
  "identities of posters for activities started": {
    "mouse": 13
  "identities of posters for activities finished": {
    "mouse": 3
  "identities of posters for activities left": {
    "mouse": 7
  "types of activities started": {
    "admin": 8,
    "video": 1,
    "balance": 1,
    "typeword": 2,
    "dots": 1
  "types of activities finished": {
    "balance": 1,
    "typeword": 2
  "types of activities left": {
    "admin": 5,
    "video": 1,
    "dots": 1
  "total duration app has been open in seconds (within 10 seconds including idle time)": 580,
  "total duration app has been active (excluding idle periods greater than 10 seconds)": 210,
  "total time spent on each activity type (within 10 seconds including idle time)": {
    "side-scroll-feed": 20,
    "video": 30,
    "balance": 10,
    "typeword": 50,
    "taskfinished-sharing": 200,
    "admin": 260,
    "tutorial": 10
  "total active time spent on each activity type (excluding idle periods greater than 10 seconds)": {
    "side-scroll-feed": 20,
    "video": 10,
    "balance": 10,
    "typeword": 50,
    "taskfinished-sharing": 30,
    "admin": 80,
    "tutorial": 10

Saving Log Analysis Results to JSON and CSV Files

There are a few different ways to save log files as JSON and CSV files.

First, to save individual logs:

  • On the server, run the command node scripts/log_to_csv.js geza (substituting geza with the username you want to save log analysis results for). This will create both a JSON file, that will look the same as the view of the log file shown above, and a CSV file. They will both be saved in the same folder.
  • Alternatively, if you just want to create a JSON file, you can run the command node scripts/view_log_analysis.js geza (substituting geza with the username you want to save the log analysis results for). This will print the log results and also save a JSON log file for the user.

To save logs for all users:

  • On the server, run the command node scripts/view_log_analysis_allusers.js | grep -v 'fetching logs for' > class_output.json, which will save a JSON file with all of the logs in it called class_output.json. This can be substituted with any JSON file name.
  • Next, run the command node scripts/all_logs_json_to_csv.js class_output, where class_output is the same name as the JSON file as above. This will convert the JSON file to a CSV file, which you can import into SPSS to run stats.

Viewing Logs

You can view the logs the following ways:

  • On the tablet, go to the admin console and either download or view the logs (warning: viewing them directly on the tablet might freeze the app if there's too many logs to display)
  • On the server, run the command node scripts/view_logs.js geza (substituting geza with the username you want to view log analysis results for)
  • Visit http://localhost:5984/_utils/ (or wherever the couchdb is hosted) and log in with same username/password credentials you signed up with. The logs will be in the database logs_USERNAME.

Sample Feed Items

See for the list of activities, and the algorithm that recommends the next task.

Development Details

The frontend is built using HTML5 Web Components and Polymer.

The backend is powered by node.js, express, couchdb and pouchdb

Code is written in LiveScript.

Frontend Architecture

Activities and Thumbnails

Each activity is associated with a thumbnail. The thumbnail is a square that is inserted into the feed, while the activity is the full-screen interactive educational task.

A list of activities and thumbnails can be found in feed-items.html.

An example activity: example-activity.html and

An example thumbnail: example-thumbnail.html and

To add a new activity, create the activity and thumbnail html file, and add it to feed-items.html. If you are not following the itemname-thumbnail itemname-activity naming convention, you will also need to add it to the itemtypes dictionary in This commit has a complete example.

Side-Scrolling Feed

The feed is located in side-scroll-feed.html. The logic that inserts items into the feed is in

To insert items into the feed, use the addItemToFeed method, passing in a dictionary where itemtype is the unprefixed form of the activity/thumbnail (ie, example, typeword), and data is a dictionary with the properties that should be set on the activity and thumbnail, and social is a dictionary that can contain a string poster and an array finishedby.

Here is an example for the typeword activity:

{itemtype: 'typeword', data: {word: 'dog'}, social: {poster: 'dog', finishedby: ['zebra']}}

Here is an example for the example activity:

{itemtype: 'example', data: {foo: 'somefooval', bar: 'somebarval'}, social: {poster: 'mouse', finishedby: ['elephant']}}

See for more examples.

Backend Architecture

Entry point is in


No feed items

Open the admin console, go to Add sample feed items, and click the defaults button.

Local database Not Syncing to Remote Database

As it stands now, the system does not indicate who finished particular activities underneath the activity thumbnails because it was preventing updates (i.e., logs syncing, shares being added to feeds). Thus, when on the Internet, the local databases should be updating to the remote database.

However, if the remote database is not synced with the local database on the tab:

  • Connect to the Internet on the tab
  • Opening the edufeed application
  • Log into the users' accounts for which the remote db is not syncing
  • Wait a few seconds
  • Recheck the remote database (as per the viewing logs on the server section above) as compared to the local logs on the tab (as per the viewing logs on the tab section)

Sync Errors

If you are having sync errors and are using a standalone server, please ensure that

Database Errors

Possible source of sync errors is that your database format is outdated. You can delete all server-side databases using the following command:

node scripts/delete_all_databases

And you can then delete all tablet-side databases by going to the admin console and clicking the Delete All Local Databases for all users (or by going to the android application manager and clearing all app data there).

And after restarting the server and tablet app, the sync issues should hopefully be gone.

If you delete all of the databases on cloudant, you'll need to make a new database called '_users' before running:

node scripts/create_users

to repopulate the database.