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Changed pattern syntax, and added options
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(Partial, and Rec, although they currently do nothing)t

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eb committed Jan 29, 2007
1 parent 38bf5ff commit 951554b
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Showing 5 changed files with 49 additions and 29 deletions.
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions Ivor/PatternDefs.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,15 @@

> import Debug.Trace
> import Data.List
> import Monad

Use the iota schemes from Datatype to represent pattern matching definitions.

> checkDef :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> Raw -> [PMRaw] ->
> Bool -> -- Check for coverage
> Bool -> -- Check for well-foundedness
> m (PMFun Name, Indexed Name)
> checkDef gam fn tyin pats = do
> checkDef gam fn tyin pats cover wellfounded = do
> --x <- expandCon gam (mkapp (Var (UN "S")) [mkapp (Var (UN "S")) [Var (UN "x")]])
> --x <- expandCon gam (mkapp (Var (UN "vcons")) [RInfer,RInfer,RInfer,mkapp (Var (UN "vnil")) [Var (UN "foo")]])
> clausesIn <- mapM (expandClause gam) pats
Expand All @@ -26,8 +29,8 @@ Use the iota schemes from Datatype to represent pattern matching definitions.
> checkNotExists fn gam
> gam' <- gInsert fn (G Undefined ty) gam
> clauses' <- validClauses gam' fn ty clauses'
> pmdef <- matchClauses gam' fn pats tyin clauses'
> checkWellFounded pmdef
> pmdef <- matchClauses gam' fn pats tyin cover clauses'
> when wellfounded $ checkWellFounded pmdef
> return (PMFun arity pmdef, ty)
> where checkNotExists n gam = case lookupval n gam of
> Just Undefined -> return ()
Expand All @@ -48,12 +51,13 @@ For each Raw clause, try to match it against a generated and checked clause.
Match up the inferred arguments to the names (so getting the types of the
names bound in patterns) then type check the right hand side.

> matchClauses :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> [PMRaw] -> Raw ->
> matchClauses :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> [PMRaw] -> Raw ->
> Bool -> -- Check coverage
> [(Indexed Name, Indexed Name)] -> m [PMDef Name]
> matchClauses gam fn pats tyin gen = do
> matchClauses gam fn pats tyin cover gen = do
> let raws = zip (map mkRaw pats) (map getRet pats)
> checkpats <- mapM (mytypecheck gam) raws
> checkCoverage (map fst checkpats) (map fst gen)
> when cover $ checkCoverage (map fst checkpats) (map fst gen)
> return $ map (mkScheme gam) checkpats

where mkRaw (RSch pats r) = mkPBind pats tyin r
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions Ivor/Shell.lhs
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> runCommand (TypedDef nm tm ty) st = do
> ctxt <- addTypedDef (context st) (name nm) tm ty
> return st { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (PatternDef nm ty pats) st = do
> ctxt <- addPatternDef (context st) (name nm) ty pats
> runCommand (PatternDef nm ty pats opts) st = do
> ctxt <- addPatternDef (context st) (name nm) ty pats opts
> return st { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (Data dat) st = do ctxt <- addData (context st) dat
> return st { context = ctxt }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,9 +175,10 @@
> let st' = respondLn st $
> showProofState st { context = ctxt }
> return st' { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (GenRec n) st = do ctxt <- addGenRec (context st) (name n)
> let st' = respondLn st $ "Added general recursion rule"
> return st' { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (Ivor.ShellParser.GenRec n) st
> = do ctxt <- addGenRec (context st) (name n)
> let st' = respondLn st $ "Added general recursion rule"
> return st' { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (JMEq n c) st = do ctxt <- addEquality (context st) (name n)
> (name c)
> let st' = respondLn st $ "Added dependent equality"
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15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions Ivor/ShellParser.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@

> data Command = Def String ViewTerm
> | TypedDef String ViewTerm ViewTerm
> | PatternDef String ViewTerm Patterns
> | PatternDef String ViewTerm Patterns [PattOpt]
> | Data Inductive
> | Axiom String ViewTerm
> | Declare String ViewTerm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,14 +131,21 @@ which runs it.
> = do clauses <- sepBy (pclause name ext) (lchar '|' )
> return $ Patterns clauses

> pPattOpt :: Parser PattOpt
> pPattOpt = do reserved "Partial"
> return Partial
> <|> do reserved "Rec"
> return Ivor.TT.GenRec

> ppatternDef :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Command
> ppatternDef ext
> = do reserved "Patt"
> = do reserved "Match"
> opts <- many pPattOpt
> name <- identifier ; lchar ':' ; ty <- pTerm ext
> lchar '='
> patts <- ppatterns name ext
> semi
> return $ PatternDef name ty patts
> return $ PatternDef name ty patts opts

> pdata :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Command
> pdata ext = do reserved "Data"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +220,7 @@ which runs it.
> pgenrec :: Parser Command
> pgenrec = do reserved "General" ;
> nm <- identifier ; semi
> return $ GenRec nm
> return $ Ivor.ShellParser.GenRec nm

> pjme :: Parser Command
> pjme = do reserved "Equality" ;
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22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions Ivor/TT.lhs
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> addPrimitive,addBinOp,addPrimFn,addExternalFn,
> addEquality,forgetDef,addGenRec,
> -- * Pattern matching definitions
> PClause(..), Patterns(..),addPatternDef,
> PClause(..), Patterns(..),PattOpt(..),addPatternDef,
> -- * Manipulating Proof State
> proving,numUnsolved,suspend,resume,
> save, restore, clearSaved,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,15 +200,23 @@
> mkRawClause (PClause args ret) =
> RSch (map forget args) (forget ret)

> data PattOpt = Partial -- ^ No need to cover all cases
> | GenRec -- ^ No termination checking
> deriving Eq

> -- |Add a new definition, with its type to the global state.
> -- These definitions can be recursive, so use with care.
> -- By default, these definitions must cover all cases and be well-founded,
> -- but can be optionally partial/general recursive
> addPatternDef :: (IsTerm ty, Monad m) =>
> Context -> Name -> ty -> Patterns -> m Context
> addPatternDef (Ctxt st) n ty pats = do
> Context -> Name -> ty -> Patterns ->
> [PattOpt] -> -- ^ Options to set which definitions will be accepted
> m Context
> addPatternDef (Ctxt st) n ty pats opts = do
> checkNotExists n (defs st)
> inty <- raw ty
> let (Patterns clauses) = pats
> (pmdef, fty) <- checkDef (defs st) n inty (map mkRawClause clauses)
> (elem Ivor.TT.Partial opts) (elem GenRec opts)
> newdefs <- gInsert n (G (PatternDef pmdef) fty) (defs st)
> return $ Ctxt st { defs = newdefs }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,9 +502,9 @@ Slightly annoying, but we'll cope.
> resume :: Monad m => Context -> Name -> m Context
> resume ctxt@(Ctxt st) n =
> case glookup n (defs st) of
> Just ((Partial _ _),_) -> do let (Ctxt st) = suspend ctxt
> st' <- resumeProof st n
> return (Ctxt st')
> Just ((Ivor.Nobby.Partial _ _),_) -> do let (Ctxt st) = suspend ctxt
> st' <- resumeProof st n
> return (Ctxt st')
> Just (Unreducible,ty) ->
> do let st' = st { defs = remove n (defs st) }
> theorem (Ctxt st') n (Term (ty, Ind TTCore.Star))
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ Data ValEnv : (n:Nat)(G:Env n)* =
| extend : (T:*)(t:T)(n:Nat)(G:Env n)(Gv:ValEnv n G)
(ValEnv (S n) (vcons * n T G));

Patt vlookup : (A:*)(n:Nat)(i:Fin n)(xs:Vect A n)A =
Match vlookup : (A:*)(n:Nat)(i:Fin n)(xs:Vect A n)A =
vlookup _ _ (fz _) (vcons _ _ x xs) = x
| vlookup _ _ (fs n i) (vcons _ n x xs) = vlookup _ _ i xs;

Patt envlookup : (n:Nat)(i:Fin n)(G:Env n)(Gv:ValEnv n G)(vlookup _ _ i G) =
Match envlookup : (n:Nat)(i:Fin n)(G:Env n)(Gv:ValEnv n G)(vlookup _ _ i G) =
envlookup _ (fz _) _ (extend _ t _ _ r) = t
| envlookup _ (fs _ i) _ (extend _ t _ _ r) = envlookup _ i _ r;

Expand All @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Data Le : (n:Nat)(m:Nat)* =
leO : (n:Nat)(Le O n)
| leS : (n,m:Nat)(Le n m)->(Le (S n) (S m));

Patt minus : (m,n:Nat)(Le n m)->Nat =
Match minus : (m,n:Nat)(Le n m)->Nat =
minus m O (leO m) = m
| minus (S m) (S n) (leS n m p) = minus m n p;

Patt plusp : Nat -> Nat -> Nat =
Match plusp : Nat -> Nat -> Nat =
plusp O x = x
| plusp (S x) y = S (plusp x y);

Expand All @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Data tree (A:*) : (n:Nat)* =
| node : (n:Nat)(left:tree A n)(a:A)
(m:Nat)(right:tree A m)(tree A (S (plus n m)));

Patt treeSum : (n:Nat)(t:tree Nat n)Nat =
Match treeSum : (n:Nat)(t:tree Nat n)Nat =
treeSum _ (leaf _) = O
| treeSum _ (node _ _ l a _ r) = plus a (plus (treeSum _ l) (treeSum _ r));

Expand All @@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ testTree = node _ _ (node _ _ (leaf _) (S (S O)) _ (leaf _)) O

testvec = (vcons _ _ (S (S (S (S O)))) (vcons _ _ (S (S (S O))) (vcons _ _ (S (S O)) (vnil Nat))));

Patt vadd : (n:Nat)(xs,ys:Vect Nat n)->(Vect Nat n) =
Match vadd : (n:Nat)(xs,ys:Vect Nat n)->(Vect Nat n) =
vadd _ (vnil _) (vnil _) = vnil Nat
| vadd _ (vcons _ _ x xs) (vcons _ _ y ys)
= vcons _ _ (plus x y) (vadd _ xs ys);

Patt vtail : (A:*)(n:Nat)(xs:Vect A (S n))(Vect A n) =
Match vtail : (A:*)(n:Nat)(xs:Vect A (S n))(Vect A n) =
vtail _ _ (vcons _ _ _ xs) = xs;

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