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Pattern matching syntax
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eb committed Jan 18, 2007
1 parent 2eccc26 commit d5e9743
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Showing 9 changed files with 164 additions and 23 deletions.
27 changes: 6 additions & 21 deletions Ivor/Datatype.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ the context and an executable elimination rule.
> (ev, _) <- typecheck gamma'' erty
> (cv, _) <- typecheck gamma'' crty
> let gamma''' = extend gamma'' (er,G (ElimRule dummyRule) ev)
> esch <- checkSchemes gamma''' er eschemes
> csch <- checkSchemes gamma''' er cschemes
> esch <- mapM (checkScheme gamma''' er) eschemes
> csch <- mapM (checkScheme gamma''' er) cschemes
> return (Data (ty,G (TCon (arity gamma kv) erdata) kv) consv numps
> (er,ev) (cr,cv) esch csch eschemes cschemes)

Expand All @@ -81,13 +81,6 @@ the context and an executable elimination rule.
> (rest,gamma'') <- checkCons gamma' (t+1) cs
> return (((cn,ccon):rest), gamma'')

> checkSchemes :: Monad m =>
> Gamma Name -> Name -> [RawScheme] -> m [Scheme Name]
> checkSchemes gamma n [] = return []
> checkSchemes gamma n (i:is) = do di <- checkScheme gamma n i
> dis <- checkSchemes gamma n is
> return (di:dis)

checkScheme takes a raw iota scheme and returns a scheme with a well-typed
RHS (or fails if there is a type error).

Expand All @@ -113,7 +106,8 @@ Make a pattern from a raw term. Anything weird, just make it a "PTerm".
> where mkPatV n (Just (DCon t x)) = PCon t n tyname []
> mkPatV n (Just (TCon x _)) = PCon 0 n (UN "Type") []
> mkPatV n _ = PVar n
> tyname = getTyName gam n
> tyname = case (getTyName gam n) of
> Just x -> x
> mkPat gam (RApp f a) = pat' (unwind f a)
> where unwind (RApp f s) a = let (f',as) = unwind f s in
> (f',(mkPat gam a):as)
Expand All @@ -124,7 +118,8 @@ Make a pattern from a raw term. Anything weird, just make it a "PTerm".
> mkPatV n (Just (DCon t x)) as = PCon t n tyname as
> mkPatV n (Just (TCon x _)) as = PCon 0 n (UN "Type") as
> mkPatV _ _ _ = PTerm
> tyname = getTyName gam (getname (getappfun f))
> tyname = case (getTyName gam (getname (getappfun f))) of
> Just x -> x
> getname (Var n) = n
> mkPat gam _ {-(RBind _ _ _)-} = PTerm
> {-
Expand All @@ -134,16 +129,6 @@ Make a pattern from a raw term. Anything weird, just make it a "PTerm".
> mkPat gam x = error $ "Can't make a pattern from " ++ show x
> -}

Given how we construct patterns, this can't fail. Oh yes.

> getTyName :: Gamma Name -> Name -> Name
> getTyName gam n = case lookuptype n gam of
> Just (Ind ty) -> getFnName ty
> where getFnName (TyCon x _) = x
> getFnName (App f x) = getFnName f
> getFnName (Bind _ _ (Sc x)) = getFnName x
> getFnName x = MN ("Dunno: "++show x, 0)

Get the pattern variables from the patterns, and work out what the projection
function for each name is.

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Ivor/Nobby.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,17 @@ to do with it, when the time comes.
> glookup :: Eq n => n -> Gamma n -> Maybe (Global n,Indexed n)
> glookup n (Gam xs) = fmap (\x -> (getglob x,gettype x)) (lookup n xs)

Get a type name from the context

> getTyName :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> m Name
> getTyName gam n = case lookuptype n gam of
> Just (Ind ty) -> return $ getFnName ty
> Nothing -> fail $ "No such name " ++ show n
> where getFnName (TyCon x _) = x
> getFnName (App f x) = getFnName f
> getFnName (Bind _ _ (Sc x)) = getFnName x
> getFnName x = MN ("Dunno: "++show x, 0)

> insertGam :: n -> Gval n -> Gamma n -> Gamma n
> insertGam nm val (Gam gam) = Gam $ (nm,val):gam

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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Ivor/PatternDefs.lhs
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

> module Ivor.PatternDefs where

> import Ivor.Gadgets
> import Ivor.TTCore
> import Ivor.Datatype
> import Ivor.Nobby
> import Ivor.Typecheck

> import Debug.Trace

Use the iota schemes from Datatype to represent pattern matching definitions.

> type PMRaw = RawScheme
> type PMDef n = Scheme n

> data PMFun n = PMFun [PMDef n]
> deriving Show

> checkDef :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> Raw -> [PMRaw] -> m (PMFun Name)
> checkDef gam n ty rschs = do
> schs <- mapM (checkClause gam n ty) rschs
> -- TODO: Coverage and termination checking
> return $ PMFun schs

> checkClause :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Name -> Raw -> PMRaw ->
> m (PMDef Name)
> checkClause gam n ty sch@(RSch args ret) = trace (show sch) $ do
> (argscheck, bs) <- checkArgs [] args ty
> (ret, _) <- check gam bs (getrettype ty) Nothing
> return $ Sch argscheck ret
> where checkArgs bindings [] _ = return ([], bindings)
> checkArgs bindings (x:xs) (RBind nm (B Pi t) ts) = trace (show x ++ " : " ++ show t ++ ", " ++ show bindings) $ do
> (xcheck, bs) <- checkPatt gam bindings Nothing x t
> (Ind tyc, _) <- check gam bs t (Just (Ind Star))
> (xscheck, bs') <- checkArgs ((nm,B Pi tyc):bs) xs ts
> return (xcheck:xscheck, bs')

mkEnv = map (\ (n,Ind t) -> (n, B Pi t))

checkClause gam n (RSch pats ret) =

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Ivor/Shell.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@
> runCommand (TypedDef nm tm ty) st = do
> ctxt <- addTypedDef (context st) (name nm) tm ty
> return st { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (PatternDef nm ty pats) st = do
> ctxt <- addPatternDef (context st) (name nm) ty pats
> return st { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (Data dat) st = do ctxt <- addData (context st) dat
> return st { context = ctxt }
> runCommand (Axiom nm tm) st = do ctxt <- addAxiom (context st) (name nm) tm
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25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion Ivor/ShellParser.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@

> data Command = Def String ViewTerm
> | TypedDef String ViewTerm ViewTerm
> | PatternDef String ViewTerm Patterns
> | Data Inductive
> | Axiom String ViewTerm
> | Declare String ViewTerm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +116,28 @@ which runs it.
> lchar '=' ; term <- pTerm ext ; semi
> return $ TypedDef name term ty

> pclause :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser PClause
> pclause ext
> = do name <- identifier;
> args <- many (pNoApp ext)
> lchar '=' ;
> ret <- pTerm ext
> return $ PClause args ret

> ppatterns :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Patterns
> ppatterns ext
> = do clauses <- sepBy (pclause ext) (lchar '|' )
> return $ Patterns clauses

> ppatternDef :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Command
> ppatternDef ext
> = do reserved "Patt"
> name <- identifier ; lchar ':' ; ty <- pTerm ext
> lchar '='
> patts <- ppatterns ext
> semi
> return $ PatternDef name ty patts

> pdata :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Command
> pdata ext = do reserved "Data"
> datadef <- pInductive ext ; semi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +293,7 @@ which runs it.
> command :: Maybe (Parser ViewTerm) -> Parser Command
> command ext = tryall [def ext, typeddef ext, pdata ext, axiom ext,
> ptheorem ext, pdeclare ext, pinter ext, pforget,
> eval ext, check ext,
> eval ext, check ext, ppatternDef ext,
> pdrop, repldata, pqed, pprint, pfreeze, pthaw, pprf,
> pundo, psuspend, presume, pgenrec, pjme,
> pload, pcompile, pfocus, pdump, pprfstate, pprims,
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Ivor/TT.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
> theorem,interactive,
> addPrimitive,addBinOp,addPrimFn,addExternalFn,
> addEquality,forgetDef,addGenRec,
> -- * Pattern matching definitions
> PClause(..), Patterns(..),addPatternDef,
> -- * Manipulating Proof State
> proving,numUnsolved,suspend,resume,
> save, restore, clearSaved,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +102,7 @@
> import qualified Ivor.Tactics as Tactics
> import Ivor.Compiler as Compiler
> import Ivor.CodegenC
> import Ivor.PatternDefs

> import List
> import Debug.Trace
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +189,28 @@
> Just _ -> fail $ show n ++ " already defined"
> Nothing -> return ()

> data PClause = PClause {
> arguments :: [ViewTerm],
> returnval :: ViewTerm
> }

> data Patterns = Patterns [PClause]

> mkRawClause :: PClause -> RawScheme
> mkRawClause (PClause args ret) =
> RSch (map forget args) (forget ret)

> -- |Add a new definition, with its type to the global state.
> -- These definitions can be recursive, so use with care.
> addPatternDef :: (IsTerm ty, Monad m) =>
> Context -> Name -> ty -> Patterns -> m Context
> addPatternDef (Ctxt st) n ty pats = do
> checkNotExists n (defs st)
> inty <- raw ty
> let (Patterns clauses) = pats
> foo <- checkDef (defs st) n inty (map mkRawClause clauses)
> trace (show foo) $ fail "unfinished"

> -- |Add a new definition, with its type to the global state.
> -- These definitions can be recursive, so use with care.
> addTypedDef :: (IsTerm term, IsTerm ty, Monad m) =>
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Ivor/Typecheck.lhs
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Expand Up @@ -260,6 +260,48 @@ Insert inferred values into the term
> (Ind Star) -> return (B (Guess vv) tv)
> _ -> fail $ "The type of the binder " ++ show n ++ " must be *"
Check a raw term representing a pattern. Return the pattern, and the
extended environment.
> checkPatt :: Monad m => Gamma Name -> Env Name -> Maybe (Pattern Name) ->
> Raw -> Raw ->
> m (Pattern Name, Env Name)
> checkPatt gam env acc (Var n) ty = trace (show n ++ ": "++ show env) $ do
> (Ind tyc, _) <- check gam env ty (Just (Ind Star))
> (pat, t) <- mkVarPatt (lookupi n env 0) (glookup n gam) (Ind tyc)
> --checkConvEnv env gam (Ind tyc) (Ind t) $
> -- show ty ++ " and " ++ show t ++ " are not convertible"
> return (combinepats acc pat, (n, (B Pi tyc)):env)
> where
> mkVarPatt (Just (i, B _ t)) _ _ = return (PVar n, t)
> mkVarPatt Nothing (Just ((DCon tag i), (Ind t))) _
> = do tyname <- getTyName gam n
> return (PCon tag n tyname [], t)
> mkVarPatt Nothing Nothing (Ind defty) = return (PVar n, defty)
> lookupi x [] _ = Nothing
> lookupi x ((n,t):xs) i | x == n = Just (i,t)
> lookupi x (_:xs) i = lookupi x xs (i+1)
> checkPatt gam env acc (RApp f a) ty = do
> (Ind tyc, _) <- trace (show ty) $ check gam env ty (Just (Ind Star))
> let (RBind _ _ fscope) = ty
> let (Bind nm (B _ nmt) _) = tyc
> (fpat, fbindingsin) <- checkPatt gam env Nothing f ty
> let fbindings = ((nm,(B Pi nmt)):fbindingsin)
> (apat, abindings) <- checkPatt gam (fbindings++env)
> (Just fpat) a fscope
> return (combinepats (Just fpat) apat, fbindings++abindings)
mkEnv = map (\ (n,Ind t) -> (n, B Pi t))
> checkPatt gam env acc RInfer ty = return (combinepats acc PTerm, env)
> checkPatt gam env _ _ _ = fail "Invalid pattern"
> combinepats Nothing x = x
> combinepats (Just (PVar n)) x = error "can't apply things to a variable"
> combinepats (Just (PCon tag n ty args)) x = PCon tag n ty (args++[x])
> discharge :: Monad m =>
> Gamma Name -> Name -> Binder (TT Name) ->
> (Scope (TT Name)) -> (Scope (TT Name)) ->
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ivor.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ Other-modules: Ivor.Nobby, Ivor.TTCore, Ivor.State,
Ivor.CodegenC, Ivor.Datatype, Ivor.Display,
Ivor.ICompile, Ivor.MakeData, Ivor.Unify,
Ivor.Grouper, Ivor.ShellParser, Ivor.Constant,
Ivor.RunTT, Ivor.Compiler, Ivor.Prefix
Ivor.RunTT, Ivor.Compiler, Ivor.Prefix,

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Data Vect (A:*):(n:Nat)*
= vnil:Vect A O
| vcons:(k:Nat)(x:A)(xs:Vect A k)Vect A (S k);

Patt lookup : (A:*)(n:Nat)(i:Fin n)(xs:Vect A n)A {
lookup _ _ (fz _) (vcons _ _ x xs) = x
| lookup _ _ (fs _ i) (vcons _ _ x xs) = lookup _ _ i xs

Data Fin : (n:Nat)*
= fz : (k:Nat)(Fin (S k))
| fs : (k:Nat)(i:Fin k)(Fin (S k));
Expand Down

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