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go-models its lite and easy model. This repo just a example like go-modules-example

modules list as :


That is querybuilder with data object models for SQLs.
And easy way to build your data logical layer for access redis.
This is a easy way to access data from database. That you focus on data processing logical.
Now support MySQL, MariaDB, Redis

TODO support: PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite Mongodb, ...
  • Field scanning has become easier since the original driver was extended. Assumption: we have 5 fields to scan
type Tb struct {
	field0 sql.NullString,
	field1 sql.NullString,
	field2 sql.NullString,
	field3 sql.NullString,
	field4 sql.NullString,

In original driver, it can't dynamic. how many fields, that you must write fields many how. if you have 20 fileds, you must write 20 times.

var tb Tb
err = rows.Scan(&tb.field0, &tb.field1, &tb.field2, &tb.field3, &tb.field4)

In go-models-mysql , you just fill struct nil pointer.

if val, err = myDao.ScanRowType(row, (*Tb)(nil)); err == nil {
	u, _ := val.(*Tb)
	fmt.Println("Tb", u)
  • DAO layer let you operate mysql more Intuitively.
    • Original driver (sql.DB) was extended, so you can operate original commands.
      • ex: Query, QueryRow, Exec ....
    • Import the sqlbuilder that help access sql db easily.
     myDao.Select("Host", "User", "Select_priv").From("user").Where("User='root'").Limit(1)
    • Set the default table in DAO, that you can design your dao layer friendly.
     // set a struct for dao as default model (option)
     // (*UserTb)(nil) : nil pointer of the UserTb struct
     // "user" : is real table name in the db
     myUserDao.SetDefaultModel((*UserTb)(nil), "user")
     // call model's Get() , get all rows in user table
     // return (rows *sql.Rows, err error)
     rows, err = myDao.Get()


* Go 1.12 or higher.
* [database/sql]( package
* [go-sql-driver/mysql]( package
* [go-redis/redis]( package


create go.mod file in your package folder, and fill below


go 1.13

require ( latest latest latest v6.15.5+incompatible v1.4.1


Easy to start the test evn. That you can run the example code.

$ docker-compose up -d


import (

	mysql ""
	redis ""

// UserTb : sql table struct that to store into mysql
type UserTb struct {
	Host       sql.NullString `TbField:"Host"`
	User       sql.NullString `TbField:"User"`
	SelectPriv sql.NullString `TbField:"Select_priv"`

// User : json struct that to store into redis
type User struct {
	Host       string `json:"host"`
	User       string `json:"user"`
	SelectPriv string `json:"select_priv"`

//new mysql dao
myUserDao := &MyUserDao{
    Dao: mysql.NewDao().SetConfig("root", "mYaDmin", "", "mysql").OpenDB(),

// example 1 : directly use the sqlbuilder
myUserDao.Select("Host", "User", "Select_priv").From("user").Where("User='root'").Limit(1)
fmt.Println("sqlbuilder", myUserDao.BuildSelectSQL())
if row, err = myUserDao.GetRow(); err == nil {
    if val, err = myUserDao.ScanRowType(row, (*UserTb)(nil)); err == nil {
        u, _ := val.(*UserTb)
        fmt.Println("UserTb", u)
// set a struct for dao as default model (option)
// (*UserTb)(nil) : nil pointer of the UserTb struct
// "user" : is real table name in the db
myUserDao.SetDefaultModel((*UserTb)(nil), "user")

// call model's Get() , get all rows in user table
// return (rows *sql.Rows, err error)
rows, err = myDao.Get()

// call model's GetRow() , get first row in user rows
// return (row *sql.Row, err error)
row, err = myDao.GetRow()

//new redis dao
redUserModel := &RedUserModel{
    Dao: redis.NewDao().SetConfig("", "", 0).OpenDB(),

// set a struct for dao as default model (option)
// (*User)(nil) : nil pointer of the User struct
// "user" : is real table name in the db
SetDefaultModel((*User)(nil), "user")


sqlbuilder its recursive call function, that you can easy to build sql string

ex: dao.Select().From().Join().Where().Limit()

SqlBuilder functions

  • build select :
    • Select(s ...string)
    • Distinct(b bool)
    • Top(i int)
    • From(s ...string)
    • Where(s string)
    • WhereAnd(s ...string)
    • WhereOr(s ...string)
    • Join(s string, c string)
    • InnerJoin(s string, c string)
    • LeftJoin(s string, c string)
    • RightJoin(s string, c string)
    • FullJoin(s string, c string)
    • GroupBy(s ...string)
    • OrderBy(s ...string)
    • OrderByAsc(s ...string)
    • OrderByDesc(s ...string)
    • Having(s string)
    • BuildSelectSQL()
  • build update :
    • Set(s map[string]interface{})
    • FromOne(s string)
    • BuildUpdateSQL()
  • build insert :
    • Into(s string)
    • Fields(s ...string)
    • Values(s ...[]interface{})
    • BuildInsertSQL()
  • build delete :
    • BuildDeleteSQL()
  • common :
    • ClearBuilder()
    • BuildedSQL()
    • SetDbName(s string)
    • SetTbName(s string)
    • SwitchPanicToErrorLog(b bool)
    • PanicOrErrorLog(s string)


1 build-in


The example will connect to local mysql and get user data. Then connect to local redis and set user data, and get back.

2 example


How to design model data logical



create a table struct, and add the tag TbField:"real table filed"

TbField the tag is musted. read table filed also be same the table field.

type UserTb struct {
	Host       sql.NullString `TbField:"Host"`
	User       sql.NullString `TbField:"User"`
	SelectPriv sql.NullString `TbField:"Select_priv"`


use Struce4QuerySlice to gen the sqlbuilder select fields

m := mysql.NewDao().SetConfig("root", "mYaDmin", "", "mysql").OpenDB()


scan the sql result to the struct of object

row, err = m.GetRow()
if val, err = m.ScanRowType(row, (*UserTb)(nil)); err == nil {
    u, _ := val.(*UserTb)
    fmt.Println("UserTb", u)



create a data struct, and add the tag json:"name"

type User struct {
	Host       string `json:"host"`
	User       string `json:"user"`
	SelectPriv string `json:"select_priv"`
	IntVal     int    `json:"user,string"`

if you have integer value, you can add a transfer type desc. such as json:"user,string"


create redis dao

m := redis.NewDao().SetConfig("", "", 0).OpenDB()


directly use the go-redis command function

redBool, err = m.HSet(userTable, redKey, serialStr).Result()