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Fast and forward stable randomized algorithms for linear least-squares problems

Open in MATLAB Online

This repository contains code for the paper Fast and forward stable randomized algorithms for linear least-squares problems by Ethan N. Epperly.


Code to reproduce the numerical experiments from the paper are found in experiments/.

  • Figure 1 (experiments/test_iterative_sketching.m): Computes the forward, residual, and backward errors for iterative sketching for different condition numbers and residual norms.
  • Figure 2 (experiments/test_variants.m): Compares the performance iterative sketching (including versions with damping and momentum) to sketch-and-precondition (with both the zero and sketch-and-solve initializations).
  • Figure 3 (experiments/test_bad_iterative_sketching.m): Compare the stable implementation of iterative sketching (in code/iterative_sketching.m) to three "bad" implementations.
  • Figure 4 (experiments/test_timing.m): Compares the runtime of iterative sketching (including versions with damping and momentum) to MATLAB's mldivide on a simplified kernel regression task.
  • Figure 5 (experiments/test_sparse.m): Compares the runtime of iterative sketching to MATLAB's mldivide for solving random sparse least-squares problems with three nonzeros per row.

Randomized least-squares solvers

This repository contains code for iterative sketching and sketch-and-precondition. Code for these methods is found in the code/ directory.

Sparse sign embeddings

The core ingredient for both iterative sketching and sketch-and-precondition is a fast random embedding. Based on the empirical comparison in this paper (see Fig. 2) and our own testing, our preferred embedding is the sparse sign embedding.

To generate a sparse sign embedding in our code, first build the mex file using the following command:

mex sparsesign.c

Then, to generate a d by m sparse sign embedding with zeta nonzeros per column, run

S = sparsesign(d, m, zeta);

Iterative sketching

Iterative sketching is a randomized iterative method for solving $Ax = b$ in the least-squares sense. The first step of the algorithm is to collect a sketch $SA$ of the matrix $A$ and compute its QR factorization $SA = QR$. We use a sparse sign embedding for the embedding matrix $S$. After which, iterative sketching produces a sequence of better-and-better least-squares solutions using the iteration

$$ x_{i+1} = x_i + R^{-1} ( R^{-\top} (A^\top(b - Ax_i))). $$

The main result of my paper is that iterative sketching is (forward) stable: If you run it for sufficiently many iterations, the (forward) error $\lVert x - x_i \rVert$ and residual error $\lVert (b-Ax) - (b-Ax_i) \rVert$ are roughly as small as for a standard direct method like (Householder) QR factorization.

Iterative sketching can optionally be accelerated by incorporating damping and momentum, resulting in a modified iteration

$$ x_{i+1} = x_i + \alpha R^{-1} ( R^{-\top} (A^\top(b - Ax_i))) + \beta (x_i - x_{i-1}). $$

We call $\alpha$ and $\beta$ the damping parameter and momentum parameter respectively. The optimal damping and momentum parameters were computed in these papers.

To run iterative sketching using our code, the command is

[x, stats] = iterative_sketching(A, b, [d, q, summary, verbose, damping, momentum])

All but the first two inputs are optional. The optional inputs are as follows:

  • d: sketching dimension. (Default value: see paper)
  • q: number of iterations (if q>=1) or tolerance (if q<1). If q>=1, iterative sketching will be run for q iterations. Otherwise, iterative sketching is run for an adaptive number of steps until the norm change in residual is less than q*(Anorm * norm(x) + 0.01*Acond*norm(r)). Here, Anorm and Acond are estimates of the norm and condition number of A. (Default value: eps)
  • summary: a function of x to be recorded at every iteration. The results will be outputted in the optional output argument stats. (Default value: None)
  • verbose: if true, output at every iteration. (Default value: false)
  • damping: damping coefficient. To use the optimal value, set damping to 'optimal'. (Default value: 1, i.e., no damping).
  • momentum: momentum coefficient. To use the optimal value, set both damping and momentum to 'optimal'. (Default value: 0, i.e., no momentum).
  • reproducible: if true, use a slow, but reproducible implementation of sparse sign embeddings. (Default value: false)

Inputting a value of [] for an optional argument results in the default value.


While it is not the main focus of our paper, we also provide an implementation of the sketch-and-precondition method.

Sketch-and-precondition is also based on a QR factorization $SA = QR$ of a sketch of the matrix $A$. It then uses $R$ as a preconditioner for solving $Ax = b$ using the LSQR or CGNE method. To call sketch-and-precondition, use the following command

[x, stats] = sketch_and_precondition(A, b, [d, q, summary, verbose, opts])

All but the first two inputs are optional. The optional inputs are as follows:

  • d: sketching dimension. (Default value: 2*size(A,2))
  • q: number of iterations. (Default value: 100)
  • summary: a function of x to be recorded at every iteration. The results will be outputted in the optional output argument stats. (Default value: None)
  • verbose: if true, output at every iteration. (Default value: false)
  • opts: specifies the initial iterate $x_0$ and iterative method (LSQR or CGNE). If 'cold' is a substring of opts, then the initial iterate is chosen to be $x_0 = 0$. Otherwise, we use a warm start and choose $x_0$ to be the sketch-and-solve solution. If cgne is a substring of opts, then we solve $Ax = b$ using CGNE; otherwise, we use LSQR. (Default value: '')
  • reproducible: if true, use a slow, but reproducible implementation of sparse sign embeddings. (Default value: false)

Inputting a value of [] for an optional argument results in the default value.


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