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User Guide

This guide is intended for users of the Simba OS.

The Simba installation guide can be found on the :doc:`installation` page.


The first step is always to setup the Simba environment. It's a simple matter of sourcing a setup-script in the simba root folder.

$ cd simba/simba
$ source

Let's start with the Simba "Hello World" application. It examplifies what an application is and how to build and run it.

It consists of two files; main.c and Makefile.

hello_world/main.c defines the application entry function main().

#include "simba.h"

int main()

    std_printf(FSTR("Hello world!\n"));

    return (0);

hello_world/Makefile contains build configuration of the application.

NAME = hello_world
BOARD ?= linux

RUN_END_PATTERN = "Hello world!"

SIMBA_ROOT = ../..
include $(SIMBA_ROOT)/make/

Compile, link and run it by typing the commands below in a shell:

$ cd examples/hello_world
$ make -s clean run
<build system output>
Hello world!

Cross-compile, link and then run on an Arduino Due:

$ cd examples/hello_world
$ make -s BOARD=arduino_due clean run
<build system output>
Hello world!

Simba has three software components; the application, the package and the module.

An application is an executable consisting of zero or more packages.

An application file tree can either be created manually or by using the tool simba. See How to create an application skeletorn for a guide of how to create an application using simba.

├── main.c
└── Makefile

Build and run often! More to be added, hopefully.

A package is a container of modules.

A package file tree can either be created manually or by using the tool simba. See How to create a package for a guide of how to create a package using simba.

A package file tree must be organized as seen below. This is required by the build framework and Simba tools.

See the inline comments for details about the files and folders contents.

├── mypkg
│   ├── doc                   # package documentation
│   ├──
│   ├── src                   # package source code
│   │   ├── module1.c
│   │   ├── mypkg             # module header files
│   │   │   └── module1.h
│   │   ├── mypkg.h           # package header file
│   │   └──          # package makefile
│   └── tst                   # package test code
│       └── module1
│           ├── main.c
│           └── Makefile

The package development workflow is fairly straight forward. Suppose we want to add a new module to the file tree above. Create src/mypkg/module2.h and src/module2.c, then include mypkg/module2.h in src/mypkg.h and add module2.c to the list of source files in src/ Create a test suite for the module. It consists of the two files tst/module2/main.c and tst/module2/Makefile.

It's often conveniant to use an existing modules' files as skeleton for the new module.

After adding the module module2 the file tree looks like this.

├── mypkg
│   ├── doc
│   ├──
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── module1.c
│   │   ├── module2.c
│   │   ├── mypkg
│   │   │   ├── module1.h
│   │   │   └── module2.h
│   │   ├── mypkg.h
│   │   └──
│   └── tst
│       ├── module1
│       │   ├── main.c
│       │   └── Makefile
│       └── module2
│           ├── main.c
│           └── Makefile

Now, build and run the test suite to make sure the empty module implementation compiles and can be executed.

$ cd tst/module2
$ make -s run

Often the module development is started by implementing the module header file and at the same time write test cases. Test cases are not only useful to make sure the implementation works, but also to see how the module is intended to be used. The module interface becomes cleaner and easier to use it you actually start to use it yourself by writing test cases! All users of your module will benefit from this!

So, now we have an interface and a test suite. It's time to start the implementation of the module. Usually you write some code, then run the test suite, then fix the code, then run the tests again, then you realize the interface is bad, change it, change the implementation, change the test, change, change... and so it goes on until you are satisfied with the module.

Try to update the comments and documentation during the development process so you don't have to do it all in the end. It's actually quite useful for yourself to have comments. You know, you forget how to use your module too!

The documentation generation framework uses doxygen, breathe and sphinx. That means, all comments in the source code should be written for doxygen. Breathe takes the doxygen output as input and creates input for sphinx. Sphinx then generates the html documentation.

Just run make in the doc folder to generate the html documentation.

$ cd doc
$ make
$ firefox _build/html/index.html    # open the docs in firefox

All exported symbols in a package must have the prefix <package>_<module>_. This is needed to avoid namespace clashes between modules with the same name in different packages.

There cannot be two packages with the same name, for the namespace reason. All packages must have unique names! There is one exception though, the three Simba packages; kernel, drivers and slib. Those packages does not have the package name as prefix on exported symbols.

int mypackage_module1_foo(void);

int mypackage_module2_bar(void);

A module is normally a header and a source file.

The program simba is used to manage Simba packages and applications.

The main purpose of simba is to distribute software in the Simba community, just like pip for Python.

The code block below shows how to create an new application using simba. After the application has been created, it is built and executed.

$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
$ simba application init
Application name [foo]: <Enter>
Author [erik]:  <Enter>
Version [0.3.0]: <Enter>
$ tree .
├── main.c
└── Makefile
$ make -s run

The code block below shows how to create a new package using simba. After the package has been created, the generated test suite is built and executed.

$ mkdir mypkg
$ cd mypkg
$ simba package init
Package name [foo]: <Enter>
Author [erik]:  <Enter>
Version [0.3.0]: <Enter>
$ tree
├── mypkg
│   ├── doc
│   │   ├── about.rst
│   │   ├── api-reference.rst
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── doxygen.cfg
│   │   ├── index.rst
│   │   ├── Makefile
│   │   ├── mypkg
│   │   │   └── hello.rst
│   │   ├── requirements.txt
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── hello.c
│   │   ├── mypkg
│   │   │   └── hello.h
│   │   ├── mypkg.h
│   │   └──
│   └── tst
│       └── hello
│           ├── main.c
│           └── Makefile
$ cd mypkg/tst/hello
$ make -s test

In the output from tree below, two files may catch your eyes; and Those are Python files and are often seen in Python packages. They are present in a Simba package because Simba uses the Python tool pip to release and install packages. The idea is that everyone that implements a useful package should release it and make it available for other users to install, just as Python!

This is how to release a package. Two files are created, one with the suffix tar.gz and one with the suffix .whl. The .whl-file is input to the installation command, described in the next section.

$ cd ../../..
$ simba package release
$ tree dist
├── mypkg-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
└── mypkg-0.1.tar.gz

This is how to install a package in ${SIMBA_ROOT}/dist-packages.

$ simba package install dist/mypkg-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

BOARD is used to select which board to build for. It can be assigned to one of the boards listed :doc:`here <boards>`. For example, the command to build for :doc:`Arduino Due <boards/arduino_due>` is make BOARD=arduino_due release.

Please have a look at the :doc:`api-reference` for more juicy details about the functionality that the Simba microkernel provides.