Because Wiktionary's mobile site is uncomfy and bl0ated to heck.
- Responsive single page application with caching, written in dependency-free vanilla ES6
- Instead of viewing all languages on one page, you can choose a language from a dropdown, or automatically via a configurable priority list.
- Does not use Wiktionary's CSS or JS, the functionality of the latter being replaced by native HTML5 widgets
- e.g.
for autocomplete, and<details>
for collapsible sections.
- e.g.
- A basic page weighs under 10 KB, while Wiktionary's equivalent is 200-300 KB (varies between mobile and desktop versions)
Add it to your browser's smart keywords:
Not yet implemented:
- Search (only autocomplete for now)
- Translation (i.e. automatic redirect to the same word in a target language)