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A simplified profile list manager to practice TS/RTK/AWS S3

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A simple React SPA for integrating various technologies and following a neat, composable architecture. The goal is to create a single page that displays a list of user profiles and a form that allows you to add user profiles to the list. See Design below.


  • Node.js + Express in TypeScript
  • React + Redux Toolkit in Typescript
  • MongoDB + AWS S3



  • When adding/editing a user profile (picture, name, email, phone), each field is validated before submission. Any invalid fields are highlighted red.
  • Redux state only updates after confirming a successful response from the server (no inconsistencies) for add/edit/delete requests.
  • Refreshing the page loads all the previously stored data.

Bugs & Issues

  • AWS key outdated, account likely passed the free trial period
  • MongoURL keys were updated on the account but not here


  1. npm install in all directories (/, /client, /server)
  2. From root dir, run npm start

Full specifications


  • ProfilesPage: the root component that renders the two child sibling components below.
    • ProfileList: subscribes to redux state and renders a list of reusable profile card components with their profile ID as props.
      • ProfileCard: subscribes to redux state to get the properties associated with its props profileID (picture, name, email, phone) and renders that information along with buttons to edit and delete.
        • Edit: each of the properties should become form input fields that allow users to modify its contents. The form fields should be prefilled with the existing values of that profile. Hint: conditionally render AddProfile, but you’ll need a way to customize the action type for dispatch
        • Delete: dispatch an action to delete this target profile
      • AddProfile: renders a form that contains a list of 4 reusable input field components and a button for submission. You should define an object state that contains properties for each input field and a reusable onChange handler. The onChange handler should also do basic input validation and set the validity of each input field.
        • ReInputField:
          • Renders a and an field using the following props:
            • id (string), type (string), name (string), value (string), valid (boolean), onChange (function)
          • The input fields should be highlighted green if valid else red if not valid. They are valid if they meet these conditions.
            • Profile picture: valid if type jpg/jpeg/png
            • Name: valid if string with only alphabetical characters
            • Email: valid if string with the format prefix@domain
            • Phone number: valid if string that contains 10 digit characters in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx
        • Submit button: this should generate the payload based on the local state and dispatch an action to the store


  • Set it up in two different ways: the traditional way (covered during training) and with Redux Toolkit.
  • Actions (type, payload), created using THUNK middleware
    • LOAD: all current profiles in the database
    • ADD: the new user profile
    • EDIT: the target user profile
    • DELETE: the target user profile
  • Store (what slices of state?)
    • Profile list: this represents the list of all user profiles and their properties
  • Reducers
    • LOAD: store profiles in state
    • ADD: add a user profile to the list
    • EDIT: modify an existing user profile
    • DELETE: remove an existing user profile


  • 4 routes, one for each request
    • GET: for requesting all user profiles
    • POST: for adding a new user profile
    • PUT: for editing user profile information
    • DELETE: for deleting a user profile
  • When adding or editing a user profile with an uploaded picture, the server should communicate with S3 to reflect the changes.


  • User model has 4 properties: profile picture, name, email, phone number
  • Seed the database with 5 sample users.


A simplified profile list manager to practice TS/RTK/AWS S3






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