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Create a simple options page and bind to webext-pref.


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Create a simple options page and bind to webext-pref.


npm install webext-pref-ui


const {createUI, createBinding} = require("webext-pref-ui");

const root = createUI({
  body: [
      type: "text",
      key: "foo",
      label: "A field",
      help: "Some simple help text"


<div class="webext-pref-toolbar">
  <button type="button" class="webext-pref-import browser-style">Import</button>
  <button type="button" class="webext-pref-export browser-style">Export</button>
<div class="webext-pref-nav">
  <select class="webext-pref-scope-list browser-style"></select>
  <button class="webext-pref-delete-scope browser-style">Delete scope</button>
  <button class="webext-pref-add-scope browser-style">Add scope</button>
<div class="webext-pref-body">
  <div class="webext-pref-text browser-style">
    <label for="pref-foo">A field</label>
    <input type="text" id="pref-foo"/>
    <p class="webext-pref-help">Some simple help text</p>

Then bind elements to the pref:



This module exports following members:

  • createUI - An utility function which can create a simple options page.
  • createBinding - bind pref object to elements.

Note: You can build your own interface without createUI and bind it to pref using createBinding as long as createBinding can detect input elements.


  body: Array<ViewBodyItem>,
  getMessage?: (key: String, params?: String | Array<String>) => localizedString?: String,
  toolbar?: Boolean = true,
  navbar?: Boolean = true,
  keyPrefix?: String = "pref-",
  controlPrefix?: String = "webext-pref-"
}) => root: DocumentFragment

Build an options page.

body is a list ot ViewBodyItem.

getMessage is a function that is used to get localized strings. The signature is identical to browser.i18n.getMessage. createUI uses following messages:

key params default text
currentScopeLabel Current scope
addScopeLabel Add new scope
deleteScopeLabel Delete current scope
learnMoreButton Learn more
importButton Import
exportButton Export

If toolbar is true then build the toolbar, including import and export button.

If navbar is true then build the navbar, including the scope list selection input, delete scope button, and add scope button.

keyPrefix is used to prefix input's ID or name. Use this option to avoid ID conflict.

controlPrefix is used to prefix components' class name. For example, by using a webext-pref- prefix, the class name of the import button will be webext-pref-import instead of import.


An item has following properties:

  key: String,
  label: String | Node,
  type: String,
  children?: Array<ViewBodyItem>,
  className?: String,
  help?: String | Node,
  learnMore?: String,
  multiple?: Boolean,
  options?: Object<value: String, label: String>,
  validate?: value => void,
  value?: String
  • type - Valid values: text, number, checkbox, textarea, radiogroup, radio, select, color, section.

    text, number, checkbox, textarea, select, and color will create a corresponded form element.

    radiogroup will create a container within a list of radio children. radio type must be used as radiogroup's children.

    section creates a section with a header.

  • label - The label of the item or the header of the section.

  • children - A list of child items. Only available if type is section, checkbox, radio, or radiogroup.

  • className - Extra class name which will be assigned to the container.

  • help - Additional help message.

  • learnMore - A URL that the "Learn more" link points to.

  • multiple - Only available if type is select. Set multiple to true to select multiple options.

  • options - Only available if type is select. A value -> label object map.

  • validate - A validating function. To invalidate the input, throw an error that the message is the validation message. If nothing is thrown, the input is considered valid.

  • value - Only available if type is radio. Assign a value to the radio item. Which will be used when the radio is checked.


  pref: Pref,
  root?: Node,
  elements?: Array<Element>,
  keyPrefix?: String = "pref-",
  controlPrefix?: String = "webext-pref-",
  alert?: async text => void,
  confirm?: async text => Boolean,
  prompt?: async text => (String | null),
  getMessage?: (key: String, params?: String | Array<String>) => localizedString?: String
  getNewScope?: () => scopeName: String
}) => unbind: () => void

Bind elements to a pref object.

elements are elements that should be checked. If not provided, createBinding finds elements from root:

elements = root.querySelectorAll("input, textarea, select, fieldset, button")

keyPrefix is used to strip the prefix in id and name.

controlPrefix is used to strip the prefix in the class name of webext-pref controls.

alert, confirm, and prompt are used when on import/export and add/delete scope. createBinding uses window.alert, window.confirm, and window.prompt by default.

getMessage is used to get the text for the dialog. createBinding uses following messages:

key params default text
addScopePrompt Add new scope
deleteScopeConfirm scopeName Delete scope ${scopeName}?
importPrompt Paste settings
exportPrompt Copy settings

getNewScope set the default scope name when adding a new scope. Default to () => "".

unbind would remove all listeners from the DOM and the pref object.

Valid elements

Following elements are detected:

  • input, textarea, and select having an id and the id without keyPrefix is a key in pref.

    • Value will be converted into a number if the type is number or range.
    • Value will be converted into an array if the element is select and multiple is set.
    • Pref is updated on change event by default. If the element has a realtime attribute then pref is updated on input event.
  • input[type=radio] having a name and the name without keyPrefix is a key in pref.

    • Update pref with the value of the input when the input is checked.
  • fieldset having a data-bind-to attribute and the value is a key in pref.

    • The fieldset will be disabled if the pref value is falsy.
    • If data-bind-to-value is set, the fieldset will be disabled if the value doesn't match.
    • Note that we don't prefix data-bind-to.
  • button and select having a class name and the class name without controlPrefix is one of import, export, add-scope, delete-scope, or scope-list.

For a live example, see picker.html in Image Picka.


  • 0.2.1 (Aug 19, 2020)

    • Fix: getMessage can't recognize params.
  • 0.2.0 (Aug 19, 2020)

    • Fix: typo that creates invalid id for radio.
    • Change: bundle to a single file.
  • 0.1.1 (Dec 25, 2019)

    • Add: realtime attribute.
  • 0.1.0 (Dec 25, 2019)

    • First release.


Create a simple options page and bind to webext-pref.







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