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Alexey Sintsov edited this page May 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

This module is needed if you want to scan CAN bus, generally to scan for UDS devices.

init parameters


action parameters

padding, like: 'padding':0x55

If set, then all ISO-TP/UDS messages will be padded to 8 bytes with chosen byte value.

range, like: 'range':[1,0x901]

Should be set. Pings will be generated for following ranges of arbitration ID. In this example there will be 0x900 frames in queue to ping.

body, like: 'body':'0011ff'

HEX data ffor can frames that will be generated by ping. Will be used only in modes: CAN, ISOTP

mode, like: 'mode':'UDS'

What type of pings should be used: UDS, ISOTP or simple CAN frames



    {'service':0x01, 'sub':0x0d},
    {'service':0x2f, 'sub':0x03, 'data':[0x22,0x22]}

Used only in UDS mode. Here we describe which UDS services and subcommand should be sent. sub can be:

Int value:  'sub':0x0d           - check for one sub-command
Str value:  'sub':'0x01-0x03'    - scan for range of sub commands
List value: 'sub':[0x01, 0x03]   - scan for chosen sub commands

user commands

Start/Stop - cmd:s parameters:none

Start PING. (or stop if it is ongoing)

Please see example of usage in

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