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2048 engine


Handles logic for 2048 game.

Originally based on 2048-ts-engine by Karel Nguyen, but has now been completely rewritten to support additional features.


import { createGame, Direction } from '2048-engine';

const game = createGame();


might print:

    currentState: {
        board: [
            [ null, null, { value: 2, id: 0 }, { value: 4, id: 1 } ],
            [ null, null, null, { value: 4, id: 2 } ],
            [ null, null, { value: 4, id: 3 }, null ],
            [ null, null, null, null ]
        score: 0,
        rngNumber: 455431,
        totalTileCount: 4,
        status: { hasPossibleMoves: true, isWon: false }
    boardMeta: { rows: 4, cols: 4 },
    randomSeed: 455423,
    moveLog: [ { type: 0, direction: 0 }, { type: 0, direction: 3 } ],
    move: [Function: move]



The package exposes one method createGame that creates a new game.

createGame(gameData?) => Game

Can be supplied with GameData to initialize the game with.


The created game object contains the following properties:

  • currentState: The current state of the game. (see GameState)
  • move: Function to make a move in the game. Takes a Direction as an argument and returns an updated GameState in addition to updating game.currentState
  • boardMeta: Metadata about the board. Contains rows and cols properties, which are the number of rows and columns in the board.
  • randomSeed: The random seed used to create the game. A new game created with the same random seed will be exactly the same given the same moves.
  • moveLog: List of all moves made in the game. Each move is a Move object.


GameData is a subset of Game containing all properties except currentState and move. A new game created with the same GameData as an existing game will be exactly the same.


The gameState contained within Game contains the following properties:

  • board: The board state. A 2D array of Tile-objects.
  • score: The current score of the game.
  • status: object containing booleans isWon and hasPossibleMoves describing current game status.


Each tile object contains an id, and its current value. The tile might also contain a mergedId specifying the id of the tile it was most recently merged with.

  • id: id to identify the tile, unique per game.
  • value: The value of the tile.
  • mergedId: The id of the tile it was most recently merged with. (useful for animations)