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calculates KIEs with the Bigeleisen-Mayer equation and tunnelling corrections

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New Python-based KIE calculations can be found here

Scripts for Running QUIVER to Calculate KIEs


This is a series of scripts that facilitate the calculation of kinetic isotope effects using Bigeleisen-Mayer theory. You provide a configuration file containing the temperature of interest, frequency scaling factor, and which isotopic replacements you want to make. You then run the enclosed scripts on two Gaussian output files containing the frequencies of the ground and transition states This script gives the KIEs, with and without standard tunnelling corrections.

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone this repository. See these instructions.
  2. Compile the QUIVER executable.
    • Run the src/ script.
    • This requires a Fortran 77 compiler. The script assumes you are using gfortran. The provided executable was compiled on a MacBook.
    • Make sure the executable is called quiver.exe and is located in the same directory as the awk scripts. This usually means the root directory of the repository.
  3. Copy the demo files (claisen_demo/*.out and claisen_demo/claisen.config) to the root of the repository. Run the demonstration calculation with ./ claisen.config claisen_gs.out claisen_ts.out. This assumes that you can run bash scripts. This will work fine on Mac/Linux systems. On Windows, use Cygwin.

Claisen Example

As a test case, I have provided the transition states for aliphatic Claisen rearrangement of allyl vinyl ether that was studied by Singleton in JACS 1999, 121, 10865. These files are stored in the claisen_demo/ folder. There are three files. The claisen.config file is the input file for these scripts where the isotopic replacements are specified. Two g09 .out files are also provided, one for the ground state (gs) and one for the transition state (ts). (Both are calculated at B3LYP/6-31G(d). I lifted the structures from the SI. Conveniently, the carbons and oxygen atom are exactly as labeled in Table 4 of the paper.) The predicted values in the literature for single atom 12C/13C and 16O/17O substitutions at 120 °C are:

C1 1.012
C2 0.999
O3 1.017
C4 1.029
C5 1.000 (relative)
C6 1.014

Note that this means that the predicted KIEs at all positions are divided by the predicted KIE at C5. When I run my script, I get:

=== QUIVER Analysis ===

Temperature: 393 K
KIEs are referenced to isotopologue number 5.

Note: isotopomer descriptions refer to ground state atom numbers.

This is a kinetic isotope effect calculation.  Tunnelling corrections have been applied,
but may not be accurate for H/D/T KIEs.

isotopologue description                                  uncorrected      Widmer     infinite parabola
                                                              KIE           KIE              KIE
reference KIEs                                               1.002         1.002            1.002
isotopomer 1 - 13C @ atom 1                                  1.011         1.012            1.013
isotopomer 2 - 13C @ atom 2                                  1.000         1.000            1.000
isotopomer 3 - 17O @ atom 3                                  1.017         1.018            1.019
isotopomer 4 - 13C @ atom 4                                  1.028         1.031            1.031
[isotopomer 5 - 13C @ atom 5] (referenced to 1.00)           1.000         1.000            1.000
isotopomer 6 - 13C @ atom 6                                  1.013         1.015            1.015
isotopomer 7 - 2H @ atom 7, 2H @ atom 8                      0.953         0.954            0.955

As you can see, the numbers match to within 0.001. (I'm not exactly sure which tunnelling correction was used in Table 4. Singleton notes that tunnelling improves KIE predictions a bit. For H/D predictions, though, these crude tunnelling corrections will be poor. See the Singleton Claisen paper for a fuller discussion, which references work by Truhlar in this area.) Note that this uses a scaling factor of 0.9614 for the frequencies. Consult the references section below for more scaling factors.

The exact input decks, temporary files, and expected output are also prvoided in the claisen_demo folder.

Gaussian Instructions

QUIVER needs frequencies from Gaussian to work. This version has been tested with Gaussian 09, revision D. Optimize your geometries at your desired level of theory. In a separate file (not strictly necessary), request a #p freq calculation at the same level of theory.

  • In theory, one can calculate KIEs at non-equilibrium geometries. See Singleton JACS 2009, 131, 2397. Note that the method used by QUIVER to calculate frequencies is slightly different from that of g09, in that it doesn't project out the translational and rotational modes. Instead, it just ignores modes between -50 and 50 cm-1. If running a grid, this could cause discontinuities as this script switches between EIE and KIE calculations. (The KIE calculations require the ratio of the imaginary frequencies if one structure is a transition state. This is like a classical correction for how quickly the system passes over the barrier.) The most rigorous thing to do would probably be to get the frequencies from g09 by performing frequency calculations from checkpoints and altering the isotopes with readisotopes. Then, one could use the Bigeleisen-Mayer equation to calculate the KIE. However, the work by Singleton suggests this is unnecessary and this would be a very slow approach.
  • Tighter convergence criteria can sometimes improve accuracy by reducing the size of the smallest six translational/rotational frequencies.
  • To calculate an equilibrium isotope effect, replace the transition state with the second ground state.
  • The temperature you choose does not matter and will not be parsed from the file.

Detailed Notes

Running the script starts the calculation:

./ claisen.config claisen_gs.out claisen_ts.out

  1. The script will first run the AWK script quiver_prep.awk to make the QUIVER input files. The script first reads claisen.config and will then convert your instructions into the format needed by QUIVER. For instructions, see the comments in the file. In theory, the script will abort if you make a mistake, but this has not been tested perfectly.

  2. QUIVER is run twice, once for the ground state and once for the transition state. In each case, the mass-weighted Hessian is diagonalized repeatedly, first for the unsubstituted isotopomer, and once for each desired substituted isotopomer. The Redlich-Teller product rule is then used to generate reduced isotopic partition functions for each state.

  3. The quiver_analysis.awk script analyzes the results. This has only been tested for KIEs. The formula for the raw KIE is (imaginary_frequencylight / imaginary_frequencyheavy x ( f(gs,heavy/gs,light) / f(ts,heavy/gs,light) ). The imaginary frequency is just defined as the lowest (actual non-translational/non-vibrational) vibrational frequency. The analysis program just uses the imaginary frequency with the largest magnitude for this ratio. QUIVER ignores any negative frequencies, so large structures that have small unconverged imgainary frequencies from numerical imprecision should work. If there are no negative frequencies, the analysis script will automatically perform an EIE calculation. Note that the tunnelling corrections are not applicable in that case.

f is a reduced isotopic partition function, which is marked as "(S2/S1)F" in the QUIVER output. gs and ts refer to the ground and transition states, respectively.

  1. All temporary files are removed. To prevent this behavior, comment out the rm commands in the file.

Technical Details

The scripts extract the last geometry, frequencies, Cartesian force constants, and some other information from the two g09 .out files for the ground and transition state. The main Quiver input is dumped into gs.q1 and ts.q1. The Cartesian force constants are placed in gs.q2 and ts.q2. Descriptions of the isotopologues being calculated are placed in gs.q3 and ts.q3. These files are not used by QUIVER, but are needed for the quiver_analysis.awk script. Note that at present, only gs.q3 is used (ts.q3 is ignored) to calculate the KIEs.

As much as possible, I designed the scripts to abort if any part of the parsing didn't work or got data that make no sense.


This works on my Mac and has only been tested there. (It is not computataionally demanding to run--the expensive part of this is the frequencies, which you have to get from Gaussian). It should work on any Linux system or Cygwin. I have not tested it with the Windows version of Gaussian. The scripts depend on AWK, which should be available just about anywhere. On Cygwin, be sure to install the GNU implementation of awk, gawk. There could be an issue running this with mawk because it does not seem to support left-justified printf.


I lifted these references from the Houk group writeup for QUIVER.

  1. Bigeleisen-Mayer theory:
  • J. Chem. Phys.* 1947, 15, 261.
  • Wolfsberg, M. Acc. Chem. Res. 1972, 5, 225.
  1. QUIVER:
  • Saunders, M.; Laidig, K.E. Wolfsberg, M. JACS *19898, 111, 8989.
  1. Scaling Factors:
  • Wong. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1996, 256, 391-399.
  • Radom. J Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 16502.
  1. Tunnelling Corrections:
  • Bell. Chem. Soc. Rev. 1974, 3, 513.


  1. This program has been fixed to deal with up to 500 atoms and 100 isotopomers. If there are further issues, check the MNA and MMOL parameters in the quiver.f, as well as the input format string on line 92.

  2. Please note that the atom numbers in the starting material and product do not need to be aligned, since this calculates the reduced isotopic partition functions for the starting material and product separately. The reasoning is as follows. Suppose we have two reactions:

A1 + B --> A1BTS

A2 + B --> A2BTS

where 1 = light and 2 = heavy.

From transition state theory, the KIE for this reaction is K1TS/K2TS. From statistical mechanics, the equilibrium constant is given by the ratio of the partition functions:

KIE = Q(A2)/Q(A1) x Q(B)/Q(B) x Q(A2BTS)/Q(A1BTS)

Of course, the Q(B)/Q(B) term drops out. QUIVER is run two batches, once to calculate the first ratio for each isotopomer, and again to calculate the third ratio for each isotopomer. In brief, each partition function is assumed to be separable into translational, rotational, and vibrational components. The Redlich-Teller rule is then used to construct a reduced partition function that is only terms of the component frequencies. Each function is a product over each non-negative frequencies. In the case of calculating a KIE, the ratio of the imaginary frequencies in the transition vectory is also required (multiplicatively).

However, each isotope replacement must correspond to the same atom in the starting material and product. These atoms don't have to have the same number, but if you replace a hydrogen in one molecule and a carbon in the other, then the results will be gibberish. This is checked in the quiver_prep.awk script.

  1. If you are using any unusual atoms or isotopes, check the quiver.f and quiver_prep.awk files to see if the necessary weights and symbols are present.

  2. If there are strange errors when compiling QUIVER, check that the whitespace is exactly correct.


The QUIVER program is modified from the original source code by Keith Laidig. The scripts are refactored from the Houk group's qcrunch script and awk scripts from Professor Daniel Singleton (Texas A&M). I thank "Doc," as he is affectionately known, for years of mentorship.

If you need help, please email me (

Eugene Kwan, December 2015


calculates KIEs with the Bigeleisen-Mayer equation and tunnelling corrections






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