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Bluetooth Base API

This part describe the API associated to the Bluetooth Base Module developped by ELA Innovation. We use gRPC and we love it! gRPC is a modern open source high performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. All the desciprion here is based on proto files and describe the different function declared in the interface, and the associated object used as parameters.

To find all the information about gRPC, you can go directly to the official website here. The are lots of documentation, but we will provide here some description for the different public API, and at least how to generate the client side to plug directly to our application. But if you are familiar with the technologie, this is the place to be to have a good overview for the different fonctions and object.


The different function provided for the current interface are the one describe in the proto summary just below.

service ElaBluetoothPublicService {

  // authentication functions
  rpc Connect(ElaAuthentication.ElaAuthenticationRequest) returns (ElaAuthentication.ElaAuthenticationResponse) {}
  rpc Disconnect(ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest) returns (ElaCommon.ElaError) {}

  // bluetooth scanning
  rpc StartBluetoothListening(ElaBluetoothScanningRequest) returns (ElaCommon.ElaError) {}
  rpc GetScannedDevices(ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest) returns (ElaBluetoothScanResults) {}
  rpc StopBluetoothListening(ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest) returns (ElaCommon.ElaError) {}

  // bluetooth connections
  rpc SendElaBluetoothCommand(ElaBluetoothConnectRequest) returns (ElaBluetoothConnectResult) {}

You will find the associted proto file here



  rpc StartBluetoothListening(ElaBluetoothScanningRequest) returns (ElaCommon.ElaError) {}

Brief : This function start the bluetooth scanner for the Bluetooth Base Microservice. The scan start and the microservice state switch in Scanning mode. All the information relative to the Bluetooth Base are available here. Then you can get the result by calling the function GetScannedDevices to get all the data by the scanner


  • Input ElaBluetoothScanningRequest :
  • Output ElaCommon.ElaError :
    • Description : Generic error for the ELA Microservices
    • Information : ElaError


  rpc GetScannedDevices(ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest) returns (ElaBluetoothScanResults) {}

Brief : This function allow you to get the scanned device using the associated object. To get the object, you need to call previously the StartBluetoothListening function. If the service is not in Scanning state, you won't have results.


  • Input ElaInputBaseRequest :
  • Output ElaBluetoothScanResults :


  rpc StopBluetoothListening(ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest) returns (ElaCommon.ElaError) {}

Brief : This function stop the bluetooth scanner for the Bluetooth Base Microservice. The scan stop and the microservice state switch in Pending mode. All the information relative to the Bluetooth Base are available here.


  • Input ElaInputBaseRequest :
  • Output ElaBluetoothScanResults :
    • Description : Generic error for the ELA Microservices
    • Information : ElaError


  rpc SendElaBluetoothCommand(ElaBluetoothConnectRequest) returns (ElaBluetoothConnectResult) {}

Brief : This function send a command to the ELA Bluetooth device using Bluetooth Base Microservice and the associated Bluetooth service to ensure a connection. Calling this function change the state to service and switch in Connecting mode. When a connection is really established the state switch in Connected mode till the tag provide a response to the service. All the information relative to the Bluetooth Base are available here.



All the information relative to the authentication, managing object and session id are available here


You will find here all the object description relative to the Bluetooth Base Microservice.


Brief : Bluetooth Scanning request object


message ElaBluetoothScanningRequest {

	ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest request = 1;
	ElaBluetoothFilter filter = 2;
	bool define_scan_time = 3;
	uint32 scan_time_seconds = 4;


Name Type Description Presence
request ElaInputBaseRequest Main input request for all ELA Microservice request Mandatory
filter ElaBluetoothFilter Bluetooth filter object to define a specific filter for your Bluetooth Scanner Optionnal
define_scan_time bool Define or not a specific time to scan, associated to scan_time_seconds Optionnal
scan_time_seconds uint32 Target scan time, associated to the define_scan_time variable to define a time scan in seconds Optionnal


Brief : Bluetooth Connection Request definition


message ElaBluetoothConnectRequest {
	ElaCommon.ElaInputBaseRequest request = 1;
	string target_mac_address = 2;
	string ela_command = 3;
	string ela_command_password = 4;
	string ela_command_arguments = 5;
	bool isLongWaitCommand = 6;


Name Type Description Presence
request ElaInputBaseRequest Main input request for all ELA Microservice request Mandatory
ela_command_password string Bluetooth password associated to the tag Optionnal
ela_command_arguments string Associated arguments to the command Optionnal
isLongWaitCommand bool Is this command a long command where the service has to wait multiple answer (like data logger) Optionnal


Brief : Bluetooth Connection Result definition, this object is the result provided by function SendElaBluetoothCommand.


message ElaBluetoothConnectResult {

	ElaCommon.ElaError error = 1;
	ElaBluetoothConnectRequest input_request = 2;
	string result = 3;


Name Type Description Presence
error ElaError Common error returned by a ELA Microservice Always Present
input_request ElaBluetoothConnectRequest Copy of the input request associated to this result Always Present
result string Result from the tag as a string Optionnal