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An async pipeline approach to functional core - imperative shell from by Gary Bernhardt's Boundaries talk.

Minimal Viable Example

This example illustrates fonda's basic mechanics:

(ns fonda.example.simple
  (:require [cljs-http.client :as http]
            [cljs.core.async :as cca :include-macros true]
            [clojure.set :as set]
            [fonda.core :as fonda]))

 {:initial-ctx     {:username js/process.USER
                    :password js/process.PASSWORD}}

 [{:processor      (fn [ctx]
                     (http/get ""
                               {:basic-auth (select-keys ctx [:username :password])}))
   :name           "get-all-things"
   :path           [:github-response]}

  {:processor      github-response->things   ;; Pure function - ctx in -> ctx out
   :name           "github-response->things"
   :path           [:github-things]}]

 {:foo :bar}

 ;; on-success
 (fn [ctx]
   (handle-success (:github-things ctx)))

 ;; on-exception
 (fn [exception]
   (handle-exception exception)))

HINT: The parameter order makes it easy to partially apply execute for leaner call sites.

Fonda sequentially executes a series of steps, one after the other, augmenting a context map. The steps can be synchronous or asyncronous. After the steps are run, the termination callbacks will be executed.

If a js/Error, an exception in fonda parlance, is thrown it will be automatically caught and the chain short circuits. Then the following things happen in order:

  • The log-exception function is called, if present, with the log map.
  • The on-exception function is called with the js/Error.

Exceptions are things we can't and don't want to recover from, like unexpected bugs.


Anomaly is

Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.

There is a stark contrast between anomalies and JavaScript js/Errors, Promise rejections or Java Exceptions: anomalies are data that define a recoverable error, like receiving a 409 (conflict) http status code that you can retry.

Anomalies are first class citizens in fonda and by default they are maps containing the :cognitect.anomalies/anomaly key.

It is also possible to redefine what an anomaly is by passing a config predicate, anomaly?, so that client code can have its own representation of an anomaly.

An anomaly returned by a step will also short circuit, with the following happening afterwards:

  • The log-anomaly function is called if present.
  • The on-anomaly function is called.

The following section describes the parameters fonda/execute accepts.


  • config - static configuration map

    Key Optional? Notes
    :anomaly? Yes A function that gets a map and determines if it is an anomaly
    :log-exception Yes A function that gets called with the log map when there is an exception
    :log-anomaly Yes A function that gets called with the log map when a step returns an anomaly
    :log-success Yes A function that gets called after all the steps succeed
    :initial-ctx Yes The data that initializes the context. Must be a map, {} by default.

A function that gets the context map. If it succeeds, the result is then ignored. It will still block the steps processing if it is asynchronous, and it will interrupt the steps execution if it returns an anomaly, or it triggers an exception

  • steps - each item must be either a Tap or a Processor

    • tap

      Key Optional? Notes
      :tap No A function that gets the context but doesn't augment it. If it succeeds the result is ignored. If asynchronous it will still block the pipeline and interrupt the execution whenever either an anomaly or an exception happen.
      :name No The name of the step
    • processor

      Key Optional? Notes
      :processor No A function that gets the context and returns data. The data is assoced-in at the given path Can be asynchronous. If asynchronous it will still block the pipeline and interrupt the execution whenever either an anomaly or an exception happen.
      :path No Path where to assoc the result of the processor
      :name No The name of the step
  • ctx The runtime starting context, merged to the initial context. Must be a map, {} by default.

  • on-success Callback that gets called with the context if all steps succeed.

  • on-anomaly Callback that gets called with an anomaly when any of the steps returns one.

  • on-exception Callback that gets called with an exception when any of the steps throws one.


Log functions are called after the steps have been executed. Log functions are non-blocking, and their returning value is ignored. Their only parameter is the log map

If all the steps succeeded, the log-success function will be called.

If any step return an anomaly, the log-anomaly will be called instead.

If any step threw an exception, the log-exception function will be called.

Log map

It is a map that is passed to the logging functions. This is different from the context passed to the steps and it is only exposed to the these functions for logging purposes.

The log map is a record that contains:

  • :ctx The context that was threaded through the steps.
  • :anomaly The anomaly caused by one of the steps, if any.
  • :exception The exception caused by one of the steps or taps, if any.
  • :stack A stack with all the steps already executed. Last step in the stack is the last step executed.

Full Example

  {:initial-ctx     {:env-var-xyz "value"}

   :log-exception   (fn [{:keys [ctx exception]}]
                      (println "Oh noes! An exception happened:" exception))

   :log-anomaly     (fn [{:keys [ctx anomaly]}]
                      (println "Well ok, some anomaly happened:" anomaly))

   :log-success     (fn [{:keys [ctx]}]
                      (println "Operation successful!"))}

  [{:processor      (fn [ctx]
                      (ajax/GET "" {:params (:remote-thing-params ctx)})
    :name           "get-remote-thing"
    :path           [:remote-thing-response]}

   {:tap            (fn [{:keys [remote-thing-response]}]
                      (println "the remote thing response was:" remote-thing-response))}

   {:processor      process-remote-thing-response ;; Pure function - ctx in - ctx out
    :name           "process-thing-response"
    :path           [:remote-thing]}]

  {:foo :bar}

  ;; on-success
  (fn [{:keys [remote-thing-processed]}]
   (handle-success remote-thing-processed))

  ;; on-anomaly
  (fn [anomaly]
   (handle-anomaly anomaly))

  ;; on-exception
  (fn [exception]
   (handle-exception exception)))


The name got inspired by Jane Fonda's step very successful fitness programs.

As with the fitness program, fonda consist of well-curated 🚶‍♀️ steps 🚶‍♂️.




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