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Syntax Extensions

Arne Westphal edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 8 revisions

Additions to Markdown Syntax

To use additional elearn.js features or add meta information or scripts to the HTML Head you can use the following syntax.


Sections are automatically created at headings. These sections are used by elearn.js to create pages. This can be changed with conversion settings. When using markdown-elearnjs directly check Conversion, otherwise check the Wiki of the package you use for a description of available settings. By default headings up to ### Heading 3 will start a new section with the name set to the headings text.

If you only want a specific heading to not start a new section, insert <!--no-section--> into the headings text like this:

## Example Heading <!--no-section-->

If you disable this option or want a new section at a specific point, you can insert


This way the html will contain a surrounding <section name="SECTION_NAME">.

There are also syntax extensions for subsections and subsubsections


If you want to use | as a character within the sections name, you have to escape it with an \. So | becomes \| like this |||Example \| Section 1|||. Using normal markdown headings with autogenerated sections like ## Example | Section 1 is still possible without further escaping. Also \ chars always have to be escaped when you want to write them as a character in a text. See the Usage of backslashes section in Useful Hints for further information.

Notice: You should always insert the first section before everything else (besides not displayed elements like the meta information or imprint below). Other displayed elements before the first section will otherwise always be visible.

Content Overview

Elearn.js has support for an automatically created content overview based on sections. You can insert this overview by adding the following block

<div id="content-overview" class="kachel">
    <!-- Keep this empty. This will be automatically generated. -->

This will create a basic list overview. If you want to use a "block" theme, you can add class="kachel" to the <div> (<div id="content-overview" class="kachel">). With this theme checkmarks will be displayed for all sections visited already. You can add hide-read to the class to deactivate these checkmarks (<div id="content-overview" class="kachel hide-read">). If you want to hide sections in this overview e.g. the content overview section itself you can add a comment <!--hide-in-overview--> like this

## Content Overview <!--hide-in-overview-->
|||Content Overview||| <!--hide-in-overview-->

Section Description

markdown-elearnjs supports the description feature of elearn.js. This means that it is possible to add a desc attribute to the <section> to write a short description, which is displayed in the content overview (for the kachel style only).

To do so you can simply add a comment to the heading or section like before:

## My section <!--desc This section is very important-->
|||My section||| <!--desc This section is very important-->

It is necessary to write <!--desc including the trailing space. You can close it without an additional space there.

You can only write this descriptions in one line. Line breaks are not supported. If you want a displayed line break in the description you can write <br /> to do so. Also it is allowed to use markdown syntax. Example:

## My section <!--desc Has a _description_ with <br /> line breaks.-->

Unconverted Blocks

If you have a block in your Markdown code you do not want to be converted you have the option to wrap it in a <div> or <p>. But if you do not want to do that, you can also deactivate Markdown conversion for this block using the comments <!--markdown-disable--> and <!--markdown-enable--> (since v1.7.2):

This is a block in which no markdown should be processed.
It can contain $formulas__with$ anything $markdown *would__convert*$.

Converts to:

This is a block in which no markdown should be processed.
It can contain $formulas__with$ anything $markdown *would__convert*$.

Please note the missing <p>. This might lead to unexpected results.


Otherwise you can wrap the block in HTML. This might not work with inline code. The following block will not be changed in any way.

This is a block in which no markdown should be processed.
It can contain $formulas__with$ anything $markdown *would__convert*$.

Hidden Comments

Html comments are by default kept in the output. So whenever you write a comment it can still be found in the Html output. You can set an option to remove all comments from the output (check the Conversion Wiki). This can be handy if you only want to use comments for yourself while writing the document, but do not want anyone to see those in the result.

There is also a syntax for always hidden comments. Those will be removed from the output even if you deactivate comment removal.

Just write your comment like the following example

<!--hide This is a hidden comment-->

You need to start your comment with <!--hide followed by at least one space and finish it with --> to be removed in the conversion process.

Meta Information

The following block has to be added to the markdown file (preferably at the top) to add meta information to the generated HTML-File.

Title: elearn.js Template
Author: Name Author
Description: Enter Descriptions
Keywords: Key, Words
Custom: "<script type=\"text/x-mathjax-config\">
                extensions: [\"tex2jax.js\"],
                jax: [\"input/TeX\", \"output/HTML-CSS\"],
                tex2jax: {
                    inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], [\"\\(\",\"\\)\"] ],
                    displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], [\"\\[\",\"\\]\"] ],
                    processEscapes: true
                \"HTML-CSS\": { availableFonts: [\"TeX\"] }
        <script type=\"text/javascript\"

This will basically add <meta> elements to the HTML's Head. For example Author: Name Author, where Author might be called Key and Name Author Value, will be converted to <meta name="author" content="Name Author"/>. There are only two exceptions to this rule.

  • Title will convert to a <title> element.
  • Custom will add the value without any conversion to the Head. In this example the MathJax Script is loaded and initiated.

If you want to write a value over multiple lines you can surround it with ' or " otherwise it will only get interpreted as single line value. The chosen wrapper has to be escaped within the value. This can also be seen in the example above. Another example: Title: An "Example" with quotes is equal to Title: "An \"Example\" with quotes" and Title: 'An "Example" with quotes'.

The --- wrapping the block is necessary if you include this block. All Key-Value pairs have to be within these --- lines. If you want to be sure the block will not be converted to anything else by other converters you can also use the alternative syntax:

Title: elearn.js Template
Author: ...

This way you are save to use this even when working with other converters. But you cannot use --> in the block and the editor will most likely not highlight the syntax.

It is recommended to not indent the attribute keys (e.g. "Title") in the meta block. This might lead to unwanted behavior, although it should be supported.

All fields are optional as well as the block itself.

elearn.js Imprint

In the HTML version's menu of an elearn.js document is an imprint. To add your imprint information you have to add the following block to the markdown code.


Within this block either markdown or html is allowed. Up to version 0.3.2 you may not indent the imprint code because indented code will be converted to a code block. Following versions support one indention up to four spaces.

This block is optional but it is recommended to insert this block at the top of your markdown file. This block should not be converted in other markdown converters due to its html comment style. This way you are save to use this even when working with other converters. But of course other converters will not generate any output based on this block. There are two alternatives to this syntax:


