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elemel edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 7 revisions

Crust is a 2D sandbox game.

The truths of Crust:

  • The world contains blocks.
  • Blocks are the main content of the world.
  • A block is a regular grid of cells.
  • Block cells are fly-weight objects.
  • A block cell has a material.
  • A block has position and angle.
  • The mass and moment of inertia of a block are derived from its cells.
  • A block has one physics body and one or more physics shapes.
  • The world also contains fluids.
  • The world also contains particles.
  • A particle is a light-weight representation of a one-by-one block.
  • Blocks emit and absorb particles.
  • Particles are also used for magic.
  • A particle is a quantum of matter, fluid or energy.

The truths of characters:

  • A character is a circular object.
  • A character has eight ray springs extending in his horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions.
  • A character may run while at least one of his three downward rays is intersecting another object.
  • A running character will rotate so that his up direction becomes perpendicular to his velocity.
  • The run force of a character is perpendicular to his up direction.

The notes of Crust:

  • Allow all classes to use all items, but throw in some perks, e.g. alchemists have longer flight range with rocket boots.
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