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The modelling of insect navigation toolkit including:

  • sperated visual navigation-visual homing (VH) and route following (RF)
  • path integration (adapted from Stone 2017)
  • optimal cue integration and the multi-guidance system coordination
  • Modelling the specific brain regions.

Folder structure:

  • data: stores all the materials used in the implementation

    • world.mat : simulated 3D world, a dictionary with keys 'X','Y','Z' stored the triangle pathes's 3D coordinates
    • ArcRouteMem.mat : the visual memory of specific route, a dictionary with keys 'pos','h', 'img' etc.
    • HomeMemory_X0Y0.mat : the visual memory of the nest (at (0,0)). having the same keys with route memory
    • (X)MeshSampled_ZMs_fixedHeading.mat : the frequency coding (zernike moment of the panoramic skyline) of the view across the world with fixed heading 0deg. (Cannot upload, exceed 25M)
    • (X)MeshSampled_ZMs_randomHeading.mat : the frequency coding (zernike moment of the panoramic skyline) of the view across the world with random headings. (Cannot upload, exceed 25M)
  • source: stores all the source code of the implementation

    • : useful functions for wrapping the image view, get the frequency encoding information, etc.
    • the implementation of calculating the Zernike Moment coefficients of fixed size of image
    • : the model of brain regions like Central Complex (CX), Mushroom Body (MB) etc.
    • : the class for visual homing
    • route : the class for route following
    • path : the class for path integration
    • : the class for unified model of the navigation toolkit
    • (X)InsectNavigationGUI.exe : the GUI developed for running the simulations (Cannot upload, exceed 25M). Snapshot of the GUI:

  • img: images used for

Running the simulation:

0. Dependance

Packages and settings

import as sio
import numpy as np

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2


# the simulated 3D world
world = sio.loadmat('data/world.mat')
# the route memory
route_memory = sio.loadmat('data/ArcRouteMemory.mat')
# the home memory
home_memory = sio.loadmat('data/HomeMemory_X0Y0.mat')
# the max order of ZM
zm_n_max = 16

1. Basic simulation

path integration (PI)

* generate PI memory

from path_integration import PathIntegrationAgent
# set parameters
initial_memory = 0.5
# create an agent
pi = PathIntegrationAgent(initial_memory)
# generate the PI memory
pi_len = 3.0 # m
pi_dir = 45 # deg
pi_memory = pi.generate_pi_memory(pi_len, pi_dir, initial_memory)

* homing

# homing
start_pos = [-700,-700]
start_h = 0
time_out = 100
motor_k = 0.5
pos, h, velocity, pi_memory = pi.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out, motor_k, step_size=8)

visual homin (VH)

* training the MB network

from visual_homing import VisualHomingAgent
# set up parameters
num_pn = 81
num_kc = 4000
vh_learning_rate = 0.1
vh_kc_thr = 0.04
# create an instance
vh = VisualHomingAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, vh_learning_rate, vh_kc_thr, num_pn, num_kc)
# training
en = vh.train_mb_network()

* homing

start_pos = [0,-700]
start_h = 0
time_out = 100
vh_k = 0.5
motor_k = 1.5 * 0.25
pos, h, velocity, mb_out, mb_delta = vh.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out, vh_k, motor_k, step_size=8)

route following (RF)

* training the ANN

from route_following import RouteFollowingAgent
# set parameters
rf_learning_rate = 0.1
rf_learning_step = 30000
# create an instance
rf = RouteFollowingAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, num_neurons=30)
# train the ANN
rf.train_nn_network(rf_learning_step, rf_learning_rate)

* homing

start_pos = [-700,-700]
start_h = 0
time_out = 100
motor_k = 1.5
pos, h, velocity, nn_output = rf.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out, motor_k, step_size=8)

whole model

* create the agent of insect navigation and train the networks

from insect_navigation import InsectNavigationAgent

# set PI parameters
pi_initial_memory = 0.1
pi_len = 3.0 # m
pi_dir = 90 # deg

# set VH parameters
num_pn = 81
num_kc = 4000
vh_learning_rate = 0.1
vh_kc_thr = 0.04

# set RF parameters
rf_learning_rate = 0.1
rf_learning_step = 30000
ann_num_neurons = 30

# set SMP neuron parameters
tun_k = 0.0125
sn_thr = 5.0

# create the insect navigation agent
agent = InsectNavigationAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, 
                              vh_learning_rate, vh_kc_thr, num_pn, num_kc, 
                              tun_k, sn_thr,
# training the MB network
en = agent.train_mb_network()
# training the ANN network
err = agent.train_ann_network(rf_learning_step, rf_learning_rate)
# generate PI memory
pi = agent.generate_pi_memory(pi_len, pi_dir, pi_initial_memory)

* homing

start_pos = [-200,-700]
start_h = 90
time_out = 10
motor_k = 1.5

# set PI parameters
pi_initial_memory = 0.1
pi_len = 3.0 # m
pi_dir = 225 # deg
# generate PI memory
pi = agent.generate_pi_memory(pi_len, pi_dir, pi_initial_memory)

# VH tuning scalar
vh_k = 0.5

# start homing
end_t, pos, h, velocity, mb_out, mb_delta, ann_out, vh_memory, pi_memory, ra_memory, tn, sn1, sn2 = agent.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out,
                                                                                                               vh_k, sn_thr, tun_k, motor_k,

2. Reproducing behavioural data

Using the seperated model for VH and RF

visual_navigation on and off route (Wystrach2012)

visual homin (VH)

from visual_homing import VisualHomingAgent
# set up parameters
num_pn = 81
num_kc = 4000
vh_learning_rate = 0.1
vh_kc_thr = 0.04
# create an instance
vh = VisualHomingAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, vh_learning_rate, vh_kc_thr, num_pn, num_kc)
# training MB
en = vh.train_mb_network()

# trials setting
start_pos = [0,-700]
start_h_s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 12, endpoint=False)
time_out = 100
vh_k = 2.0
motor_k = 0.125

pos_s = []
h_s = []

# run the trial
for start_h in start_h_s:
    pos, h, velocity, mb_out, mb_delta = vh.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out, vh_k, motor_k, step_size=4)
    # store the homing data

route following (RF)

from route_following import RouteFollowingAgent
# set parameters
rf_learning_rate = 0.1
rf_learning_step = 30000
# create an instance
rf = RouteFollowingAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, num_neurons=30)
# train the ANN
rf.train_nn_network(rf_learning_step, rf_learning_rate)

start_pos = [-700,-700]
start_h_s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 2, endpoint=False)
time_out = 5
motor_k = 0.125

pos_s = []
h_s = []

# run the trial
for start_h in start_h_s:
    pos, h, velocity, nn_output = rf.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out, motor_k, step_size=4)
    # store the homing data

optimal cue integration

Using the whole model, but turn-off route following by setting sn_thr = 0.0

tuning PI uncertainty (Wystrach2015)

from insect_navigation import InsectNavigationAgent

# set PI parameters
pi_initial_memory = 0.1
pi_len = 3.0 # m
pi_dir = 90 # deg

# set VH parameters
num_pn = 81
num_kc = 4000
vh_learning_rate = 0.1
vh_kc_thr = 0.04

# set RF parameters
rf_learning_rate = 0.1
rf_learning_step = 30000
ann_num_neurons = 30

# set SMP neuron parameters
tun_k = 0.1
sn_thr = 0.0

# create the insect navigation agent
agent = InsectNavigationAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, 
                              vh_learning_rate, vh_kc_thr, num_pn, num_kc, 
                              tun_k, sn_thr,
# training the MB network
en = agent.train_mb_network()

# trials setting
# generate PI memory
pi_len_s = [0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 7.0] # m
pi_dir = 90 # deg

start_pos = []
start_h_s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 2, endpoint=False)
time_out = 2
motor_k = 0.125

# VH tuning scalar
vh_k = 2.0

pos_s = []
h_s = []

# run the trials 
for start_h in start_h_s:
    for pi_len in pi_len_s:
        # generate different PI home vector length
        pi = agent.generate_pi_memory(pi_len, pi_dir, pi_initial_memory)
        # start homing
        end_t, pos, h, velocity, mb_out, mb_delta, ann_out, vh_memory, pi_memory, ra_memory, tn, sn1, sn2 = agent.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out,
                                                                                                                   vh_k, sn_thr, tun_k, motor_k,

tuning VH uncertainty (Legge2014)

from insect_navigation import InsectNavigationAgent

# set PI parameters
pi_initial_memory = 0.1
pi_len = 3.0 # m
pi_dir = 90 # deg

# set VH parameters
num_pn = 81
num_kc = 4000
vh_learning_rate = 0.1
vh_kc_thr = 0.04

# set RF parameters
rf_learning_rate = 0.1
rf_learning_step = 30000
ann_num_neurons = 30

# set SMP neuron parameters
tun_k = 0.1
sn_thr = 0.0

# create the insect navigation agent
agent = InsectNavigationAgent(world, route_memory, home_memory, zm_n_max, 
                              vh_learning_rate, vh_kc_thr, num_pn, num_kc, 
                              tun_k, sn_thr,
# training the MB network
en = agent.train_mb_network()

# generate PI memory
pi = agent.generate_pi_memory(pi_len, pi_dir, pi_initial_memory)
# trials setting
# generate PI memory
pi_len_s = [0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 7.0] # m
pi_dir = 90 # deg

start_pos_s = []
start_h_s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 2, endpoint=False)
time_out = 2
motor_k = 0.125

# VH tuning scalar
vh_k = 2.0

pos_s = []
h_s = []

# run the trials 
for start_h in start_h_s:
    for start_pos in start_pos_s:
        # start homing
        end_t, pos, h, velocity, mb_out, mb_delta, ann_out, vh_memory, pi_memory, ra_memory, tn, sn1, sn2 = agent.homing(start_pos, start_h, time_out,
                                                                                                                   vh_k, sn_thr, tun_k, motor_k,

whole model for all the properties we want

This can be done by using the whole model cell in the Basic simulation section.

3. Other analysis tools

This section contains some code to generate some analysis data, such as the ZM encoding of the 3D world.

Check the frequency phase tracking across the world

from model import *
# check the data for RF
# 1.RF memory , 2.the phase-tracking, 3.RF suggested

# sampled num
sample_num = 20

# sampled locations
pos_x = np.linspace(-10,2,sample_num)
pos_y = np.linspace(-8,2,sample_num)
# sampled heading
h = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,10)

# stored data
ann_output = np.zeros([sample_num**2,len(h)])
current_zm_p = np.zeros([sample_num**2,len(h)])

vc_phase_prefs = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,8,endpoint=False)

for i in range(sample_num**2):
    for k,h_i in enumerate(h):
        A,P = visual_sense(InsectNaviAgent.world_data, pos_x[i%sample_num],pos_y[i//sample_num],h_i,nmax=InsectNaviAgent.nmax)
        current_zm_p[i,k] = P[16]
        nn_input = A.copy()
        nn_input = (nn_input - np.min(nn_input))/np.max(nn_input)
        nn_res = InsectNaviAgent.VC.run_test(nn_input)
        ann_output[i,k] = np.arctan2(np.sum(nn_res*np.sin(vc_phase_prefs)), 
# sio.savemat('QuiverPlotData_X-10_2_Y-8_2_SH20.mat',{'ann_output':ann_output, 'current_zm_p':current_zm_p})

generate frequency coding memory of specific locations and heading defined by pos and h

# generate visual memory along PI route
from image_processing import get_img_view
from zernike_moment import zernike_moment

home_pos_new = np.array([0, 0])
sample_len = 20
pos = np.array([[home_pos_new[0] - sample_len, home_pos_new[1]],
                [home_pos_new[0] - sample_len, home_pos_new[1] - sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0], home_pos_new[1] - sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0] + sample_len, home_pos_new[1] - sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0] + sample_len, home_pos_new[1]],
                [home_pos_new[0] + sample_len, home_pos_new[1] + sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0], home_pos_new[1] + sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0] - sample_len, home_pos_new[1] + sample_len],
                [home_pos_new[0], home_pos_new[1]],
h = np.array([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5]) * np.pi
memory_ZM_As = np.zeros([len(pos), 81])
memory_ZM_Ps = np.zeros([len(pos), 81])
memory_imgs =  np.zeros([len(pos), 208, 208])
for i in range(len(pos)):
    memory_imgs[i, :, :] = get_img_view(InsectNaviAgent.world_data, pos[i, 0] / 100.0, pos[i, 1] / 100.0, 0.01,
                                        h[i], hfov_d=360, wrap=True,
                                        blur=False, blur_kernel_size=3)
    index = 0
    for n in range(InsectNaviAgent.nmax + 1):
        for m in range(n + 1):
            if (n - m) % 2 == 0:
                M, memory_ZM_As[i, index], memory_ZM_Ps[i, index] = zernike_moment(255 - memory_imgs[i, :, :], n, m)
                index += 1

compute the frequecny encoding of locations across the world

from image_processing import visual_sense
# generate the ZM coefficients for the world
sample_num = 20
map_x = np.linspace(-10,10,sample_num)
map_y = np.linspace(-10,10,sample_num)
h = np.zeros([len(map_x),len(map_y)])
world_zm_a = np.zeros([len(map_x),len(map_y),81])
world_zm_p = np.zeros([len(map_x),len(map_y),81])
for i,y in enumerate(map_y):
    for j,x in enumerate(map_x):
        A,P = visual_sense(InsectNaviAgent.world_data,x,y,h[i,j],nmax=16)
        world_zm_a[j,i] = A
        world_zm_p[j,i] = P

This code is associated with the paper from Sun et al., "A decentralised neural model explaining optimal integration of navigational strategies in insects". eLife, 2020.


Modelling the insect navigation toolkit







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