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Overview of code for data processing and spatiotemporal anisotropy calculations

This repository contains Matlab code for processing SPT trajectory data and for calculating anisotropy at multiple spatiotemporal scales. It also contains code for calculating and fitting the MSD for SPT trajectory data that has been HMM classified. We will describe the general anisotropy code first and the HMM-MSD code at the end.

This code is associated with the paper from McSwiggen et al., "Evidence for DNA-mediated nuclear compartmentalization distinct from phase separation". eLife, 2019.

Quick tutorial: going through each step

  1. Step 1: Obtain SPT data at multiple temporal scales
    1. Here we will use the provided example data for U2OS C32 Halo-hCTCF, which is provided in the directory UnProcessedExampleData and contains data at 3 frame rates: ~223 Hz, ~133 Hz, ~74 Hz.
  2. Step 2: Merge and QC the SPT data from many different single cells
    1. Open script MergeQC_SPT_data.m and click run (~1-2 min).
    2. Use the script to merge data from multiple cells. Dependent function: RemoveAmbigiousTracks.m
    3. Adjust ClosestDist to set the threshold in micrometers for when particles are too close and trajectories should be aborted.
    4. At the end of this step, the directory QC_data should contain a single MAT file for each frame rate, e.g. U2OS_C32_Halo-hCTCF_74Hz_pooled_QC_CD2.mat
  3. Step 3 Classify all trajectories using a Hidden-Markov Model (HMM)
    1. Open script Batch_vbSPT_classify.m and click run.
    2. This script uses the HMM vbSPT to classify trajectories into BOUND and FREE segments using a 2-state model. Please see acknowlegdements for a full citation of Persson et al. for vbSPT.
    3. Since vbSPT cannot handle gaps, Batch_vbSPT_classify.m goes through trajectories with gaps splits them into subtrajectories. vbSPT runs in parallel by default.
    4. At the end, HMM-classified trajectories are saved to HMM_first_QC_data containing two variables: CellTracks is a cell array with the xy data. CellTrackViterbiClass is the HMM-classification, with 1=BOUND and 2=FREE.
  4. Step 4 Temporally subsample the HMM-classified SPT data
    1. Open script CompileTemporalSubSamplesOfHMM.m and click run.
    2. This script subsamples the data to generate trajectories at longer lag times (e.g. 100 Hz --> 50 Hz).
    3. It also carries over the HMM-classification from the faster frame rates. Dependent function: TemporallyReSampleCellTracks.m
  5. Step 5 Perform full SpatioTemporal analysis of anisotropy
    1. Open script Process_SpatioTemporal_AngleAnalysis_v2.m and click run.
    2. This will do a full analysis of anistropy at multiple spatiotemporal scales. The relevant parameters for the analysis should be specificied in Process_SpatioTemporal_AngleAnalysis_v2.m.
    3. The bulk of the analysis is performed in angleFWHM_Amp_HMM_analyzer_v5.m. Additional dependent functions AngleMatrix_analyzer.m and ComputeAmpFWHM.m.
    4. At the end of the run, the analysis results are saved as MAT file: U2OS_C32_SpatioTemporalAnalysis.mat
  6. Step 6 Plot the results
    1. Open the script PLOT_SpatioTemporalAnalysisResults_v4.m and click run.
    2. Adjust which datasets to analyze and where to save the plots. 2 PDFs with 27 total subplots will be save per sample.
    3. Although the code is ~600 lines, it only does plotting of data already processed in Step 5.

Detailed description of each step

Below we will describe each step in more details.

Step 1 - Obtain SPT data at multiple temporal scales

Here we will use the provided example data for U2OS C32 Halo-hCTCF, which is provided in the directory UnProcessedExampleData and contains data at 3 frame rates: ~223 Hz, ~133 Hz, ~74 Hz.

Step 2 - Merge and QC the SPT data from many different single cells

When performing tracking and localization, each single cell results in a single file. Thus, to keep things manageable, we use MergeQC_SPT_data.m to merge data from all these single cells (~20-30 cells) into a single file for a given frame rate, by concatenating the frames (e.g. if two movies with 20,000 frames are merged, frame 1 in the second movie becomes frame 20,001). To minimize tracking errors, we also use ClosestDist = 2 (in units of μm) to abort trajectories where two particles came closer than 2 μm to each other. This is achieved by calling the function RemoveAmbigiousTracks.m. At the end of this step, the directory QC_data should contain a single MAT file for each frame rate, e.g. U2OS_C32_Halo-hCTCF_74Hz_pooled_QC_CD2.mat.

Step 3 - Classify all trajectories using a Hidden-Markov Model (HMM)

We use Batch_vbSPT_classify.m to classify trajectory segments into BOUND and FREE segments. Batch_vbSPT_classify.m first removes gaps from all the trajectories and then calls vbSPT. We implemented a 2-state Hidden Markov Model (HMM) through vbSPT, which uses a Bayesian approach to infer the most likely state for each displacement in a trajectory (“bound” or “free”) based on displacement lengths and trajectory history. This is important, because the apparent movement of bound molecules is dominated by localization errors. Thus, we want to exclude bound/immobile molecules from the analysis since we are interested in understanding the nuclear search mechanism, which only applies to diffusing/free molecules and also because bound/immobile molecules will artefactual appear anisotropic due to localization errors around a relatively fixed position. Thus, by using a 2-state HMM we can filter out the bound population and restrict our subsequent analysis to the free population (the number of states is controlled by the variable maxHidden. Batch_vbSPT_classify.m will automatically run on all SPT datasets in the directory input_path, reformat data to remove gaps and save the reformatted data to path_reformatted and finally save the classified data to path_classified. The final classified SPT data contains 4 variables:

  • CellTracks, a cell array where each element is a trajectory and is a Nx2 matrix with the XY coordinates for each of the N frames.
  • CellTrackViterbiClass, a cell array where each element is a N-1 column vector corresponding to the relevant trajectory in CellTracks. In other words, CellTrackViterbiClass classifies each displacement and thus is one length shorter than the number of localizations in CellTracks. 1 corresponds to BOUND and 2 corresponds to FREE. E.g. if a trajectory had 5 localizations, CellTrackViterbiClass will have length 4.
  • vbSPT_metadata, a structure array object containing the most relevant vbSPT metadata such as the inferred diffusion constants, subpopulation sizes and transition matrix.
  • LagTime, the time between frames in units of seconds.

Batch_vbSPT_classify.m calls two dependent functions: InferFrameRateFromName.m, which infers the frame rate from the filename and EditRunInputFile_for_batch.m which edits the file vbSPT_RunInputFileBatch.m to automatically feed the relevant information to vbSPT. In summary, at the end of this step the trajectories have been classified to allow subsequent analysis to focus exclusively on the free/diffusing population.

Step 4 - Temporally subsample the HMM-classified SPT data

Next, we use CompileTemporalSubSamplesOfHMM.m to temporally subsample the existing SPT data and generate trajectories with longer lag times. E.g. by subsampling every 10th frame (frames 1, 11, 21, …) of the 223 Hz data and every 6th frame (frames 1, 7, 13, …) of the 133 Hz data, we can generate new SPT trajectories at 22.2 Hz. Full details on how the 223 Hz, 133 Hz and 74 Hz SPT data was temporally subsampled is given in the structure array, TempSubSampleStruc in lines 40-117. We use this approach to generate SPT data at the following frame rates: 44.4 Hz, 34.2 Hz, 26 Hz, 22.2 Hz, 18.8 Hz, 16.5 Hz, 14.8 Hz, 12.2 Hz, 10.6 Hz, 9.2 Hz. The subsampling is performed in the dependent function TemporallyReSampleCellTracks.m and we note an important potential ambiguity here. To illustrate, suppose we want to take every 3rd frame of a trajectory (i.e. frames 1, 4, 7, …). Since the SPT data has already been HMM-classified, a trajectory of length N will have N-1 displacements classified as either bound or free. We would like to carry over this classification to the temporally subsampled trajectory. While most trajectories are either entirely free (2) or bound (1), some trajectories show transitions. In this example, say the HMM-classification is [1,2,2,2,2,1] for frames 1-7. In this case, the subsampled displacement from frame 1-to-4 will have HMM-classification [1,2,2], but we have to label it as either “1” or “2’ in the sub-sampled data. In these cases, we took the most conservative approach. Since our primary goal is to filter out the bound population, we labelled any temporally subsampled displacement as bound as long as any one of the intermediate displacements were classified as bound, even if the majority were free. This is implemented in the function TemporallyReSampleCellTracks.m. Finally, at the end of this procedure, all the temporally subsampled and HMM-classified SPT datasets are saved to the directory HMM_first_QC_data.

Step 5 - Perform full SpatioTemporal analysis of anisotropy

We wrote Process_SpatioTemporal_AngleAnalysis_v2.m to perform all the analysis of the HMM-classified trajectory data at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The bulk of the analysis is performed in the dependent function angleFWHM_Amp_HMM_analyzer_v5.m and the code also calls AngleMatrix_analyzer.m and ComputeAmpFWHM.m. The analysis is somewhat complicated and for full details, we refer the reader to the underlying function angleFWHM_Amp_HMM_analyzer_v5.m. But briefly, we describe the analysis, input parameters and output results here. For a given trajectory, as long as it consists of at least 3 localizations and thus 2 displacements, it is possible to calculate an angle between adjacent displacements. If we define the 3 localizations making up the angle as p1, p2 and p3, we can define 2 column vectors and calculate the angle between them as follows (using Matlab syntax):

v1 = (p2-p1)';
v2 = (p3-p2)';
angle(1,1) = abs(atan2(det([v1,v2]),dot(v1,v2)));
angle(1,2) = 2*pi-angle(1,1);

Here, the second element in the angle is due to the factor that whether a 150 degree angle is classified as 150 or 210 degrees is arbitrary. Note though that the above calculation is in units of radians. We then loop over all the trajectories. However, we want to be careful to filter out the bound population and we therefore apply two criteria. First, the displacements must be HMM-classified as FREE and, second, both displacements must be at least of length MinMinJumpThres. Only if both criteria are satisfied, do we count the angle. These criteria are used for the bulk analysis of the angles (subplots 1-6 in the plotting step (Step 6)). Afterwards, the analysis quantifies 4 different anisotropy metrics:

  • AC: anisotropy coefficient which is define as: AC = log2(P(a[150-210])/ P(a[330-30])), and this metric was introduced previously by Izeddin et al. (eLife 2014). Thus, the AC quantifies how much more likely a molecule is to go in the backwards after having going forwards.

  • Amp: how the amplitude is calculated in illustrated in Figure X and detailed in the function ComputeAmpFWHM.m. Briefly, we build a histogram of the probability as a function of the binned angle. We then use fine-scale interpolation to overcome the binning. From this we fit the background density and then calculate the “excess” anisotropy. Since the histogram sums to 1, the amplitude takes values between 0 and 1. This provides a related but somewhat orthogonal metric or anisotropy.

  • f(180+/-30/0+/-30) or f(180/0) for short: is identical to the AC, but does not use a logarithm. Essentially, f(180/0) quantifies how many times more likely a particle is to go backwards relative to continuing forwards. For example, if f(180/0)=1.6, the particle is 1.6-fold more likely to return in the backwards direction than to continue forwards.

  • FWHM (full width at half-maximum): quantifies the width of the anisotropy histogram and is defined as the full width of the histogram peak centered around 180 at the half-maximal value (i.e. when the probability is half-way in between the peak of the of the angle histogram and the background probability). This analysis quantifies the “bulk” anisotropy.

To analyze how the anisotropy changes with space and time, we do binning. For spatial analysis, i.e. how the anisotropy metrics depend on the length of the two displacements making up the angle, we control the range of translocations in the variable MovingThreshold, which we allow to run from 100 nm to 950 nm in bins of 50 nm. Thus, in this case we additionally consider displacements that are HMM-classified as free and also which are at least 100 nm long (set by the variable GlotbalMinJumpThres). Since there are two displacements making up the angle, one can either quantify their mean displacement, their minimal displacement (univariate analysis) or the length of both displacements (bivariate analysis), and we took all three approaches here. For spatial analysis, we averaged over all 13 time-scales (from 223 Hz to 9.2 Hz) and calculated the anisotropy metrics. For example, for f(180/0) as a function of mean displacement, we populated the [100 nm ; 150 nm] bin by taking all angles from all 13 frame rates where the mean of the two displacements making up the angle is between 100 and 150 nm and then calculated f(180/0) using all of these angles. And likewise for the other metrics. For analysis of anisotropy as a function of time, we use all the angles making up a single frame rate satisfying the both of the two criteria listed above: HMM-classified as FREE both displacements at length MinMinJumpThres (200 nm). Errorbars were estimated using re-sampling and is controlled by the variables JackKnife_fraction and JackKnife_iterations. Specifically, we resampled 50% of the angles with replacement 50 times and calculated the anisotropy metrics for each iteration. The error bars reported here show the standard deviation between these 50 iterations. We noticed that at very long displacements, we would occasionally see very strange trajectories such as a particle shifting back and forth between 2 points separated by a large distance (~800 nm). These are almost certainly a tracking artifact, perhaps from 2 bound molecules blinking out-of-frequency. To remove this and avoid these biasing the analysis especially at long displacements, we removed trajectories where more than half of the angles were highly anisotropic using the variables MaxNumAngles and MaxAsymAnglesFrac. Finally, all of the anisotropy metrics are saved to the structured array FinalResults and saved. With the example data provided on GitLab, the workspace saved is U2OS_C32_SpatioTemporalAnalysis.mat.

Step 6 - Plot the results

Finally, we used PLOT_SpatioTemporalAnalysisResults_v4.m to plot and visualize the results for each individual data set and similar code to overlay results from multiple different samples. The code will generate 24 subplots per cell line / condition and these are save as 2 PDF files in the directory QC_Plots. Please see these two plots: Plot1 and Plot2 Here we will briefly describe each of the sub-plots (please see the source code for full details). The following plots are shown in Plot1:

  • Subplots 1-3: show the anisotropy as angle histograms for the 3 experimental frame rates (~223 Hz, ~133 Hz, ~74 Hz). Key metrics are also displayed.
  • Subplots 4-6: show the anisotropy as normalized angle histograms in a slightly different manner for the 3 experimental frame rates (~223 Hz, ~133 Hz, ~74 Hz). Additional metrices are displayed.
  • Subplot 7-9: show how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale with time (i.e. the frame rate). Errorbars show the standard deviation among 50 subsamplings using 50% of the data. To generate these plots, we averaged SPT data over all displacement lengths (that satisfied the two criteria above: FREE and MinMinJumpThres.
  • Subplot 10-12: show how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale with mean displacement length. Note that since 2 displacements make up an angle, here we plot the anisotropy as a function of the mean of the two displacements. Errorbars show the standard deviation among 50 subsamplings using 50% of the data. To generate these plots, we averaged SPT data over all frame rates (that satisfied the two criteria above: FREE and MinMinJumpThres).
  • Subplot 13-15: show how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale with mean displacement length for a given frame rate. Note that in case where there were fewer than minAngleNumber angles in a bin, we did not perform the calculation and the bin appears as white. As discussed elsewhere, we also found that very long displacements were associated with more frequent tracking errors. We therefore set a max displacement for each frame rate as detailed in the varibable Analysis_struct.MaxJump, which additionally restricts when metrics were calculated. Each heatmap has an associated colormap with indicated scales.

Next, in Plot2 the following plots are shown:

  • Subplot 1-3: shows how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale with MIN displacement length. Thus, it's identical to subplots 10-12 above except the min of the 2 displacements making up the angle is used instead of the mean.
  • Subplot 4-6: show how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale with MIN displacement length for a given frame rate. Thus, it's identical to subplots 13-15 above except the min of the 2 displacements making up the angle is used instead of the mean.
  • Subplot 7-9: shows how the metrics Amp, f(180/0) and FWHM (see definitions above) scale length of each displacement seperately. The rows show the length of the 1st displacement and the columns show the length of the 2nd displacement. To generate these plots we averaged SPT data over all frame rates (that satisfied the two criteria above: FREE and GlotbalMinJumpThres).


This code was tested with Matlab 2014b on a Mac and comes with vbSPT v1.1.2. Newer versions of Matlab (2015 and newer) may need to use vbSPT v.1.1.4 instead.

MSD-analysis and fitting of HMM-classified SPT data

Quick tutorial: going through each step

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to generate HMM-classified SPT data
  2. Open up ProcessPlotFit_MSD.m and click run.
  3. This will call the dependent function MSD_HMM_analyzer.m and save this plot to the directory QC_Plots.

MSD-analysis on these datasets

Here we will briefly describe the code used for MSD analysis and the rationale behind the approach. The mean-squared displacement (MSD) is a classic analysis approach for SPT. Briefly, it involves increasing the displacements at increasing time-lags and then plotting the mean of the squared distance with time. If the particle exhibits normal Brownian motion, the MSD should be linear with time according to:


Accordingly, $\alpha=1$ for Brownian motion. $\alpha<1$ indicates subdiffusion (anomalous diffusion). Here, since our trajectories are generally too short to analyze individually (Michalet & Berglund, 2012), and we therefore compute the time- and ensemble-averaged MSD. The MSD at a timelag $\tau$ is given by:

$$MSD_i(\tau)=(r_i (t+\tau)-r_i (t))$$

Thus, if we average over all displacements with time-lag $\tau$ and over all trajectories, i, we obtain the time- and ensemble-averaged MSD for a given timelag $\tau$. In the case of nuclear proteins that bind chromatin and which are tracked with a significant localization error (around 35 nm in our data), the calculations are substantially more complicated. For example, the bound molecules exhibit much longer trajectories than the freely diffusing population, since the free population rapidly moves out-of-focus (Hansen, Woringer et al., 2018). Thus, at longer time-lags, unless corrected for, the bound population would dominate the MSD calculations. Moreover, MSDs should not be calculated and averaged over a mixture of two distinct populations. Thus, to filter out the bound molecules, we use the HMM-classification described above. We use the function MSD_HMM_analyzer.m to calculate the MSD using only the segments that are classified as free using the HMM. Since we have data at three different frame rates, we calculate the MSD for each frame rate individually (~223 Hz, 134 Hz, 74 Hz) and we also merge the data from all three frame rates. When it comes to model-fitting, we fit to the HMM-classified MSD. But we must also account for localization errors and we therefore consider the expression:

$$MSD(t)_{HMM} (\tau)=4D\tau^\alpha+4\sigma^2$$

where $\sigma$ is the localization error (standard deviation in one dimension; approximate 35 nm as determined using Spot-On (Hansen, Woringer et al., 2018)). In terms of model-fitting the time- and ensemble-averaged MSD, there are a number of considerations. First, how long time-lags to consider for calculating the MSD. Second, what fraction of the data to use for the fitting. To answer the first question, we used subsampling of the data: for each time-lag, we subsampled 50% of the data using 25 iterations and calculated the standard deviation (as shown by the error bars). We then limited the number of timepoints to use (using the vector Conditions.MSD_timepoints) to 20, 18 and 16 for 223 Hz, 134 Hz and 74 Hz, respectively, such that we did not consider MSD values where the error bars got very large. In terms of least-squares fitting of the data, Saxton has argued that one should limit the fitting to only a fraction of the MSD curve (Saxton 1997, 2007). Thus, here we only use the first 50% of the data in the fitting and we perform least-squares fitting as shown in ProcessPlotFit_MSD.m. We note that fitting the MSD was not very robust in this case. We see substantially variation in the inferred parameters between the 3 frame rates and it has been argued elsewhere that MSD-analysis is not an optimal method for analyzing SPT data (Lee et al. 2017). We also note that MSD analysis is much less robust for inferring diffusion coefficients (Hansen, Woringer et al., 2018). Nevertheless, since it is a standard method for determined the anomalous exponent, $\alpha$, we include it here. We took the final inferred $\alpha$ as the one fitted when averaged over data from all three frame rates and we also calculated the 95% confidence interval.


These programs are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or upper (GPLv3+).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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This project makes heavy use of vbSPT for HMM-classification of trajectories into BOUND and FREE segments. Please see the full vbSPT paper below for details (see also SourceForge for the latest version ):

Extracting intracellular reaction rates from single molecule tracking data
Person F,Lindén M, Unoson C, Elf J
Nature Methods 10, 265–269 (2013). doi:10.1038/nmeth.2367


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