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A Python package to conduct 3D Traction Force Microscopy on multicellular aggregates (spheroids).


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This code is associated with the paper from Mark, Grundy, Strissel, Bohringer et al., "Collective forces of tumor spheroids in three-dimensional biopolymer networks". eLife, 2020.

A Python package for conducting 3D traction force microscopy on multicellular aggregates (so-called spheroids). jointforces provides high-level interfaces to the open-source finite element mesh generator Gmsh and to the Python port of the network optimizer SAENO, facilitating material simulations of contracting multicellular aggregates in highly non-linear biopolymer gels such as collagen. Additionally, jointforces provides an easy-to-use API for analyzing time-lapse images of contracting multicellular aggregates using the particle image velocimetry framework OpenPIV.

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The current version of this package can be downloaded as a zip file here, or by cloning this repository. After unzipping, run the following command within the unzipped folder: pip install -e .. This will automatically download and install all other required packages.


In some cases the installation of the required package OpenPIV fails due to missing compilers. In that case, Windows users may use the pre-compiled binaries provided here. Download the approriate *.whl-File for your Python version and install via pip install *.whl. This works not only for OpenPIV, but for all packages hosted on Christoph Gohlke's page. Find your version based on the python version tag (cpX) and the platform tag (winX) of your setup. Visual studio (can be installed alternatively to the *.whl-File) can be downloaded here. At installation select the development tools.

Minimal example

jointforces provides example data and pre-computed material simulations for 1.2mg/ml collagen gels as described in Steinwachs et al. (2016). The following code snippet...

  • loads a series of images
  • segments the spheroid in each image
  • applies particle image velocimetry to each pair of subsequent images
  • compares the resulting matrix deformations to a range of material simulations
  • computes the contractile pressure and overall contractility of the spheroid over time
import jointforces as jf

jf.piv.compute_displacement_series('MCF7-time-lapse',  # image folder
                                   '*.tif',            # file pattern
                                   'MCF7-piv',         # output folder
                                   window_size=40,     # PIV window
                                   cutoff=650)         # PIV cutoff

jf.force.reconstruct('MCF7-piv',        # PIV output folder
                     'collagen12.pkl',  # lookup table
                     1.29,              # pixel size (µm)
                     'results.xlsx')    # output file


This section details a complete walk-through of the analysis of a 3D traction force microscopy experiment. The data we use in this example can be downloaded here. The data consists of 145 consecutive images of a MCF7 tumor spheroid contracting for 12h within a 1.2mg/ml collagen gel. The contractility of a multicellular aggregate is estimated by comparing the measured deformation field induced by the contracting cells to a set of simulated deformation fields of varying contractility. While we provide precompiled simulations for various materials, this documentation not only covers the force reconstruction step, but also the material simulations.

The module is imported in Python as:

import jointforces as jf

1. Mesh generation

Here, we create a spherical bulk of material (with a radius r_outer=1cm, emulating the biopolymer network) with a small, centered spherical inclusion (with a radius r_inner=100µm, emulating the multicellular aggregate). The keyword-argument length_factor determines the mesh granularity:


The resulting mesh is saved as spherical-inclusion.msh and can be displayed in Gmsh using the following command:



2. Material simulations

Having created the mesh geometry, we define appropriate boundary conditions and material parameters to emulate the contracting multicellular aggregate in silico. Here, we assume a constant in-bound pressure on the surface of the spherical inclusion (emulating the cells pulling on the surrounding matrix), and no material displacements on the outer boundary of the bulk material (emulating a hard boundary such a the walls of a Petri dish). The goal of the simulation is to obtain the displacements in the surrounding material that are the effect of the pressure exerted by the multicellular aggregate. The following command executes a simulation assuming a pressure of 100Pa and 1.2mg/ml collagen matrix as described in Steinwachs et al. (2016). After successful optimization, the results are stored in the output folder simu:

jf.simulation.spherical_contraction('test.msh', 'simu', 100, jf.materials.collagen12)

More detailed information about the output files of a simulation can be found the documentation of the saenopy project. The file parameters.txt contains all parameters used int he simulation. Note that jointforces provides functions that read in the resulting files of material simulations again to facilitate a comparison of simulated and measured deformation fields, as detailed below.

Material parameters

jointforces provides "pre-configured" material types for collagen gels of three different concentrations (0.6, 1.2, and 2.4mg/ml). Detailed protocols for reproducing these gels can be found in Steinwachs et al. (2016) and Condor et al. (2017). Furthermore, one can define a linear elastic material with a specified stiffness (in Pa) with:


To define a non-linear elastic material, use the custom material type:

jf.materials.custom(K_0, D_0, L_S, D_S)

Non-linear materials are characterized by four parameters:

  • K_0: the linear stiffness (in Pa)
  • D_0: the rate of stiffness variation during fiber buckling
  • L_S: the onset strain for strain stiffening
  • D_S: the rate of stiffness variation during strain stiffening A full description of the non-linear material model and the parameters can be found in Steinwachs et al. (2016)

Running simulations in parallel

To be able to estimate the contractility of a multicellular aggregate by relating the measured deformation field to simulated ones, we need to execute a set of simulations that cover a wide range of contractile pressures. To speed up this process, jointforces provides a parallelization method that distributes individual instances of the SAENO optimizer across different CPU cores. The following code snippet runs 150 simulations ranging from pressure values of 0.1Pa to 10000Pa (logarithmically spaced):

                         const_args={'meshfile': 'spherical-contraction.msh', 'outfolder': 'simu',
                         'material': jf.materials.collagen12},
                         var_arg='pressure', start=0.1, end=10000, n=150, log_scaling=True)

The method automatically creates subfolders within the output-folder simu, called simulation000000, simulation000001, and so on, plus a file pressure-values.txt that contains the list of pressure values used in the simulations.

3. Pressure lookup tables

To compare a measured deformation field to a set of simulated ones, we need to create a lookup table that output the expected pressure for a given strain at a given distance from the spheroid (or the expected strain for a given pressure at a given distance). First, we convert the 3D displacement fields into a set of radial displacement curves:

lookup_table = jf.simulation.create_lookup_table('simu')

Now we can interpolate between individual simulations to create lookup functions for pressure values and strain values:

get_displacement, get_pressure = jf.simulation.create_lookup_functions(lookup_table)

Finally, we may save these functions to file, e.g. to load them again in another script:

jf.simulation.save_lookup_functions(get_displacement, get_pressure, 'collagen12.pkl')
get_displacement, get_pressure = jf.simulation.load_lookup_functions('collagen12.pkl')

For example, we may now ask for the estimated pressure of a spheroid with radius r that induces a deformation of 0.2*r at a distance of 2*r:

print(get_pressure(2, 0.2))
>>> 99.81708381387853

We provide a pre-computed lookup table for the standard 1.2mg/ml collagen gel here. This lookup table has been created using the exact commands described above.

4. Particle image velocimetry

Up to this point, we have only covered material simulations, but not the analysis of measured time-lapse image series. To detect deformations in the material surrounding the spheroid, jointforces uses the Particle Image Velocimetry algorithm of the OpenPIV package. The following command automatically reads in all image files that match a filterstring within a given folder, and computes the deformation fields between subsequent images, and saves overlay plots of the deformation fields. The exemplary data used in this example can be downloaded here.

jf.piv.compute_displacement_series('MCF7-time-lapse', '*.tif', 'MCF7-piv', 
                                   window_size=40, cutoff=650, draw_mask='False')

The command performs PIV on all *.tif files in the the folder MCF7-time-lapse, the results are saved int he folder MCF7-piv. The window size of the PIV algorithm should be chosen as small as possible to increase spatial resolution, but also large enough to contain multiple fiducial markers for an accurate detection of local material deformations. The cutoff parameter can be used to disregard all displacements that are detected further away from the center than the set value (e.g. because an optical coupler is visible in the corners of the image). With the draw_mask option the user can decide to draw a poylgon mask by hand instead of using the automatic segmentation.

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5. Force reconstruction

Finally, we may use the lookup functions we have created above and use them to assign the best-fit pressure to each time step of the image series. Additionally, the user supplies the size of one pixel in the image in micrometers. With this information, the surface are of the spheroid is calculated to obtain the total contractility. The output is a Pandas Dataframe containing mean values, median values and standard deviation of both pressure and contractility. If a filename is provided, the results are also saved as an Excel file:

res = jf.force.reconstruct('MCF7-piv', 'collagen12.pkl', 6.45/5, 'MCF7-recon.xlsx')

t = np.arange(len(res))*5/60
mu = res['Mean Contractility (µN)']
std = res[' Contractility (µN)']

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
plt.plot(t, mu, lw=2, c='C0')
plt.fill_between(t, mu-std, mu+std, facecolor='C0', lw=0, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Time (h)')
plt.ylabel('Contractility (µN)')



In addition to the total pressure, the pressure in individual angle sections can be analysed. The pressures within 5° angle-sections is stored in an additional Excel document and can be visualized by using the angle_analysis() function.



jointforces is tested on Python 3.7 and a Windows 10 64bit system. It depends on numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scipy, scikit-image, openpiv, tqdm, natsort, and dill. We recommend using the Anaconda distribution of Python. Windows users may also take advantage of pre-compiled binaries for all dependencies, which can be found at Christoph Gohlke's page.


The jointforces package itself is licensed under the MIT License. The exemplary data are provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.


A Python package to conduct 3D Traction Force Microscopy on multicellular aggregates (spheroids).







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