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elifetools 0.38.0

Choose a tag to compare
@gnott gnott released this 18 Nov 03:13
· 7 commits to develop since this release

Modified: parseJATS.body_blocks() to find tags in a potentially faster way
Modified: utils.component_acting_parent_tag() potentially find tags in a faster way
Added: utils.extract_previous_nodes() to find tags in soup.previous_elements
Added: utils.extract_previous_nodes() to find tags in soup.previous_siblings
Modified: utils.first_parent() refactored the lambda to a list comprehension
Modified: utils.tag_ordinal() to use extract_previous_nodes()
Modified: utils.tag_fig_ordinal() to use extract_previous_nodes() and refactored the lambda to a list comprehension
Modified: utils.tag_sibling_ordinal() to use extract_previous_siblings()
Modified: utils.tag_media_sibling_ordinal() to use the new functions
Modified: utils.tag_supplementary_material_sibling_ordinal() to use the new functions

Code merged in PR #433