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Denzel Deployment Framework

Denzel is a model-agnostic lean framework for fast and easy API deployment of machine learning models.
Denzel is data scientist first; while it leverages production grade tools and practices, its main goal is to abstract the mechanics from the data scientist allowing model deployment with ease.

Notice: Denzel only works on Linux environment at the moment. Windows support will be added - keep yourself updated by checking the development state at the bottom of this page for new features and support.



Deployment with denzel is very simple.
Assuming we have saved to disk an already trained model with less than 60 lines you can have it deployed with the following features:
1. Expose an API for users to use your model
2. Allow users to check their prediction request status through API requests
3. Monitor the performance of your deployment through Flower UI
4. Fully containerized system so it could be deployed anywhere

Here is an example of all the code necessary to deploy the Iris classifier from the tutorial.
import pickle
import numpy as np

FEATURES = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width']

# -------- Handled by api container --------
def verify_input(json_data):
    """ Verifies the validity of an API request content """

    # callback_uri is needed to sent the responses to, DELETE this if block for synchronous responses
    if 'callback_uri' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('callback_uri not supplied')

    # Verify data was sent
    if 'data' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('no data to predict for!')

    # Verify data structure
    if not isinstance(json_data['data'], dict):
        raise ValueError('json_data["data"] must be a mapping between unique id and features')

    # Verify data scheme
    for unique_id, features in json_data['data'].items():
        feature_names = features.keys()
        feature_values = features.values()

        # Verify all features needed were sent
        if not all([feature in feature_names for feature in FEATURES]):
            raise ValueError('For each example all of the features [{}] must be present'.format(FEATURES))

        # Verify all features that were sent are floats
        if not all([isinstance(value, float) for value in feature_values]):
            raise ValueError('All feature values must be floats')

    return json_data

# -------- Handled by denzel container --------
def load_model():
    """ Load model and its assets to memory """
    with open('./app/assets/iris_svc.pkl', 'rb') as model_file:
        loaded_model = pickle.load(model_file)

    return loaded_model

def process(model, json_data):
    """ Process the json_data passed from verify_input to model ready data """

    # Gather unique IDs
    ids = json_data['data'].keys()

    # Gather feature values and make sure they are in the right order
    data = []
    for features in json_data['data'].values():
        data.append([features[FEATURES[0]], features[FEATURES[1]], features[FEATURES[2]], features[FEATURES[3]]])

    data = np.array(data)

    return ids, data

def predict(model, data):
    """ Predicts and prepares the answer for the API-caller """

    # Unpack the outputs of process function
    ids, data = data

    # Predict
    predictions = model.predict(data)

    # Pack the IDs supplied by the end user and their corresponding predictions in a dictionary
    response = dict(zip(ids, predictions))

    return response

Development State

Denzel is supported by Data Science Group Ltd. and is promised to be kept on open source.
Denzel right now is on alpha. This means that it is fully operational and new features and support will be added to it before moving on to a beta release.