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Puppet Redis

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Example usage


include ::redis

Master node

class { '::redis':
  bind => '',

With authentication

class { '::redis':
  bind       => '',
  masterauth => 'secret',

Slave node

class { '::redis':
  bind    => '',
  slaveof => ' 6379',

With authentication

class { '::redis':
  bind       => '',
  slaveof    => ' 6379',
  masterauth => 'secret',

Redis 3.0 Clustering

class { '::redis':
  bind                 => '',
  appendonly           => true,
  cluster_enabled      => true,
  cluster_config_file  => 'nodes.conf',
  cluster_node_timeout => 5000,

Multiple instances

$listening_ports = [6379,6380,6381,6382]

class { '::redis':
  default_install => false,
  service_enable  => false,
  service_ensure  => 'stopped',

$listening_ports.each |$port| {
  $port_string = sprintf('%d',$port)
  redis::instance { $port_string:
    service_enable => true,
    service_ensure => 'running',
    port           => $port,
    bind           => $facts['networking']['ip'],
    dbfilename     => "${port}-dump.rdb",
    appendfilename => "${port}-appendonly.aof",
    appendfsync    => 'always',
    require        => Class['Redis'],

Manage repositories

Disabled by default but if you really want the module to manage the required repositories you can use this snippet:

class { '::redis':
  manage_repo => true,

On Ubuntu, "chris-lea/redis-server" ppa repo will be added. You can change it by using ppa_repo parameter:

class { '::redis':
  manage_repo => true,
  ppa_repo    => 'ppa:rwky/redis',

Warning note that it requires puppetlabs/apt on Debian or Ubuntu distros. On Red Hat puppet/epel is needed unless the installation is using Software Collections. In that case will install centos-release-scl-rh from CentOS extras. For RHEL or other RHEL-derivatives this isn't managed.

Redis Sentinel

Optionally install and configuration a redis-sentinel server.

With default settings:

include ::redis::sentinel

With adjustments:

class { '::redis::sentinel':
  master_name      => 'cow',
  redis_host       => '',
  failover_timeout => 30000,

Soft dependency

This module requires camptocamp/systemd on Puppet versions older than 6.1.0.

When managing the repo, it either needs puppetlabs/apt or puppet/epel.

redis::get() function

This function is used to get data from redis. You must have the 'redis' gem installed on your puppet master.

Functions are documented in


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