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Static food wrapper module

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Table of Contents

Quick Start

Several quick start options are available:

  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install with npm: npm install @groceristar/sd-wrapper
  • Install with yarn: yarn add @groceristar/sd-wrapper

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations. You'll see something like this:

├── docs
│   └──           # Secondary information about project
├── generator               
│   ├── projects            # Tests for self-titled projects
│   │   ├── ChickenKyiv
│   │   ├── GraphQL
│   │   ├── GroceriStar
│   │   ├── GS-Loopback
│   │   ├── MealCalendar
│   │   ├── Search
│   │   ├── Showcase
│   │   └── UnitConvertion
│   ├── configGenerator.js  
│   ├── generateArray.js   
|   ├── csvParser.js
│   ├── generateFile.js     
│   ├── generateFiles.js    
│   └── writeFile.js        
├── output                  # Output folder for [NPM generator] commands
├── dist                    # Output folder for [NPM compiler] commands
└── src                     # Folder with static JSON files. WTF what is going on here

We provide compiled JS, as well as compiled and minified JS.

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read the issue guidelines and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.


Are we have documentation? If no, it should be written

NPM commands

Compiler commands

  • yarn bundle or npm run bundle: in folder dist will be compiled three files with .cjs, es.js, iife.js extensions. Files contain output data of recipes, departments, etc.
  • yarn dev or npm run dev: compile and watch for changes (run watcher)
  • jest: Run tests through project
  • npm run jsonlint or yarn jsonlint: validate JSON output files
  • npm run code-fix or yarn code-fix: run standard linter with write permissions

Generator commands

  • npm run generateFiles or yarn generateFiles: generate all recipes in folder dist
  • npm run generateFile or yarn generateFile: generate meal on two weeks in folder dist
  • npm run generateArray or yarn generateArray: More detailed information here

Parser commands

  • npm run parseCsv or yarn parseCsv : parse from csv to json Food Composition

How to generate additional files

To run generator (it will run in writeFile.js function writeFiles()) npm run generateFiles to know if writing is success in console you will see file generated successfully! it will write multiple files.

In function writeFiles() should be array of files. In array config of objects. First property in object should be name and value filename, the second data and in value set function that returns data. By default generating files happens in /src/data

Also you can write one file using function writeFile() just give it two parameters first - path, second data that will need to write. Data should be object and JSON format.

How to split json into single elements

To split json file you will require sd/generator/writeFile.js . Call the function splitObject() with parameters path(as string),filename(as string) and a flag(0 or 1). Flag=0 means splitted elements are to be name after the name attribute and if flag=1 then elements will be give named by a number with removed whitespaces and in lowercase to maintain uniformity. The splitted elements will be stored at the given path/filename_elements.

splitObject('path_of_directory','fileName',0) - split files by their name attribute.

splitObject('path_of_directory','fileName',1) - split files by indexing them from 0.

Checkout the folder fileName_elements in the path_of_directory to see files or you can use function getFileInfo().

To call the function getFileInfo(path,flag,fileName) you will require sd/src/utils.js. It can be invoked with 3 parameteres and 2 of them are optional depending on task. First parameter is path and it is required for functionality. The second and third parameters are flag and fileName.

If flag=1 it will return the content of all files present in the path else if fileName is given then it will return the content of the specified file.

If there is only one parameter that is path or with flag=0 it will return list of all files present in the directory.

How to parse csv File(s) from a folder to to json file(s)

Create a folder you want the generated json file(s) to be. Also create a parser.js file in the created folder.In parser.js call ParseDirectoryFiles() from sd/generator/csvParser.js with parameters directoryPath (the folder to read your csv file(s) from) as string,and headers (the header of the csv files ) as array of string.

In sd/generator/csvPparser.js


ParseDirectoryFiles gets a directory path from call,and reads all files in the directory but will only pass csv files to csvToJson(directory,file,headers).Each csv file is passed into csvParser(). csvToJson require csv-Parser modules csvToJson () --get the file directory path,filename(file) and headers and generate a Json file for the csv files using the headers as keys. The Json file generated is stored in variable result. File Name is passed is to splitJsonFile(file) to keep track of the file being

variable numberOfFile stores the number of json files to get from Json stored in that each json file has maximium entry of 10000 stored in variable maxEntries.Filewriter function is called inside the splitJsonFile function

filewriter() – requires writeFile from sd/generator to work.It takes in the child number of the json file( i ) ,the file name( fileName ),the interval the json stored in result should start and stop slicing.the sliced data will be written into the folder calling parserFile function along side file name being parsed and the child numbe

getFileInfo('path_of_directory') - returns a list of files present in the directory.

Sample Output:

[ 'some_file_abc.json',
  'some_file_xyz.json' ]

getFileInfo('path_of_directory',1) - returns contents of all json files present in the directory.

Sample Output:

[ { departments: [ 'Other' ],
    id: 14,
    name: 'number-four9',
    img: false,
    desc: false,
    slug: false },
  { departments: [ 'Other' ],
    id: 7,
    name: 'Rabel Dietitian',
    img: false,
    desc: false,
    slug: false } ]

getFileInfo('path_of_directory',1,'fileName') - returns content of the given file from the directory.

Sample Output:

{ departments: [ 'Other' ],
  id: 14,
  name: 'number-four9',
  img: false,
  desc: false,
  slug: false }

Generate Array API

getMenuGenerator(number_of_weeks) - return an array of objects with weekly menu. Menus sorted in calendar date order starting from first.

    id: __generatedID,
    title: String,
    date: __generatedDate,
    description: String,
    notes: String,

generateArrWithId(data, idName) - return an array of objects, where each object has autogenerated ID. Output:

    id: __generatedID

favorites() - returns an array of objects, where each object has ingredients and groceries for specified user

    ingredient_id: String,
    user_id: String,
    favs: String,
    grocery_id: String,

usersGrocery() - returns an array of objects, where each object has userID and groceryID

    user_id: String,
    grocery_id: String,

items() - returns an array of objects, where each object has item parameters

    item_id: String,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    quantity: Number,
    purchase: Boolean,

getMeasurementUnits() - returns an array of objects, where each object has measurement unit parameters

    id: String,
    system_id: String,
    type: String,
    name: String,
    singular: String,
    plural: String,
    short: String,
    pattern: String,
    error: Null,

getMeasurementSystem() - returns an array of objects, where each object has... measurements

    id: String,
    alias: String,
    title: String,

getFavoritesKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has key,ingredients and groceries for specified user

    ingredient_id: String,
    user_id: String,
    favs: String,
    grocery_id: String

getDepartmentsKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has generated department_id,department,created and updated date

  department_id: String
    name: String,
    desc: String,
    created_at: Date,
    updated_at: Date

getUserGroceryKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has key and userID and groceryID

    user_id: String,
    grocery_id: String

getItemsKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has key and item parameter

    item_id: String,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    quantity: Number,
    purchase: Boolean

getUsersKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has key ,useId,favs,ingredient_id and grocery_id

    userId: String,
    grocery_id: Number


getIngredientsKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has generated ingredient_id,fav,name,description, custom,created and updated date,id and department_id

    favs: String,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    custom: Boolean,
    created_at: Date,
    updated_at: Date,
    id_1: Number,
    department_id: Number


getGroceryKey() - returns an array of objects, where each object has generated grocery_id,favs,name,img slug,created and updated date,id and description

    name: :String,
    img: :Boolean,
    desc: :String,
    slug: :Boolean,
    id_1: Number,
    favs: Boolean


getKeyArrayDepAndIng() - returns an array of objects, where each object stores ingredient key as department key



@vadim9999, @atherdon, @wahaj-47, @tihaami, @EbrahimKreem, @elnur004, @hirdbluebird, @Beni03, @Edebo, @uniyalprashant9

publish at npm

- npm login
- - username
- - password
- - email
- npm version patch
- git commit
- npm publish
- git push --tags (if tag was not created -


Bugs and requests: submit them through the project's issues tracker.


Food static data wrapper



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