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Welcome to the Bhread code repository

Bhread website

About bhread

Bhread is the twitter for blogs.

Bhread is a blog aggregator that focuses on connecting blogs to other blogs. A common pattern for interaction are replies.

Here's how to do it in bhread: post (url:

Just finished this crochet pattern! Really amazing work by!
<img src="crochet-pouch.jpg"></img> post:

replying to

Hey thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it. I have a few more patterns I'm working on so stay updated ;D will display this interaction in a thread just like twitter:


This is the basic functionality of bhread. If this sounds great to you, head over to to join the conversation.

To learn more, visit the Bhread blog. More features are on the way. Stay updated by subscribing to the rss feed.


We follow most of HackSoftware/Django-Styleguide This means that we try to have thin models, no signals, use selectors and services.

Django is the backend server with plugins:

  • Djangoq - managing async tasks and schedules
  • slippers - creating components NOTE: By default, Slippers are loaded to every template.
  • django-tailwind - easy tailwind use inside templates

For backend and frontend connectivity, htmx is used.

For styling, Bhread uses Tailwind and is heavily inspired (literal copy) by Water.css style.

For client scripting, alpine.js is used.

The bhread diagram contains an ERD, and some flow diagrams. Threads are stored in a tree structure.

Running the program

The recommended way of development is to use docker.

These are the steps for development using docker:

Run docker compose:

docker compose --profile dev up --build


docker compose --profile dev up

These are the steps for development without docker, using python poetry:

poetry install
poetry run python3 runserver

Install pre-commit in a new repo:

poetry run pre-commit install

or Run pre-commit in a new repo:

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Run redis docker image:

docker run -p 6379:6379 -it redis/redis-stack:latest

Run django-q

poetry run qcluster

Run tailwind:

poetry run tailwind start

Run django:

poetry run runserver

Run Dockerfile:

docker build -t testing-bhread .
docker run -p testing-bhread

(Initial deployment) Obtain an initial ssl certificate:

sudo ./

Renewals are handled by the certbot image in docker.


When adding a breakpoint(), while docker the compose is running, pdb will not be able to connect to a tty.

To use pdb, in a separate terminal run:

sudo docker attach bhread-web_dev-1

This will attach a tty to bhread-web_dev-1 for pdb

management commands

python3 makeschedules -> adds a schedule for updating feeds every minute python3 makemigrations python3 migrate

Custom filters and tags


  • url_domain: Get domain name of a url

Integrating comment embeds (Hugo)

Add this to the part of your template where you want to show comments

    // Wait for bhread to send a message to resize
    window.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
      /* This code adjusts the comment section to its full height.
      ** You may omit this if you're okay with a scrollable comment section.
      const commentsSection = document.getElementById('bhread-comments');
      // Only show comment section if it loads successfully. = 'block';
      const eventName =[0];
      const data =[1];
      switch(eventName) {
        case 'setHeight':
          commentsSection.setAttribute('height', data);
    }, false);

  <iframe id="bhread-comments" src="{{ absURL .Page.RelPermalink }}" width="100%" height="350"  frameBorder="0" onload=" = 'none'" loading="lazy" style="border-radius: 5px;"> </iframe>

This will add an empty iframe with 350px height.

  • If it loads successfully, It will reduce its height to 80px if no comments were found, or it will adjust its height based on the number of comments, displaying all comments.
  • If it doesn't load successfully, it will leave a box that doesn't have any color with height of 350px (basically looks like an empty space).
  • If the user doesn't have JS enabled, it will still work but the height remains at 350px which will be scrollable.
  • If the request comes from a different domain than the url that is being requested, the reqeust will be unsuccessful. An error 403 (forbidden) will be returned.


Improvements in code or art submissions (see art/memes) are welcome! Simply fork this repo, and make a pull request.


Style Guide

  1. Do EVERYTHING in the view.

If it's a simple call, you can access it in the template. But anything more than that should be done in the view and passed into the template.

This makes it easy to handle complex logic and keeps the template clean.

  1. Database writes should go to, database reads should go to

The rest is handled by the views

  1. No model methods. Use services instead.