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math-preview uses MathJax for displaying TeX, MathML and AsciiMath math inline in Emacs buffers.



NOTE: it's recommended to use the latest Emacs version with this package. See this issue. NOTE: In case of Schema errors update elisp library and nodejs program to the latest version.

math-preview requires external nodejs program math-preview.

It may be installed by issuing the command:

> npm install -g git+

If you don't have npm installed, get it from asdf or nvm.

Make sure that math-preview is in you PATH.

Install companion package in Emacs:


If math-preview is not in your path, then you need to set variable math-preview-command to the location of the program: M-x+customize-variable+math-preview-command.

Or if you use use-package, just add the following command:

(use-package math-preview
  :custom (math-preview-command "/path/to/math-preview"))


math-preview-all Preview equations in buffer
math-preview-region Preview equations in selected region
math-preview-at-point Preview equation at current position
math-preview-clear-all Clear equation images in buffer
math-preview-clear-region Clear equation images in selected region
math-preview-clear-at-point Clear equation image at current position
math-preview-increment-scale Enlarge equation image at point
math-preview-decrement-scale Shrink equation image at point
math-preview-copy-svg Copy SVG code to clipboard
math-preview-start-process Start child process (Not required. However, calling this function early would reduce first render time)
math-preview-stop-process Stop child process
math-preview-math-preview-reset-numbering Reset automatic equation numbering

Key bindings

math-preview does not add any keybindings to global keymap. However, it adds a number of keybindings to the image overlay, which become active when your cursor is on the image.

math-preview-clear-at-point Del; Backspace; Space; Enter; mouse-1
math-preview-clear-all Ctrl+Del; Ctrl+Backspace; Ctrl+mouse-1
math-preview-increment-scale +; p
math-preview-decrement-scale -; n
math-preview-copy-svg Ctrl+Backspace; Ctrl+Space

Equation preprocessing

It might be useful to preprocess equation strings before passing them to MathJax. For this you may use math-preview-preprocess-functions, math-preview-tex-preprocess-functions, math-preview-mathml-preprocess-functions and math-preview-asciimath-preprocess-functions customization options. Each equation would be modified by functions in these lists, chained from left to right.

math-preview-preprocess-functions are applied to all equations after type specific functions math-preview-preprocess-functions, math-preview-tex-preprocess-functions, math-preview-mathml-preprocess-functions and math-preview-asciimath-preprocess-functions. In Emacs terminology, these variables are abnormal hooks. Each of them takes one argument that is a hash table with fields:

  • match: matched string including marks;
  • string: matched string without marks;
  • type: equation type (tex, mathml or asciimath);
  • inline: equation inline flag;
  • priority: priority value;
  • lmark and rmark: left and right marks respectively;
  • marks: cons pair of lmark and rmark;
  • lregexp and rregexp: left and right regexp flags respectively;
  • regexp: cons pair of lregexp and lregexp;
  • prefix and suffix: left and right matched marks. Equal to lmark and rmark is regexp is not used. You may modify string field in place to influence further equation processing. For example, you might want to replace some variable with another in your equations:
(lambda (x)
  (puthash 'string
	   (s-replace "\\phi" "\\varphi"
		      (gethash 'string x))

Another practical example of equation preprocessing is a standard MathML hook

(lambda (x) (puthash 'string (gethash 'match x) x))

which replaces stripped equation string with the unstripped version match in order to preserve <math></math> tags.

SVG postprocessing

Similarly, SVG string may be edited before rendering. math-preview-svg-postprocess-functions abnormal hook functions take one argument that is a hash table with single field string. You may modify string field in place to influence image rendering.


Configuration of the package is done using customize framework. To open customization menu type M-x+customize-group+math-preview.

Note, that most of the configuration options are passed to companion java-script program at startup, so in order to apply new configurations you need to stop currently running program via math-preview-stop-process command.

Debug configuration

Sometimes it's necessary to debug configuration. In order to enable debug buffer, issue the command M-:+(setq math-preview--debug-json t). This will create a *math-preview* buffer, where JSON communication between programs will be echoed. Additionally, at startup of java-script program full MathJax configuration will appear in this buffer.

Set equation marks

Package has 6 variables for equation marks configuration: for TeX, MathML and AsciiMath, each having inline and display versions. Currently only TeX equations distinguish between inline and display modes.

Configuration menus:

  • TeX: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex
  • MathML: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-mathml
  • AsciiMath: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-asciimath

Set preprocess and postprocess functions

These abnormal hooks are described in detail above.

Configuration menus:

  • Common: M-x+customize-group+math-preview
  • SVG: M-x+customize-group+math-preview
  • TeX: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex
  • MathML: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-mathml
  • AsciiMath: M-x+customize-group+math-preview-asciimath

Predefine TeX macros and environments

This package allows adding custom macros and environments globally. This is done in configuration menu M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex. Following are predefined examples of macro and environment: $$\ddx[y]{x}$$ $$\begin{braced}A\end{braced}$$

Preload packages

MathJax allows preload frequently used packages. This is done by adding package to the list in menu M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex-packages. Under that menu there are sub-menus with configuration options for some of the packages.

Note that some packages require loader to be added. This is done by adding loader to the list in menu M-x+customize-group+math-preview-mathjax-loader.

Autoload packages

It is possible to automatically load packages when certain macros are invoked. For this you should add autoload package to default packages list in M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex-packages (added by default) and then assign macro and environment names to packages in M-x+customize-group+math-preview-tex-packages-autoload.

Equation labels

MathJax keeps track of equation labels. Due to this, second conversion of the equation will produce an error <label> multiply defined. There are three possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Use TeX preprocessing to remove labels from the equations. For this, in the customize menu M-x customize-group math-preview-tex->Preprocess TeX functions add the following function
    (lambda (x)(puthash 'string (s-replace-regexp "\\label{.+?}" "" (gethash 'string x)) x))
  2. Reset MathJax my issuing command math-preview-reset-numbering
  3. Restart math-preview process by issuing command math-preview-stop-process

Equation automatic numbering

MathJax may automatically number equations. To enable this feature set Tags field in M-x customize-group math-preview-mathjax-tex customize menu to AMS math or All. After math-preview process reset equations will be automatically numbered. In order to reset equation numbers issue command math-preview-reset-numbering. Numerical argument to this function (C-u ) selects the first equation number. Note, that this function also resets the equation labels.

It may be desired to reset equation numbers each time the certain command is called. It may be achieved by using advice-add function. For example, the following command resets numbering from 1 each time math-preview-all function is called.

(advice-add #'math-preview-all :before (lambda () (math-preview-reset-numbering 1)))

Regexp equation marks

It is possible to use regexp equation marks. This feature is enabled for each tag individually via Left regexp and Right regexp checkboxes. This may lead to unexpected results and should be used with caution.

Equation marks use Emacs style regexp. It's recommended to use regexp-builder to create valid regexp patterns.

Equation mark priority

Internally, equation marks are sorted by length to find the best match (for example, to prioritize $$ over $). When using regexp equation marks, this mechanism no longer applies. The Priority field lets user adjust equation mark priority.

Debug mode

In order to trace possible problems with the package it is recommended to start Emacs using command

emacs -Q --eval '(progn (package-initialize)(math-preview-start-process))'

MATHJAX examples

All equations are displayed inline: $\sqrt[3]{\frac xy}$ $$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}$$ (\sqrt[n]{1+x+x^2+x^3+\dots+x^n}) [\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x},\mathrm{d}x]

$\TeX$ errors are shown in minibuffer: $\frac{x{y}$

Make image bigger or smaller: [ S_{12} = \begin{cases} \sqrt{1 - |S_{11}|^2 - \exp{\left( -2 \pi f\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^N{\frac{D_n}{v_{gr} Q_n}} \right)}} \times & \ \times \exp{\left( j \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^N{ \arccos{\left(\frac{f_{0n}^2-f^2}{f^2 K^H_n + f_{0n}^2 K^E_n}\right)} }\right)} & , \frac{f_0^2-f^2}{f^2 K^H + f_0^2 K^E} \in [-1,1]; \[30pt] \sqrt{1 - |S_{11}|^2} \exp{\left( j \left[\angle{S_{11}} + \frac{\pi}{2} \right] \right)} & , \frac{f_0^2-f^2}{f^2 K^H + f_0^2 K^E} \notin [-1,1]. \end{cases} ]

Use colors: (\color{red}\int_{\color{magenta}0}^{\color{yellow}\infty}{\color{cyan}x})

Use environments: $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 0 & \xrightarrow{i} & A & \xrightarrow{f} & B & \xrightarrow{q} & C & \xrightarrow{d} & 0 \ \downarrow & \searrow & \downarrow & \nearrow & \downarrow & \searrow & \downarrow & \nearrow & \downarrow \ 0 & \xrightarrow{j} & D & \xrightarrow{g} & E & \xrightarrow{r} & F & \xrightarrow{e} & 0 \end{array} $$

Use MathJax extensions: $$ \begin{CD} A @<<< B @>>> C\ @. @| @AAA\ @. D @= E \end{CD}$$

[\ce{Zn^2+ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{zinc hydroxide}}{\ce{Zn(OH)2 v}} $ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{tetrahydroxozincate(II)}}{\ce{[Zn(OH)4]^2-}}$}]

Copy SVG to kill-ring: $x^2$

MathML: a ⁢ x2 +b⁢x +c