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Major project worked on during my 2019 Internship at Dispersive Networks.

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React-based organizational structure component for organizing containers and vtc's. Provides users with a visual of their network and allows them to organize it to their needs. DEMO:

🍭 Characteristics

  • Drag & Drop the position of container and vtc nodes.
  • Add, Edit, Delete implementations
  • Delete
    • Delete Node (connects children nodes with the grandparent node)
    • Delete Subtree
    • Delete Node & Subtree
  • Easy to use and scalable.
  • Customizable location change rules.
  • Customizable node views.

📦 Installation & Setup

$ git clone
$ cd rc-org-chart
$ yarn install
  • Make sure service-prov API is running on (Can be adjusted in Actions.js file to the url constant).
  • Grab the authentication token from the API and apply it in the Actions.js file (src/actions/Actions.js) to the AUTH_TOKEN constant.
$ yarn start

🔨 Errors that may appear on start-up

  1. If nothing appears or Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(GraphDemo)" , double check the router.js file (src/pages/router.js) and make sure that following code is in the imports: note: this file is considered a hidden file so you may have to make your OS make hidden files visible
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from '../../store';

and the RouterWrapper function at the bottom of the file looks like this:

export  default  function  RouterWrapper(props  =  {})  {
	return (
		<Provider  store={store}>
			<Router  history={history}>
				{renderRoutes(routes,  props)}

Save and Reload the application. important note: For some reason, every time you run yarn start it removes these two things so you may be doing this multiple times

  1. If nothing appears, or you get a TLS handshake error from [::1]:61232: remote error: tls: unknown certificate, or you get a certification error from the console, make sure to visit the service-prov API's documentation page (found in the url where you're running the service-prov API) and 'proceed anyway' on the certification warning page. Reload the application.

  2. TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined - Application is not receiving containers, therefore the AUTH_TOKEN is most likely not correct. Save and Reload the application.

⌨️ API for OrgChart Object

Attributes Description Types Defaults
data Organizational structure data (required and each data must have a unique id) array [ ]
pan Whether the layer is allowed to drag boolean true
zoom Whether the layer allows zooming boolean true
draggable Whether the node allows drag and drop boolean true
maxZoom Layer maximum magnification Integer 2
minZoom Layer reduction ratio Integer 0.5
zoomStep Scaling range Integer 2
customDrag The user can formulate a node drag and drop rule according to specific data fields and business scenarios, and return true to allow the drag node to be added to the drop node. (dropProps, dragProps) => true true
nodeRender User-defined node rendering props =>
extraRender Custom rendering at the bottom of the node props =>

❗️ Known Bugs

  • Not all the functions work for the Customer node
    • Add works
    • I assume it has to do with it being a Customer object and not necessarily just a container object
  • Deleting a VTC responds with an error message, however it still deletes the VTC (most likely a problem with the service-prov API)
    • While editting a container, if you change its type (user/container) AND its name, the children will disappear

❓ More info

Special thanks to Dolov and his OrgChart library that was used for this project. More information about the library that helped make this project possible can be found here:

Orginal developer:


Major project worked on during my 2019 Internship at Dispersive Networks.






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