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592 lines (462 loc) · 26 KB

The nitty gritty Details 🤓

This document provides details on Github Actions, the Go demo application and related deployment tools used in this repository.

💡 Note: Use the table of content created by Github to easily navigate through this document.

Github Actions (GHA)

Github Actions is the work horse used throughout the repository to implement continuous integration. To quote from the docs:

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

If you are already familiar with continuous integration, you might have a low learning curve in adopting Github Actions. But even if you are just starting your journey into automating the release project for your (Go) application, Github Actions has an easy to learn syntax, using YAML files to define your workflows.

This project focuses on automating various steps in the release process of a Go application, but note that Github Actions can be used for any programming language. You can even use Github Actions to automate your infrastructure by running scripts on a schedule, etc. The possibilities are endless.

And with the growing community providing 3rd party actions in the marketplace, you are likely to find a ready to use action to solve your task.

What makes GHA unique in my opinion (YMMV):

  • Deep integration into Github (with a generous free tier)
  • Easy to learn (YAML) syntax, which gets you started quickly but also allows for very complex workflow definitions
  • Growing community (marketplace, tutorials, etc.)
  • Easy to write your custom actions for reuse and sharing
  • Templates and environments integration for organizations
  • Fully managed runners (executors) for Linux, OSX and Windows
  • Option to use self-hosted runners in your own infrastructure

GHA workflows are executed in dedicated (isolated) runners. The fully managed and publicly available runners are Azure hosted virtual machines. You can read more about the hardware specs and installed software here.

When are Workflows run?

Workflows are triggered based on a variety of (configurable) events, e.g. on:

  • Push (commit), Pull Requests, Issues, tags, releases, etc.
  • Schedule ("cron")
  • External events or manually

See the details for a complete listing of events and triggers.

Skipping Workflow Runs

You can skip workflows from executing by using pre-defined strings in your commit title/message.

⚠️ Note: This can be abused by malicious actors to bypass workflows in PRs. This can be avoided by requiring status checks via branch protection rules, e.g. a particular workflow, to pass before merging a PR.

Branch Protection

Troubleshooting Workflows/Runners

If the workflow logs or Github UI do not provide you with enough detail why a workflow is not behaving as expected, there's several options to troubleshoot:

  • Reproduce the workflow steps locally (e.g. in a SHELL or with act)
  • Add more DEBUG information to the workflow (see the E2E workflow for an example)
  • Use tmate to exec into a runner

Workflow Syntax

Github Actions workflows are defined via YAML files placed in the .github/workflows folder at the root of your Git project. At a very high level, this is the syntax of a fully working example workflow:

# name of the workflow shown in the UI
name: Example workflow

# run on every commit (all branches) and pull requests
on: [push, pull_request]

# set global envs for all jobs
  TARGET: "production"

# set global defaults for all jobs
    shell: bash

# define jobs, where job 1 and 2 run in parallel
    name: Run job 1
    # use ubuntu runner (latest version)
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # sequence of 1..n steps in a job
      # use a pre-defined action instead of custom script
      # actions can be written in Javascript, Bash or Docker containers
      - name: Check WIP in PR Title
        uses: embano1/wip@v1

    name: Run job 2
    # use windows runner (latest version)
    runs-on: windows-latest
      - name: Set up Go 1.19
        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
          go-version: "1.19"
      - name: Print Go version
        # execute arbitrary commands in defined SHELL
        run: |
          go version # prints Go version

    # only runs when job1 is successful
    name: Run job 3
    needs: [job1]
    # set custom environment variables, inheriting globals
      APP_VERSION: "3.0"
    # use ubuntu runner with a specific version
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      - name: Print environment variables
        run: |
          echo ${APP_VERSION} # prints "3.0"
          echo ${TARGET}      # prints "production"

If you are wondering whether a bad actor could extract sensitive information from your repository, e.g. by creating a pull request which includes a new workflow to print all secrets defined, read this post to understand how Github Actions protects you by default - and how this behavior can be changed on a case by case basis.

⚠️ Note: As a security best practice, you should always vet actions before using them. Also, it is recommended to use the full commit hash when referencing an action in your workflow, e.g. actions/setup-go@c46424eee26de4078d34105d3de3cc4992202b1e. This repo does not follow this guidance though as a tradeoff between usability, maintenance overhead and security. For more security related concerns, see the links provided under security.

By default (for performance and security reasons) workflows and jobs do not share information, e.g. files, caches or other temporary data. Github provides a convenience action to use caching across your workflows. Individual steps within the same job have access to data created in a previous step of that particular job and run, though.

For pattern matching and filtering, e.g. to trigger a workflow on changes inside a directory or file extension, see Filter pattern cheat sheet.

Many parameters are available to fine-tune the behavior of jobs and steps, including failure handling, matrix testing strategies (to reduce clutter), information reuse across steps, running and exposing Docker containers (services), etc.

For more details check out the resources provided under learning resources.

Testing your Workflows

Once you have created your first YAML workflow definition, you might be wondering how to easily (and non-disruptively) test it in the wild.

As usual, there's different patterns and "best practices" here, so I asked the Twitter community (tweet).

Here are some approaches:

  • Set up a sandbox (playground) repository
  • Use act to execute workflows locally
  • Fork a repository and push your commits there before creating a PR (see note below)
  • Target a self-hosted runner

Regarding the fork/PR approach: this is a good solution and works fine in most of the cases. Your fork must have Github Actions enabled (default) and won't be able to access secrets from the upstream repo (see security section below). You can then create PRs in your repo which trigger PR-based workflow runs. Or you temporarily overwrite the workflows to trigger on every commit (on: push). Don't forget to revert this before creating the PR upstream, though.

Writing custom Actions

The beauty of Github Actions, as mentioned earlier, is its extensibility and the growing community embracing this to create and share code snippets and actions to make our lives easier.

These actions can then be used in your workflows via the uses: field in a job step we saw earlier in the syntax section, e.g.:

  - name: Set up Go 1.19
    uses: actions/setup-go@v2
      go-version: "1.19"

Depending on your preferences and background, these code snippets can be written in Javascript/Typescript, Bash or using a container image.

💡 Note: Per convention, actions are configured with the with: clause (where applicable), which basically is a map of input parameters that are be used inside the action. Actions can produce outputs.

See the docs for a step-by-step guide and the metadata syntax for input and output handling, branding, etc.


Learning Resources 🤯

To learn more about Github Actions find some of the most important resources to get started below.

Product Documentation





💡 Note: Github recently added a feature to block workflow runs from first-time contributors to a repository so that the repository owner has to manually approve a run as an additional verification step to prevent malicious code execution. If you don't need (want) Github Actions for your repository, e.g. fork, it's best to completely disable this feature in your repository settings or programmatically.

The Go App

This repository uses a trivial Go demo application, with some basic unit and end-to-end tests (E2E) to demonstrate Github Actions and other build/deployment related tools for learning purposes.

The app runs an http server, exposing a /healthz endpoint on the default port 8080 (configurable via environment variables).

The app imports some packages I use on a daily basis:

  • => my favorite logger (see below)
  • => pass logger via ctx (heavily debated, I know...)
  • => reduce os.Signals boilerplate
  • => Goroutine lifecycle management
  • => configure app behavior via environment variables (only used in E2E tests here)

Configuring the Logger

Even though the app doesn't do much, this example shows how to customize the zap logger.

💡 Note: For complex logging configurations use a ConfigMap and project its data into the manifest using valueFrom semantics as described here.

kind: Service
  name: demo-app
        - image: ko://
              path: /healthz
            - name: ZAP_CONFIG
              value: '{"level":"info","encoding":"json","outputPaths": ["stdout"],"errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],"initialFields":{"app":"demo-app","logConfig":"custom"},"encoderConfig":{"messageKey":"message","levelKey":"level","levelEncoder":"lowercase"}}'

💡 Note: The zap configuration syntax is described here.

Kubernetes and Knative

In order to show some E2E tests, the demo app is written as a Knative Service. If you never heard of Knative before, you should definitely check it out as I believe it is the future of how we are going to develop web applications on top of Kubernetes.

Why not plain ol' Kubernetes you ask? Well, first of all I wanted to show a somewhat more complex E2E test setup with Github Actions. But also because Knative makes developing web services a breeze. In 12 lines of YAML (in this example), you get the following for free:

  • Cut >80% of error-prone YAML boilerplate with Knative Serving manifests
  • Scale to zero (a neat serverless capability)
  • DNS and service publishing
  • Immutable revisions for traffic management (canaries) and rollbacks
  • Deep integration into Knative Eventing to build event-driven (FaaS-ish) applications

If you want to learn more about how Knative enhances Kubernetes as an emerging platform, check out the docs or this video:

If you want to give Kubernetes and Knative a spin, take a look at this repo to get started quickly.

Kubernetes in Docker (kind)

kind is a great tool in the Kubernetes space, e.g. to quickly prototype an idea, reproduce issues or write integration and E2E tests, to name a few. Many tools also integrate nicely into kind, such as ko for container image management (see following sections below).

A $_ console says more than thousand words:

$ kind create cluster --wait 3m --name "kind-test"
Creating cluster "kind-test" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.20.2) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
 ✓ Waiting ≤ 3m0s for control-plane = Ready ⏳
 • Ready after 28s 💚
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind-test"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind-test

Not sure what to do next? 😅  Check out

$ kubectl get node
NAME                      STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
kind-test-control-plane   Ready    control-plane,master   66s   v1.20.2

kind is also natively installed in Github-hosted runners, though we're using a custom installation in this repo to show how this can be customized.

ko to solve Container Image Management

Google ko is a simple container image builder for Go applications. It provides the following benefits:

  • No Dockerfile or docker tooling (daemon) needed
  • Build light-weight container images, iterate fast in your development process
  • Easily create multi-arch images with --platform=all (or specific targets only)
  • Benefit from best practices and vetted images using Google Distroless images (customizable)
  • Supports YAML parsing, e.g. in Kubernetes manifests

The last point is especially interesting: instead of using fixed container image tags or manually updating them on every code change during local development, ko can build and inject Go applications into Kubernetes (YAML) manifests which can be passed to kubectl apply -f - for example.

This explains the somewhat different syntax in the deployment manifest with a ko:// prefix, e.g.:

  - image: ko://

ko:// is an identifier used by ko to build your application. These placeholders will be resolved by ko during a build stage, e.g. ko resolve manifest.yaml and can be piped into kubectl to create the resource.

But you can also use ko to build straight from your local Go code folder if you don't use Kubernetes manifests.

# build vars
$ export KO_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)
$ export KO_TAG=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)

# build the Go binary (main) in the current folder
# pass the container artifact ID to docker to directly execute it
$ docker run --rm -it $(ko publish -L .)
2021/05/18 11:51:56 Using base for
2021/05/18 11:51:57 No matching credentials were found for "", falling back on anonymous
2021/05/18 11:51:58 Building for linux/amd64
2021/05/18 11:51:59 Loading ko.local/ci-demo-app-b500e3c92f5c466eef8ad6df72269f46:c7230ae6ed88fed50429e7015009c989c686de13cfad074b1dbc995f485ab7b4
2021/05/18 11:51:59 Loaded ko.local/ci-demo-app-b500e3c92f5c466eef8ad6df72269f46:c7230ae6ed88fed50429e7015009c989c686de13cfad074b1dbc995f485ab7b4
2021/05/18 11:51:59 Adding tag latest
2021/05/18 11:51:59 Added tag latest
2021-05-18T09:52:00.653Z        INFO    ci-demo-app     ci-demo-app/main.go:86  running server  {"commit": "7f3bebd7", "version": "v0.3.2", "address": ":8080"}

💡 Note: This also works for vendored programs!

# note that the specified binary must be vendored in the repo for this to work

# build and run the binary, printing its help section
$ docker run --rm -it $(ko publish -L ${BINARY}) -h
2021/05/18 11:56:05 Using base for
2021/05/18 11:56:05 No matching credentials were found for "", falling back on anonymous
2021/05/18 11:56:06 Building for linux/amd64
2021/05/18 11:56:07 Loading ko.local/git-chglog-5c02ba8d2d310509161002060066d1f1:2360a302b56ae60ae8f69aad60745de61d69584fbf1a535d85417e64e9fcdfca
2021/05/18 11:56:08 Loaded ko.local/git-chglog-5c02ba8d2d310509161002060066d1f1:2360a302b56ae60ae8f69aad60745de61d69584fbf1a535d85417e64e9fcdfca
2021/05/18 11:56:08 Adding tag latest
2021/05/18 11:56:08 Added tag latest

  git-chglog [options] <tag query>

    There are the following specification methods for <tag query>.

    1. <old>..<new> - Commit contained in <old> tags from <new>.
    2. <name>..     - Commit from the <name> to the latest tag.
    3. ..<name>     - Commit from the oldest tag to <name>.
    4. <name>       - Commit contained in <name>.

Better together: kind and ko

Continuing our examples from above, we can easily build and automatically load a Go app (i.e. the container image) into the kind cluster:

# define env variables matching the kind cluster name created earlier
# ko uses these variables 
$ export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=kind-test
$ export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local

# build vars
$ export KO_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)
$ export KO_TAG=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)

# build the Go binary (main) in the current folder
# load it into kind (defined by env vars above)
$ ko publish .
2021/05/18 12:03:22 Using base for
2021/05/18 12:03:23 No matching credentials were found for "", falling back on anonymous
2021/05/18 12:03:24 Building for linux/amd64
2021/05/18 12:03:26 Loading kind.local/ci-demo-app-b500e3c92f5c466eef8ad6df72269f46:c7230ae6ed88fed50429e7015009c989c686de13cfad074b1dbc995f485ab7b4
2021/05/18 12:03:28 Loaded kind.local/ci-demo-app-b500e3c92f5c466eef8ad6df72269f46:c7230ae6ed88fed50429e7015009c989c686de13cfad074b1dbc995f485ab7b4
2021/05/18 12:03:28 Adding tag latest
2021/05/18 12:03:28 Added tag latest

The above image can now be referenced in a Kubernetes manifest. This avoids roundtrips to a container registry, e.g. Docker hub, thus drastically improving development time and avoiding any rate limits enforced by a public registry service.

💡 Note: These steps can be simplified further by using the ko:// prefix syntax described earlier in a Kubernetes YAML manifest.

# build, load and run the Kubernetes resource defined in a manifest
$ ko resolve manifest.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Release Management with goreleaser

"GoReleaser is a release automation tool for Go projects. The goal is to simplify the build, release and publish steps while providing variant customization options for all steps." (Website)

This sums it up pretty well. goreleaser has quickly become a standard tool for building and deploying Go applications in a variety of artifact formats and for different platforms, incl. Github, Gitlab and Gitea.

It integrates nicely with Github Actions with the official GoReleaser Action. goreleaser uses Git tags to automate the release process. A Github release is automatically created, triggered by a semver compliant version tag pushed to the repo. The whole process is automated with Github Actions.

This repository uses goreleaser to build binaries and create Github releases with a templatized CHANGELOG (see section below). goreleaser is configured via a YAML file. Since we heavily rely on ko for container management, Docker support in goreleaser has been deactivated in this repo. This also reduces some complexity in the workflow because goreleaser currently relies on QEMU to build multi-arch images.

Generating CHANGELOGs

This repository maintains a CHANGELOG in its root folder. A version specific CHANGELOG is used in each Github release to highlight the individual changes.

goreleaser can use a custom CHANGELOG when creating a Github release via the --release-notes flag.

The CHANGELOG is generated with git-chglog. git-chglog uses Go's templating engine to customize the output (see config folder).

Commit prefixes, e.g. fix: are used to group and highlight changes. For example:

🐞 Fix

  • Fix server shutdown
  • Wrong association in greeting

🧹 Chore

  • Update Homebrew repo
  • Verify git clean on build
  • Issue comment only for first-time contribs

📖 Commits

  • chore: Update Homebrew repo [d20b546]
  • fix: Fix server shutdown [b4a06ba]
  • chore: Verify git clean on build [c6db3af]
  • fix: Wrong association in greeting [005a2df]
  • chore: Issue comment only for first-time contribs [d6975f5]
  • Update vendor [99f0586]