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[DOC release] Bring back docs for several helpers
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mixonic authored and rwjblue committed Aug 13, 2015
1 parent 1939d01 commit bcef793
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Showing 6 changed files with 543 additions and 4 deletions.
126 changes: 125 additions & 1 deletion packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords/collection.js
@@ -1,13 +1,137 @@
@module ember
@submodule ember-htmlbars
@submodule ember-templates

import { readViewFactory } from 'ember-views/streams/utils';
import CollectionView from 'ember-views/views/collection_view';
import ViewNodeManager from 'ember-htmlbars/node-managers/view-node-manager';
import { assign } from 'ember-metal/merge';

`{{collection}}` is a template helper for adding instances of
`Ember.CollectionView` to a template. See [Ember.CollectionView](/api/classes/Ember.CollectionView.html)
for additional information on how a `CollectionView` functions.
`{{collection}}`'s primary use is as a block helper with a `contentBinding`
option pointing towards an `Ember.Array`-compatible object. An `Ember.View`
instance will be created for each item in its `content` property. Each view
will have its own `content` property set to the appropriate item in the
The provided block will be applied as the template for each item's view.
Given an empty `<body>` the following template:
{{! application.hbs }}
{{#collection content=model}}
Hi {{}}
And the following application code
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [{name: 'Yehuda'},{name: 'Tom'},{name: 'Peter'}];
The following HTML will result:
<div class="ember-view">
<div class="ember-view">Hi Yehuda</div>
<div class="ember-view">Hi Tom</div>
<div class="ember-view">Hi Peter</div>
### Non-block version of collection
If you provide an `itemViewClass` option that has its own `template` you may
omit the block.
The following template:
{{! application.hbs }}
{{collection content=model itemViewClass="an-item"}}
And application code
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [{name: 'Yehuda'},{name: 'Tom'},{name: 'Peter'}];
App.AnItemView = Ember.View.extend({
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("Greetings {{}}")
Will result in the HTML structure below
<div class="ember-view">
<div class="ember-view">Greetings Yehuda</div>
<div class="ember-view">Greetings Tom</div>
<div class="ember-view">Greetings Peter</div>
### Specifying a CollectionView subclass
By default the `{{collection}}` helper will create an instance of
`Ember.CollectionView`. You can supply a `Ember.CollectionView` subclass to
the helper by passing it as the first argument:
{{#collection "my-custom-collection" content=model}}
Hi {{}}
This example would look for the class `App.MyCustomCollection`.
### Forwarded `item.*`-named Options
As with the `{{view}}`, helper options passed to the `{{collection}}` will be
set on the resulting `Ember.CollectionView` as properties. Additionally,
options prefixed with `item` will be applied to the views rendered for each
item (note the camelcasing):
{{#collection content=model
Howdy {{}}
Will result in the following HTML structure:
<div class="ember-view">
<p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Yehuda</p>
<p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Tom</p>
<p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Peter</p>
@method collection
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
@deprecated Use `{{each}}` helper instead.
export default {
setupState(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
var read = env.hooks.getValue;
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43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords/partial.js
@@ -1,11 +1,52 @@
@module ember
@submodule ember-htmlbars
@submodule ember-templates

import lookupPartial from 'ember-views/system/lookup_partial';
import { internal } from 'htmlbars-runtime';

The `partial` helper renders another template without
changing the template context:
{{partial "nav"}}
The above example template will render a template named
"_nav", which has the same context as the parent template
it's rendered into, so if the "_nav" template also referenced
`{{foo}}`, it would print the same thing as the `{{foo}}`
in the above example.
If a "_nav" template isn't found, the `partial` helper will
fall back to a template named "nav".
### Bound template names
The parameter supplied to `partial` can also be a path
to a property containing a template name, e.g.:
{{partial someTemplateName}}
The above example will look up the value of `someTemplateName`
on the template context (e.g. a controller) and use that
value as the name of the template to render. If the resolved
value is falsy, nothing will be rendered. If `someTemplateName`
changes, the partial will be re-rendered using the new template
@method partial
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
@param {String} partialName the name of the template to render minus the leading underscore

export default {
setupState(state, env, scope, params, hash) {
return { partialName: env.hooks.getValue(params[0]) };
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords/readonly.js
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
@module ember
@submodule ember-templates

import { MUTABLE_REFERENCE } from 'ember-htmlbars/keywords/mut';

export default function readonly(morph, env, scope, originalParams, hash, template, inverse) {
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188 changes: 187 additions & 1 deletion packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords/textarea.js
@@ -1,8 +1,194 @@
@module ember
@submodule ember-htmlbars
@submodule ember-templates

`{{textarea}}` inserts a new instance of `<textarea>` tag into the template.
The attributes of `{{textarea}}` match those of the native HTML tags as
closely as possible.
The following HTML attributes can be set:
* `value`
* `name`
* `rows`
* `cols`
* `placeholder`
* `disabled`
* `maxlength`
* `tabindex`
* `selectionEnd`
* `selectionStart`
* `selectionDirection`
* `wrap`
* `readonly`
* `autofocus`
* `form`
* `spellcheck`
* `required`
When set to a quoted string, these value will be directly applied to the HTML
element. When left unquoted, these values will be bound to a property on the
template's current rendering context (most typically a controller instance).
{{textarea value="Lots of static text that ISN'T bound"}}
Would result in the following HTML:
<textarea class="ember-text-area">
Lots of static text that ISN'T bound
In the following example, the `writtenWords` property on `App.ApplicationController`
will be updated live as the user types 'Lots of text that IS bound' into
the text area of their browser's window.
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound"
{{textarea value=writtenWords}}
Would result in the following HTML:
<textarea class="ember-text-area">
Lots of text that IS bound
If you wanted a one way binding between the text area and a div tag
somewhere else on your screen, you could use `Ember.computed.oneWay`:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound",
outputWrittenWords: Ember.computed.oneWay("writtenWords")
{{textarea value=writtenWords}}
Would result in the following HTML:
<textarea class="ember-text-area">
Lots of text that IS bound
<-- the following div will be updated in real time as you type -->
Lots of text that IS bound
Finally, this example really shows the power and ease of Ember when two
properties are bound to eachother via `Ember.computed.alias`. Type into
either text area box and they'll both stay in sync. Note that
`Ember.computed.alias` costs more in terms of performance, so only use it when
your really binding in both directions:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound",
twoWayWrittenWords: Ember.computed.alias("writtenWords")
{{textarea value=writtenWords}}
{{textarea value=twoWayWrittenWords}}
<textarea id="ember1" class="ember-text-area">
Lots of text that IS bound
<-- both updated in real time -->
<textarea id="ember2" class="ember-text-area">
Lots of text that IS bound
### Actions
The helper can send multiple actions based on user events.
The action property defines the action which is send when
the user presses the return key.
{{input action="submit"}}
The helper allows some user events to send actions.
* `enter`
* `insert-newline`
* `escape-press`
* `focus-in`
* `focus-out`
* `key-press`
For example, if you desire an action to be sent when the input is blurred,
you only need to setup the action name to the event name property.
{{textarea focus-in="alertMessage"}}
See more about [Text Support Actions](/api/classes/Ember.TextArea.html)
### Extension
Internally, `{{textarea}}` creates an instance of `Ember.TextArea`, passing
arguments from the helper to `Ember.TextArea`'s `create` method. You can
extend the capabilities of text areas in your application by reopening this
class. For example, if you are building a Bootstrap project where `data-*`
attributes are used, you can globally add support for a `data-*` attribute
on all `{{textarea}}`s' in your app by reopening `Ember.TextArea` or
`Ember.TextSupport` and adding it to the `attributeBindings` concatenated
attributeBindings: ['data-error']
Keep in mind when writing `Ember.TextArea` subclasses that `Ember.TextArea`
itself extends `Ember.Component`. Expect isolated component semantics, not
legacy 1.x view semantics (like `controller` being present).
See more about [Ember components](/api/classes/Ember.Component.html)
@method textarea
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
@param {Hash} options
export default function textarea(morph, env, scope, originalParams, hash, template, inverse, visitor) {
env.hooks.component(morph, env, scope, '-text-area', originalParams, hash, { default: template, inverse }, visitor);
return true;
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