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Afghanistan Aid Targeting Replication Repo

This repo contains the replication code for the paper "Program targeting with machine learning and mobile phone data: Evidence from an anti-poverty intervention in Afghanistan" by Emily Aiken, Guadalupe Bedoya, Joshua Blumenstock, and Aidan Coville (2022). The repo is structured as follows:


  • data/survey.csv: Synthetic household survey data
  • data/phone_features.csv: Synthetic featurized phone data, containing around a thousand features relating to mobile phone use
  • data/interim_analysis_datasets: Most datasets saved during the analysis will be stored here


  • data/generate_synthetic_data.ipynb: Generates the synthetic survey and phone features datasets; adjust parameters for more or fewer observations, or to inject correlations between variables
  • 0requirements.ipynb: Installs the required packages for the subsequent replication scripts 1-4
  • 1survey.ipynb: Analysis of raw survey data and generation of additional survey-based outcomes (asset index, below poverty line)
  • 2machinelearning.ipynb: Implementation and evaluation of machine learning models to predict survey outcomes from mobile phone features
  • 3targeting.iynb: Targeting simulations to compare accuracy of targeting methods
  • 4costs.ipynb: Calculation of targeting costs for PMT, CBT, and the phone-based approach


  • results/tables: All tables that are present in the paper are saved here in .csv format
  • results/figures: All figures that are present in the paper are saved here in .png format
  • results/simulations: Results from machine learning models (predictions, feature importances, the models themselves) are saved here


  • python = 3.7.7
  • numpy = 1.18.5
  • pandas = 1.0.5
  • matplotlib = 3.3.2
  • seaborn = 0.10.1
  • scikit-learn = 0.23.1
  • scikit-misc = 0.1.3
  • lightgbm = 2.3.0
  • joblib = 0.15.1


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