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v6.0 timestore

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@TrystanLea TrystanLea released this 02 Dec 22:40
· 4588 commits to master since this release

v6 (timestore+)

Emoncms version 6 brings in the capability of a new feed storage engine called timestore. Timestore is time-series database designed specifically for time-series data developed by Mike Stirling.

Timestore's advantages:

Faster Query speeds With timestore feed data query requests are about 10x faster (2700ms using mysql vs 210ms using timestore). Note: initial benchmarks show timestore request time to be around 45ms need to investigate the slightly slower performance may be on the emoncms end rather than timestore.

Reduced Disk use Disk use is also much smaller, A test feed stored in an indexed mysql table used 170mb, stored using timestore which does not need an index and is based on a fixed time interval the same feed used 42mb of disk space.

In-built averaging Timestore also has an additional benefit of using averaged layers which ensures that requested data is representative of the window of time each datapoint covers.