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Arise-SDK 0.1.6: Tales of Arise NPC distance fix

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@emoose emoose released this 12 Sep 12:32
· 80 commits to master since this release

Steam thread:

0.1.6 added a configurable Arise-SDK.ini file, and two new patches: StopMaxCSMResolutionOverwrite & StopScreenPercentageOverwrite, enabling these allows you to set their respective cvar inside your Engine.ini without the game overwriting it in memory (the two cvars being r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution & r.ScreenPercentage)

0.1.5 improved the method used for skipping intro logos so that voice-language hopefully shouldn't be affected, and slightly improves the distance-changing code so that it doesn't have to be ran every frame.

0.1.4 now skips the intro logos/autosave dialog, and improved the SpawnDistance modifier hook so the game will use our updated values when doing initial NPC spawns (thanks to Krizalid for reporting an issue with it!)

0.1.3 adds automatic dev-console unlocker, and support for loading in loose unpacked files, without requiring them to be pak'd (should be most useful for modders testing out their changes!)

Extract xinput1_3.dll & Arise-SDK.ini next to your "\Arise\Binaries\Win64\Tales of Arise.exe" file.

Load the game, and now hopefully NPCs should stay visible for a lot further!

This should unlock the dev-console automatically for you, but if it doesn't appear when pressing ~/`/Tilde, you'll need to close down the game & open up your %LOCALAPPDATA%\BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment\Tales of Arise\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini file, and add in the following:


Now save the file, run the game, and hopefully hitting F2 should bring up the console (press once for mini-console, twice to bring up the full thing)