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Gameplay Information

Commands and Syntax

Syntax of the /buy Command

All subcommands explained below require the permission node.

command syntax description permission node
help Show help for buy
hand [Integer amount (1)] Buy items of the type you're currently holding
<Material material> [Integer amount (1)] Buy items of the type you specified
multipliers See active multipliers itemshop.multipliers

Syntax of the /cost Command

All subcommands explained below require the permission node.

command syntax description permission node
help Show help for cost
[Material material (*)] [Integer amount (1)] See the buy cost of a material
set <Material material> <double cost> or /setcost ... Set the bare buy cost of a material

*: If omitted and the command issuer is a player, material will be the type of the item the player is currently holding.

Syntax of the /sell Command

All subcommands explained below require the itemshop.sell permission node.

command syntax description permission node
`` or help Show help for sell
all|inventory Sell all sellable items in your inventory itemshop.sell.inventory
hand [Integer maxAmount (2147483647)] Sell items of the type you're currently holding itemshop.sell.hand
material <Material material> [Integer maxAmount (2147483647)] Sell items of the type you specified itemshop.sell.material
multipliers See active multipliers itemshop.multipliers
<query> Search results for query

Syntax of the /worth Command

All subcommands explained below require the itemshop.sell.worth permission node.

command syntax description permission node
help Show help for worth
[Material material (*)] [Integer amount (1)] See the sell worth of a material itemshop.sell.worth
set <Material material> <double worth> or /setworth ... Set the bare sell worth of a material itemshop.sell.worth.set

*: If omitted and the command issuer is a player, material will be the type of the item the player is currently holding.

Synax of the /itemshop Command

All subcommands explained below require the itemshop.reload permission node.

command syntax description permission node
Reloads the config file itemshop.reload

Default Configuration Files

Default item-values.yml

# Item values for Itemshop - item-values.yml

# Example: Players can sell stone for 0.8 each and buy it for 1.0 each.
  sell: 0.8
  buy: 1.0

# Example: Players can sell diorite for 3 but they cannot buy it.
  sell: 3.0

# Example: Players can buy andesite for 7 each but they cannot sell it.
  buy: 7.0

# Items not here cannot be sold or bought by default.

Default multipliers.yml

# Multipliers for Itemshop - multipliers.yml

# Example: Players with the permission "" will buy everything for free.
# (Item's buy cost is multiplied with "0.0".)
free: # This is the name used in permissions
  name: Communism # This is the name used in human readable texts
  buy: 0.0
  sell: 0.0

# Another example: Player with the permission "" will sell items for 10% less and buy items for 10% more.
# (Item's buy cost is multiplied with "1.1" and sell value is multiplied with "0.9".)
  name: Tax
  sell: 0.9
  buy: 1.1

# Players without any of these permissions will sell and buy items with the default multiplier of "1.0".
# If you don't add a sell or buy for a modifier it will be assumed to be 1.

Important Note: Using the sell worth set ..., buy cost set ... commands or one of their aliases will remove the comments in the configuration files.

Building From Source


  • Gradle
  • JDK 1.8 or later

Issue the command gradle build

The built plugin will be placed in ./build/libs/itemshop-<version>-all.jar