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Predictable yet Expressive State Management for TypeScript Applications

⚠️ logical is in BETA, use at your own risk.


First, define what your application state looks like.

type State = {
    count: number;

const initialState: State = {
    count: 0,

Then, list all the events that can happen in your app, and how they change the state.
(If you're coming from redux, these are your actions and your reducer in one.)

const logic = createLogic<State>()({
    increase: (amount: number) => state => void (state.count += amount),
    decrease: (amount: number) => state => void (state.count -= amount),
    reset: () => state => void (state.count = 0),
    multiplyThenAdd: (mult: number, add: number) => state => void (state.count = state.count * mult + add),
What's the deal with the `void` prefix? It ensures that the assignment following it does not return a value. You could also wrap the assignment in curly braces if you prefer:
const logic = createLogic<State>()({
    increase: (amount: number) => state => {
        state.count += amount;
    // ...
Why the double parentheses? That's the only way I could get TypeScript to properly infer but not constrain the type you're passing to `createLogic()` here (ie. 'partial type argument inference'). See for example.

Finally, create your store and start dispatching events.

const store = new Store<State>(initialState);
const dispatcher = store.getDispatcher()(logic);

console.log(store.get().count); // 10

console.log(store.get().count); // 7

dispatcher.multiplyThenAdd(3, 5);
console.log(store.get().count); // 26

console.log(store.get().count); // 0

Of course, you can also subscribe to the store's changes:

store.subscribe(newValue => console.log(`The latest store value is ${newValue}`));

This also means you can use it as a Svelte store:

<script lang="ts">
    import { store } from './app.ts';

<div>The current count is: {$store.count}</div>

What about side effects? ⚡️

Right. Remember how you weren't supposed to return anything in your logic's event handlers? That's because with logical, that is reserved for side effects!

First, define your state as usual:

type State = {
    value: number;
    status: 'initial' | 'pending' | 'finished' | `failed: ${string}`;

const initialState: State = {
    value: 0,
    status: 'initial',

Then describe your side effects, along with their success and failure event handlers:

const sideEffects = createSideEffects<State>()({
    // Each side effect consists of...
    fetchRandomNumber: [
        // a function returning a promise,
        () =>
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(results => results[0]),

        // a success event handler,
        randomNumber => state => {
            state.value = randomNumber;
            state.status = 'finished';

        // and a failure event handler.
        exception => state => void (state.status = `failed: ${exception.message}`),

You can trigger the side effect by returning it from an event handler:

const logic = createLogic<State>()({
    onButtonClicked: () => state => {
        state.status = 'pending';
        return sideEffects.fetchRandomNumber();

Make sure to pass your side effects to getDispatcher():

const dispatcher = store.getDispatcher()(logic, sideEffects);
button.addEventListener('click', () => dispatcher.onButtonClicked());

You can even await the dispatching of events that run side effects:

const store = new Store(initialState);
console.log(store.get().value); // 0

const dispatcher = store.getDispatcher()(logic, sideEffects);

await dispatcher.onButtonClicked();
console.log(store.get().value); // 42 if I am really lucky

Or return multiple side effects in an array:

const logic = createLogic<State>()({
    init: () => () => [sideEffects.attachEventListeners(), sideEffects.setupAutosave()],
    // ...


I am test-driving logical in my pet project 10queue. Check out the code to get a feel for the usage.


Logical state management for TypeScript applications





