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Go Against Humanity

A Cards Against Humanity web game written in Go. The game is intended to be played with multiple players, divided into "players" and "jurors". The card that gets most votes wins.

Written in 3 days during the End Summer Camp. Meant to be played for a good laugh together.

Cards Against Humanity


export GOPATH=~/gopath # If you have an existing gopath, use that instead
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone --recursive

make compile      # Compile the cards

npm install                    # Install Node.js deps
node node_modules/.bin/webpack # Compile Web resources

go get -v        # Fetch deps

Configure the application

Create a file config.toml and add the following:

Decks = ['ita-original-sfoltita', 'ita-espansione', 'ita-HACK']

where Decks is an array containing the decks you want to use (here is the list)


go run server.go # Start the web server

Tell the players / jurors to go to http://:1323/ and enjoy the game!

Based on Echo