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Getting Learning

Jason Kiesling edited this page Jun 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

So say you're new...

Web development is a massive topic with more content than even the most productive person in the world could ever master. You need to know about domains, networks, frontends, and backends, just to name a few massive subjects unto themselves. If it feels dauntless, don't worry it happens and we are in this together. You can get help from the team, we can help you fix your bugs.

Learning Web goes kinda like this:

  1. HTML - Markup, not a programming language, it describes data
  2. CSS - CASCADING Style Sheets, cascading is the big idea and it is used to style webpages
  3. JS - This is a programming language. Kinda weird sometimes. What do you think 1+'1' would equal?
  4. Databases - you know what they are
  5. Networks - domains, certificates, security etc.
  6. JS flavor of the year... You can go that route or you can go with...

Crash Course

You asked and you shall receive...

  1. Take a look at w3schools HTML for 10 - 20 mins, tops! Don't try and learn HTML, learn how to use this website as a cheat sheet. Trust me you will pick up the basic stuff you look up over and over, the rest can be on a need to look up basis.
  2. Repeat for CSS. Spend less time on this than HTML, really! You won't learn enough reading it, you need to need to look up the important stuff a few times and it will stick.
  3. Watch this for a crash course on ES6 - Watch this first, it will help you appreciate ES6 before the next JS tutorial.
  4. *Codecademy JavaScript -opt
  5. *Codecademy React 1
  6. *Codecademy Express - backend stuff
  7. Start reading the source for MYR. It's well commented, writing tests is helpful too!
  8. Overall, the best way to start learning is to start coding. Don't be afraid to get started. Try something and see what it does. Break the code and see how to fix it.

*Codecademy can be substituted with practice and perseverance, just a good way to get up to speed.

Help! I'm stuck.

We've all been there. You're not the first to not understand something, or have a bug you can't figure out, or just not know how to get started. Please reach out and ask for help. We can pair program, chat about coding, do code reviews, whatever you need, the team is here for you!

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