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Ant scripts for building Vagrant environments


The following applications are required:


There are a few ways in which you should use these build scripts.

Including vagrant.xml and ruby.xml

To use the Vagrant build scripts, add an <include> to the top of the build file that requires Vagrant.

	<include file="vagrant.xml" as="vagrant" />
	<include file="ruby.xml" as="ruby" />


Change the following properties in your file. You can use ${vagrant.basedir}, or your own configuration from build scripts.:

  • vagrant.vagrantfile -- The (full or relative) path to your Vagrantfile.
  • berks.berksfile -- The (full of relative) path to your Berksfile

Change the following properties in your file. You can use ${ruby.basedir}, or your own configuration from build scripts.:

  • ruby.vagrantfile -- The (full or relative) path to your Vagrantfile.

Target dependence

In order to make sure Vagrant, and some useful plugins (vagrant-omnibus, vagrant-berkshelf, and vagrant-vbguest), along with Berkshelf.

<target name="SomethingThatNeedsVagrant" depends="vagrant.install">



To install Vagrant's plugins, and Berkshelf, you can target vagrant.install directly with ant vagrant.install.

Vagrant control

Using Apache Ant to control your Vagrant environment, and to make sure your recipies are up to date at the same time is easy.

Bringing up Vagrant Environment

Use ant vagrant.up to bring up your Vagrant environment

Shutdown Vagrant Environment

ant vagrant.down to shutdown your Vagrant down.

Destroying a Vagrant Environment

ant vagrant.destroy will completely destroy your Vagrant environment

Note for OS X

ant vagrant.install will fail miserably in most cases on the vagrant-berkshelf plugin install because of some strange permission issues with the gem requirements.

To overcome these issues, run ant vagrant.install and wait for it to fail, then issue sudo vagrant plugin install build/vagrant-berkshelf/pkg/vagrant-berkshelf-1.4.0.dev1.gem".

Normally, Apache Ant would be responsible for issuing all the commands, but because we adon't have a tty (as in, Ant doesn't give us one), we need to do it manually.

This relates to the issues located at hashicorp/vagrant#2402 and berkshelf/vagrant-berkshelf#89.

Once this issue is resolved, this can be included in the ant-vagrant/vagrant.xml.


Ant build scripts for Vagrant environments






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