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Started work on how Ember manages future work.
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eoinkelly committed Sep 10, 2014
1 parent b02eedb commit c87399f
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Showing 11 changed files with 48,693 additions and 35 deletions.
Binary file modified API-map.ods
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129 changes: 96 additions & 33 deletions
Expand Up @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ How to use the runloop API
this is well covered in the guide, refer mostly to it

| Function Name | Runloop (current/next/new) | Queue (`actions`/chosen by param) | Create new runloop? (always/if required/never) | Notices `Ember.testing`? (yes/no) |
| Function Name | Runloop (current/future/new) | Queue (`actions`/chosen by param) | Create new runloop? (always/if required/never) | Notices `Ember.testing`? (yes/no) |
| ----------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| `` | new | `actions` | Always | No |
| `` | new | `actions` | Always | No |
Expand All @@ -550,12 +550,21 @@ How to use the runloop API

| `` | NA | NA | NA | NA |


* future = some runloop in the future
* The default queue in Ember is `actions`
* NA = not applicable

TODO: add some category columns to above to e.g.
runs in current turn of JS event loop
Uses timers array
puts its callback arg onto timers array
Will share with runloop started implicitly by response to event
API overview:
3 timer management functions
5 functions that let you run a callback in the future
2 low-level manual runloop control functions
Expand All @@ -567,7 +576,25 @@ create a new runloop if there isn't
Q: will a timer function share an already open ember runloop or always create its own
* When is my call to* is discovered by Ember????
* do the timer functions always use ????
anything that uses will always create its own loop

This section is a bit confused: what am I trying to achieve here?
QUESTION: do I want to explain each API function?
- docs already do it
CONCLUSION: In this seciton I want to
point out different groupings of API function
discuss each grouping
TODO: it would be cool to show how they use each other internally as some sort of
graph - try this on paper as a first draft
TODO: move these to my raw notes unless i can figure out a plan for them
* calls Ember.backburner.debounce
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,48 +622,84 @@ Q: will a timer function share an already open ember runloop or always create it
* Reference to the current runloop

The default queue in Ember is `actions`

_NA = not applicable_
### Ember and future work

There are X functions in the Runloop API let us schedule "future work":

1. ``
2. ``
3. ``
4. ``
5. ``

Each of these X API functions is a way of expressing _when_ you would like work
(a callback function) to happen. The garuantee provided by the Runloop is that
it will also manage the other work that results from running that function. It
does not garuantee anything else!

The key points:

* Ember keeps an internal queue of "future work" in the form of an array of
timestamp and function pairs e.g.
[1410373997044, function fn() {..}, 1410373997048, function fn() {..}, 1410373997052, function fn() {..}]
// or in pseudo code:
[(timestamp, fn), (timestamp, fn) ... ]
* It uses this queue to manage _work you have asked it to do but not on the current runloop_
* Each of the API functions above is a different way of adding a (timestamp,
callback) pair to this array.
* Ember does now know **exactly** when it will get a chance to execute this future
work (Javascript might be busy doing something else)
* Each time it checks for future it executes all the functions whose timestamps are in the past
* So the X API functions are creative in their creation of timestamps to achieve what they want.
* When Ember does find some pairs on the _future work queue_ that should be
executed it creates a new runloop for those functions (using ``) and
schedules each function onto the `actions` queue.


* When you give a function to one of the _Future work_ API functions you cannot
know which Runloop it will run in.
* It may share a runloop iwth other _future work_ functions
* It will only every share with other functions from the _future work queue_
- it will not share a runloop with other Ember code or anything you
explicitly pass to `` yourself
* You can only put _future work_ on the `actions` queue so if you need to run
something on a future `afterRender` queue you need to schedule it from within
the function you gave the _future work_ API (TODO: terrbile sentence)
* _future work_ APIs let you specify _some_ future runloop but not exactly which

The runloop API lets me schedule some funcs with timers
"run any other functions whose timers expire at a similar time in that same runloop"
The callback given to any of these goes into embers "timers pool" and are
eventually run by executeTimers()
TODO: I *think* that the timers loop just runs functions whose timestamps have
expired - this is how ember implements that "timers which expire at similar
times" stuff.
executeTimers() calls and within the callback it calls
Ember.schedule() using the default queue so it
so the timer functions are saying
"run this code on the actions queue of a new runloop that I want you to create X
ms from now. Also run any other functions whose timers expire at the same time
in that same runloop"
=> timer funcs let you say that you want it run within a runloop but not which
runloop! <-- does this need a column in the table: "unknown future runloop"
QUESTION: how does ember check for work on the timers array?
_laterTimer is a variable that holds a timerout value that is used to schedule
the running of executeTimers() executeTimers() is what actually runs the callbacks)
=> functions executed by timers are wrapped in run() and execute on the default
queue. You cannot tell when you schedule them exactly which runloop Ember will
use as it will try to run timers that expire together within the same runloop
timers is an array of pairs:
timers = [<timestamp>, <callback>, <timestamp>, <callback> ... ]
* this func is repsonsible for deciding what timers have expired and should be
added to the new runloop
_laterTimer is a variable that holds a timerout value that is used to schedule
the running of executeTimers() executeTimers() is what actually runs the callbacks)
debounce, throttle use window.setTimeout and call
so they do not use the "timer queues" mechanism at all
=> they are a separate strand of "future work"
need to separate these somehow
=> perhaps ember has _queued future work_ and _future work_
self.schedule(self.options.defaultQueue, null, fns[i]);

# Appendices
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions experiments/timers/application.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
name: 'Stop listening for overly noisy mouse events',

initialize: function(container, application) {
var events = container.lookup('event_dispatcher:main').events;
delete events.mousemove;
delete events.mouseenter;
delete events.mouseleave;

$(document).ready(function () {
$('body').on('click', '.foo', function (evt) {
console.log('hi from raw event');

// Start of demo Ember app
// ***********************

window.Todos = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function () {
Ember.debug('putting stuff on next runloop'); () {
}); () {
console.log('hi again');
// () {
// Ember.debug('In my own runloop');
// $('body').css('background-color', 'pink');
// () {
// Ember.debug('In a nested runloop');
// $('body').css('background-color', 'red');
// });
// });
// () {
// Ember.debug('In another of my own runloops');
// $('body').css('background-color', 'yellow');
// });
}); {
this.resource('todos', { path: '/' });

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions experiments/timers/bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"name": "noisy-runloop",
"version": "0.0.0",
"homepage": "",
"authors": [
"Eoin Kelly <>"
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"ember": "~1.7.0"

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