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Docker image of Wilma

Tamás Kőhegyi edited this page Sep 14, 2022 · 19 revisions

Docker Hub Repositories

Two repository exist at Docker Hub:

  • epam/wilma - This image contains basic setup, and runs Wilma with its default settings.

  • epam/wilma-with-message-search - This image contains basic setup of both Wilma and Wilma Message Search applications, and runs both of them with their default settings.

The docker images are based on Debian, using OpenJdk 17, default ports, and nothing extra.

Note: To start both applications, the recommended host memory size is >=4G.

How to get it from Docker Hub?

Use the following command to get Wilma only:

docker pull epam/wilma

Use the following command to get Wilma together with Wilma Message Search application:

docker pull epam/wilma-with-message-search

How to run Wilma?

After you pulled it from Docker Hub, run the image:

docker run -t epam/wilma

After displaying the network details of the running image, Wilma will be started. The default UI port is 1234 (so the UI is available: http://ip-of-the-running-docker-image:1234/index), the default proxy port is 9092.

How to run both Wilma and Wilma Message Search?

After you pulled it from Docker Hub, run the image:

docker run -t epam/wilma-with-message-search

After displaying the network details of the running image, first Wilma Message Search will be started, and after 10 seconds, Wilma will be started too. The default UI port of Wilma is 1234 (so the UI is available: http://ip-of-the-running-docker-image:1234/index), the default proxy port is 9092. The default UI port of Wilma Message Search is 9093 (so the UI is available: http://ip-of-the-running-docker-image:9093/).

Accessing data within container

Wilma is installed in /data/wilma/, Wilma Message Search is installed in /data/wilma-ms/ folder. Based in this, you may access any file you are interested in. For example, to have access to Wilma application log that is located at /data/wilma/log/app folder, just add -v /data/wilma/log/app to the docker command, and you will see the file at /var/lib/docker/volumes/<latest-volume>/_data folder of the host.

Note: Using -v folder-on-your-host:/data/wilma/log/app is even better to get access to the log - that will be available within the folder-on-your-host.

Note2: Using an alternative approach wget <wilma-container-ip>:1234/config/public/logs/wilmalog.txt?source=true you may get the log file too.

Using folders from the host

Sometimes it is necessary to provide access from the host to the container, for example when you would like to use (and keep) your own configuration files, or preserve the messages.

You may do this by using the following docker parameter: -v /path/on/your/host/folder:/data/w that means the container will see your host folder at /data/w path.

Available configuration possibilities of Wilma

The following Wilma external environment (ENV) variables can be specified by using -e parameters with docker:

Name                     | Default value                | Example Use
WILMA_CONFIGURATION      |        | -e WILMA_CONFIGURATION=/data/configuration/ -v /path/to/your/configuration/file/on/host:/data/configuration
WILMA_MX_SIZE            | <not set>                    | -e WILMA_MX_SIZE=-Xmx8G
WILMA_KEYSTORE           | <not set>                    | -e -v /path/to/your/keystore/file/on/host:/data/certificate
WILMA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD  | <not set>                    | -e
WILMA_JMX_PORT           | <not set>                    | -e WILMA_JMX_PORT=9011 --publish 9011 -p 9011:9011

Available configuration possibilities of Wilma Message Search

The following Wilma Message Search external environment (ENV) variables can be specified by using -e parameters with docker:

Name                     | Default value                  | Example Use
WILMA_MS_CONFIGURATION   | | -e WILMA_MS_CONFIGURATION=/data/configuration/ -v /path/to/your/configuration/file:/data/configuration
WILMA_MS_MX_SIZE         | <not set>                      | -e WILMA_MS_MX_SIZE=-Xmx8G
WILMA_MS_JMX_PORT        | <not set>                      | -e WILMA_MS_JMX_PORT=9010 -p 9010

Reaching Wilma instance from Host

When you start the container, Wilma instance is available by using the container's own IP by default. In case you would like to reach Wilma by using the IP of the Host, you need to add further parameters to the run command:

docker run --publish 1234 --publish 9092 -p 1234:1234 -p 9092:9092 -t epam/wilma 

So with --publish and with -p parameters it is possible to make these main ports available from the host. By using this approach, from anywhere on the network that can reach the Host can use the Wilma instance within the docker container too. Additional ports can be published too by using the same approach (like JMX port).

Example usage

Let say you have this folder in your Host where you would like to put the and the templates and so on: ~/test-data/wilma-conf, and Wilma should see this folder as /data/configuration within the container. Do the followings:

  1. put your file into ~/test-data/wilma-conf
  2. put your stubConfig.json into ~/test-data/wilma-conf
  3. create the following folders within ~/test-data/wilma-conf:
  1. put your template files into ~/test-data/wilma-conf/config/templates
  2. edit your and set the followings:
  1. check that Wilma is not running -> use docker ps command, and if there is any running Wilma container, kill it with docker kill <ContainerId> command
  2. start Wilma container: docker run --publish 1234 --publish 9092 -p 1234:1234 -p 9092:9092 -e WILMA_CONFIGURATION=/data/configuration/ -v ~/test-data/wilma-conf:/data/configuration -t epam/wilma

With this setting, you will reach Wilma UI from on both inside the Host by using http://<Container-IP>:1234/index and from outside of the Host by using http://<Host-IP>:1234/index URLs.

The same way, the proxy port of Wilma will be available by using <Container-IP>:9092 within the Host, and/or by using <Host-IP>:9092 from outside of the Host.

The messages will be available in your ~/test-data/wilma-conf/messages folder.

Creating you own Docker image

The Dockerfile and the start scripts can be found at config/docker folder in source repository. So for example, you can recreate the Wilma image by using the following commands:

cd config/docker
docker build -t <your-own-repo-name> -f Dockerfile-Wilma .

Also, you may create you own setup based on the offered images.

Further information for the Maintainers

Here some further information is stored for those who maintain the docker images of Wilma.

Note: Before building the docker image, always ensure that "" and "" has proper Unix format. In case you edit those files in Windows, the file format might be bad, so ensure their Unix format. Example on how to ensure it on Windows: With Notepad++, correct the specific file using the option - Edit -> EOL conversion -> Unix/OSX format.

# build docker images
docker build -t epam/wilma -f Dockerfile-Wilma .
docker build -t epam/wilma-with-message-search -f Dockerfile-Wilma_and_Wilma_Message_Search .

#list available docker images
docker images

#remove a specific image
docker rmi -f <$imageID>

# tag images with specific version
docker tag <$imageID> epam/wilma:<version>

# see what is running
docker ps

# kill a running container
docker kill <$imageID>
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