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Localhost Blocking

Tamás Kőhegyi edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

What Localhost Blocking does?

In certain cases, when a remotely deployed Wilma application is in use, and the original target of the request message is localhost - as Wilma hosted on another machine from where the request is coming - Wilma is unable to determine the real target host. In this case forwarding to localhost would not have meaning, and it is unknown where the request should be forwarded exactly. To avoid such a bad environment setup, it is possible to ask Wilma not to handle requests coming from localhost.

In case the localhost blocking functionality is enabled, it stops proxied requests directed to or localhost. If it is disabled, no such restriction applied.

Configuring at startup

In the config file of Wilma find the block.localhost.usage key and write either off (disabled - don't block) or on (enabled - block localhost) as the key.

This key is an optional one. If it does not exist, Wilma will act as if this feature would be disabled (i.e. don't block localhost usage).

Set it via UI

On the main Wilma page it can be toggled by the following button. set localhost via UI

Set via URLs

Call http://wilmahost:wilmaport/config/admin/localhost/on for enabling localhost blocking

Call http://wilmahost:wilmaport/config/admin/localhost/off for disabling localhost blocking

Call http://wilmahost:wilmaport/config/public/localhost/status for checking the status of localhost blocking. A JSON answer will be given ( {"localhostMode":false} if disabled, {"localhostMode":true} otherwise).

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