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EC2 running Auto Scaling Groups with Application Load Balancer


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AWS EC2 HA Cluster

High-availability EC2 cluster provisioned with Terraform.

1 - Create the base instance & infrastructure

Start by creating a temporary key pair:

ssh-keygen -f ./tmp_rsa

Create the base infrastructure:

terraform -chdir="ami" init
terraform -chdir="ami" apply -auto-approve

The Apache instance should be available on port 80.

2 - Create the AMI

This instance is not encrypted, so create an encrypted snapshot:

# List the volumes
aws ec2 describe-volumes

# Create a snapshot
aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id 'vol-0123456789abcdef' --description 'Unencrypted' --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=snapshot,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=Unencrypted}]'

# Make an encrypted copy of a snapshot
aws ec2 copy-snapshot \
  --source-region 'sa-east-1' \
  --source-snapshot-id 'snap-0123456789abcdef' \
  --description 'Encrypted' \
  --encrypted \
  --kms-key-id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Now. create the image from the snapshot:

aws ec2 register-image \
	--name "ec2ha-encrypted" \
	--region='us-east-2' \
	--description "AMI_from_snapshot_EBS" \
	--architecture arm64 \
	--virtualization-type hvm \
	--block-device-mappings 'DeviceName=/dev/sda1,Ebs={SnapshotId=snap-00000000000000000}' \
	--root-device-name "/dev/sda1"

The image should now be available to be used for new launches.

Optionally, creating an image directly from a running instance is possible:

aws ec2 create-image \
  --instance-id i-1234567890abcdef0 \
  --name "My server" \
  --description "An AMI for my server"

Copy the AMI ID to use when creating the cluster.

3 - EC2 launch without KMS permissions

To simulate the permission issue, login with the ec2launcher IAM user and launch an instance.

This user doesn't have KMS permissions, and the launch should fail due to that. Immediately after launching, the instance will go to Shutting-down state and terminate.

💡 For the auto scaler, special permissions are required and implemented into the Terraform recipe.

4 - Create the HA cluster

Create the cluster/.auto.tfvars file that points to the AMI:

ami_id      = "ami-0123456789abcdef"
kms_key_arn = "00000000"

Create the EC2 cluster:

terraform -chdir="cluster" init
terraform -chdir="cluster" apply -auto-approve

💡 As explained earlier, KMS permissions are granted to the AWS account Autoscaling role to access the KMS-encrypted AMI.

You should now be able to access the Apache server using the balancer URL:



Destroy the resources:

terraform -chdir="cluster" destroy -auto-approve
terraform -chdir="ami" destroy -auto-approve

Delete the volumes and images created.


EC2 running Auto Scaling Groups with Application Load Balancer








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