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Data Mining library with special focus on Clustering of non-vector instances.


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Unmanteined/Very old, Data Mining algorithm with special focus on Clustering of non-vector instances. It's the outcome of a University's homework and is not not suited for production.


There are some modelling domains where, in order to perform a clustering, represent an instance as a classical vector couldn't be the best appraoch. By using alternatives instances' representations is also possible to use custom metrics (even not metrics) distance functions. All algorithms implemented do not rely on any vector values. For instance, domains where there is:

  • High dimensionality of data;
  • Heterogeneity or Complex Data Types.

Where the vector representations have an high number of dimensions to compute distances between objects (or similarity) is inefficent, since it takes too time much time to scan the entire vector of attributes of each instance.

There are some domains where can be interesting to abstract the classical notion of distance, since the objects to be clustered are not vectors at all, for instance:

  • Nodes of a Graph: Where the distances between nodes is represented as their shortest path or the number of shared neighbors.
  • Car driving behaviours, represented as time-labelled GPS sequences: Where their distance measure can be implemented as a customized Euclidean Distance (but not necessary a metric).
  • Documents, and their bag-of-words representation: For instance, some authors suggest to restrict the analyzed words, used to compute the BOW representation, to a subset of the N most frequent words of the issued language.


  • Weka: In Weka the distance functions used are all based on vector alike instances, for example Euclidean Distance or Manhattan Distance.
  • Elki: Interesting library, maybe too much complicated for the purposes of this didactical project.


This project was started as an assignment on a University's class, its overall objective was to perform news clustering. The course was Information Retrieval, taught by Prof. Paolo Ferragina from University of Pisa. After my Master's, it was extended to fit some client's need, during a freelance job obtained on UpWork.


  • Jaccard Similarity;
  • Mutual Information Similarity;
  • K-Medoids algorithm.


In order to extend the JavaML library, I implemented some customized classes:

  • MiDistanceMatrix: Main class.

  • Customized distance function, that wraps a matrix (not the movie) which contains the distances between pairs of Instances.

  • Customized Instance object, that contains an integer which is the index used to retrieve distances between the issued Instance and any other Instance on the distance matrix.

  • Customized Dataset class, that allows to create a dataset of objects;

  • Extends the net.sf.javaml.clustering.KMedoids class. I simply overridden a method: recalculateMedoids, which is the phase where, for each cluster, the medoid is recomputed. Since its superclass computed a mean value between all the instances of each cluster and then the instance closest to the mean is chosen, and I was adapting the algorithm to non-vector based instances and the only allowed operation was to compute distances between them, I solved by overriding the method and implementing an algorithm that finds for each cluster the Instance which minimizes the sum of the distance toward all the other cluster's Instances. By doing so, like the KMedoids classical algorithm, every cluster ends up with a representative element, from now on the "Medoid", which is chosen by minimizing the sum of the distances between every cluster's instance and the candidate Medoid.

  • Jaccard Similarity: Defined over pairs of instances, which have to extend both the Set interface and the Instance interface.

Example of Usage:

Dimentionality Reduction via Mutual Information

Simple script which reads from an arff file with N attributes:

  1. Computes a distance matrix, composed by N x N entries, each entry is composed by the Mutual Information Distance between a pair of attributes of the datase, obtained by their Mutual Information Similarity;
  2. Clusters the attributes in k groups using k-medoids algorithm;
  3. For each attributes cluster discovers the medoid attribute and its name is printed.

In order to compute the mutual information values and execute the clustering of the attributes, I used some open source libraries:

  • Weka: Used for opening the arff files;

  • JavaMI: Used for computing the Mutual Information between every pair of attributes in the dataset;

  • JavaML: Used for implement a clustering algorithm based on a distance matrix, I imported the source code and I slightly changed it in order make it easily extendable with my custom implementations of the clustering classes.



I used 14.04 and Java 7 (version "1.7.0_111" - OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.7)). It works for me.

./gradlew build

Type whose command from the project directory:

./gradlew clean
./gradlew fatJar

java -jar ./build/libs/gap-all*.jar -f /path/to/file.arff -i 10 -k 5

Where -i is the option for the maximum number of iterations of the k-medoids algorithm and k is the number of cluster searched.





Open the command prompt and type the following commands:

# Change directory to the project's one
cd \directory\where\is\located\the\project\gap

# compile the code and build the jar (executable) file
.\gradlew fatJar

# execute che the program contained in the jar file, change the arff file location and the numbler of desired clusters (the number after the -k )
java -jar .\build\libs\gap-all-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -f .\path\to\file.arff -i 10 -k 5


  • Distance Matrix graphical plotting, containing the already clustered instances;
  • Use a knn data structure used to efficiently retrieve closer instances.


Data Mining library with special focus on Clustering of non-vector instances.







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